Switching flavors in a 510 atty? Did I break it?

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Full Member
Jan 20, 2010
I just got my order from tasty vapes a few days ago (blueberry cheesecake is incredible btw) and I wanted to swap out one of my g/f's atties from one that we don't enjoy to the new one that she loves.

I figured the best method would be to simply rinse / soak it in warm water for 10 minutes or so, let it dry, then reprime it with the new juice.

I may not have let it sit long enough but I used a hair drier till it seemed dry and reprimed it with new juice.

Now it doesn't vape as well as my other atty with the blueberry. I figured it might not be dry so I let it sit for a couple days then tried again. It produces decent vapor but gurgles some and doesn't produce nearly as well as my other atty with the same juice in it.

Did I do something wrong? Will it just get better over time as it reprimes and continues to dry out or did I fry it?


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
[Irrelevancy before answer: I wracked my brain trying to figure out the “g/f” acronym – a new vaping term or supplier? ... a new mod? ... profanity? – before I saw the "she loves" and realized that “g/f” meant "girlfriend." Generation gap is loads of fun.:rolleyes:]

I don't think you fried it. We just need to accept that atomizers deliver diminishing returns over time. The Kr8 cartomizers are called 'disposable', but so are any other attys. The atomizer is the most delicate and vulnerable component of an electronic cigarette and its performance drops off rather quickly.

It accumulates gunk (that is the technical term). Any cleaning attempt is only partially successful in removing it. Personally (although I know others may disagree), I don't recommend doing anything more than blowing out the atty (with your breath, not a hairdryer) occasionally.

Step back and do a cost-benefits analysis. The process you described took about a half hour of your life. Even if the cold-hard-cash value of your time is only 75¢/hour more than Florida's minimum wage – I value my own time at a lot more than that (even if others aren't willing to pay me at that level;)) – that half hour represents $4. Instead of doing that semi-effective cleaning weekly, you could buy a new 510 atomizer every other week.

Or look at it this way: It's been quite some time since I bought a pack of cigarettes. I think they sell for around $5 per pack in Florida, but let's say you could find two packs for 8 bucks. Isn't a fresh atty worth two packs of cigarettes?

Now, if you insist on cleaning atomizers, MoobyGhost shows you here how he does it:
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