Tasty Vape Wishes from The Netherlands

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Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
The Netherlands
Hi everyone!

I have been reading this forum for over a year. Joined in december. I've been mainly reading and lurking around here. No post until now. It's about time right? I've been on and off vaping this last year. I'm vaping with 4 twists, vivi nova's, vision's, T3's and recently the pro tank. I would like to get a Vamo in the near future.

I like the protank better than the vivi's. The stock vivi's I haven't been to keen on, but once I recoiled them with cotton, they came to life. Now I have the protank, I find myself using it constantly and leaving the vivi be. Flavor is just as good as with the home made coils on the vivi. I haven't rebuild the protank yet, but I hope it will even be better then. I also like the amount of vapor on the protank. Awesome! Also, I like to vape coolmint and I can do that with the protank. The vivi's will be destroyed by that liquid. Of course I have some metal tubings for the vivi, but I prefer the protank. T3's were ok, but protank is better. The visions kept leaking on me.

I mix my flavors with VPG base from Inawera. 50% PG / 50% VG.

If I smoke analogs, I smoke about 40 cigs a day. Though when I vape, I mix 2% nicotine in my DIY mixes. Otherwise it tastes to "sharp" or "harsh" for me. However, I vape 8ML + a day. :facepalm:

I find I do not like tabacco flavors. I settled on Cocopilada, Coolmint, Strawberry/chocolate mix and cappuccino from Inawera at the moment. I really have a sweet tooth.

That is why I am still looking for a good supplier in europe of good bakery flavorings which I good use. I have read a lot about mt. Bakers and Vapor4Life. They sound so yummy! Inawera has good tabacco and fruit flavors, but no bakery flavors. If anybody have suggestions, I hope you will let me know! :laugh:


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Mar 22, 2012
Tampere, Finland
I find I do not like tabacco flavors. I settled on Cocopilada, Coolmint, Strawberry/chocolate mix and cappuccino from Inawera at the moment. I really have a sweet tooth.

That is why I am still looking for a good supplier in europe of good bakery flavorings which I good use. I have read a lot about mt. Bakers and Vapor4Life. They sound so yummy! Inawera has good tabacco and fruit flavors, but no bakery flavors. If anybody have suggestions, I hope you will let me know! :laugh:

Were alike, as in I don't favour any tobacco flavours at all; instead I've been fiddling a lot with mainly sweet flavours. My current favourite is a 50/50 mix of blackcurrant and licorice. Have you tried any products from Flavourart? They have a broad range of flavours, everything from pistacchio to bacon and between.


Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
Welcome to ECF!

I hope you find your visits here informative and fun. We have a huge community here that can be incredibly helpful in your journey. Feel free to ask any questions, as I'm sure there will be many with an answer for you! :)

Please see the links in my signature below for New Member information, as well as informative forums and threads on CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoking Alternatives Association) and the latest legislative news and info.

Be sure to check out the Netherlands Forum: Nederlands , and the DIY Forum: DIY E-Liquid !

Again, welcome to ECF!! :vapor:



Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
The Netherlands
Were alike, as in I don't favour any tobacco flavours at all; instead I've been fiddling a lot with mainly sweet flavours. My current favourite is a 50/50 mix of blackcurrant and licorice. Have you tried any products from Flavourart? They have a broad range of flavours, everything from pistacchio to bacon and between.

Were alike, as in I don't favour any tobacco flavours at all; instead I've been fiddling a lot with mainly sweet flavours. My current favourite is a 50/50 mix of blackcurrant and licorice. Have you tried any products from Flavourart? They have a broad range of flavours, everything from pistacchio to bacon and between.

Thanks for your welcome! Yes, I have tried Flavourart. They are good. However, I hoped to find more bakery flavors there. Furthermore, shipping is a crime. It takes forever to get the flavors to your door. I really would like to get my hands on the Capella's. But if you can find them here in Europe, they are gonna cost you! See comparison below:

For example 10ml flavorings from:
Inawera (www.inawera.com):
USD 2.15 (avg. dosage from 4 - 10% depending on flavor)
Shipping to The Netherlands based on 10 flavoring bottles: USD 5.32 no tracking

Flavorart (flavourartexpress.biz):
USD 3.94 (avg. dosage from 4 - 10% depending on flavor)
Shipping to The Netherlands USD 5.07 (slow delivery, no tracking) / USD 12.99 (faster delivery, tracking)

Capella (The finest E-Liquids and DIY mixing supplies) 1 bottle = 10 ml not 13:
USD 4.57 (avg. dosage from 15 - 20% depending on flavor)
Shipping to the Netherlands USD 7.19 regardless weight / number of items ordered)

So you can see, ordering Capella in the EU is expensive. And this supplier is the cheapest I could find. In the US a bottle of 13ml costs USD 2.98.

Maybe I could gamble and order from Capella directly. But with the whole stupid "war on vaping" here in the EU with proposed bans etc. I think that customs is going to be a pain. And even though it might arrive, there is going to be an very hefty import tax I've heard. :facepalm:

I have to rethink it some more :p


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
The Netherlands
Welcome to ECF!

I hope you find your visits here informative and fun. We have a huge community here that can be incredibly helpful in your journey. Feel free to ask any questions, as I'm sure there will be many with an answer for you! :)

Please see the links in my signature below for New Member information, as well as informative forums and threads on CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoking Alternatives Association) and the latest legislative news and info.

Be sure to check out the Netherlands Forum: Nederlands , and the DIY Forum: DIY E-Liquid !

Again, welcome to ECF!! :vapor:


Thanks for your welcome and tips:)


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
The Netherlands
Better late than never :)

I really enjoy creamy flavours for some reason :vapor: Coconut is the best IMO

Hi Genoxy, Pleased to meet you. Coconut is great. However, I enjoy cocopilada even more. But then again, I haven't tried coconut from other vendors yet. And no creamy desert flavors yet. :(Hope to find them soon for some reasonable prices.

dutch onsea

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Mar 14, 2013
Hallo, welkom op het forum...De kosten voor verschepen en de tijd dat ze erover doen om tot je deur te raken zijn enorm. Je kent ebn wss wel. Die hun spullen zijn er binnen de week. 8 ml per dag is wel veel. Ik bestel momenteel enkel nog van aroma. Doet er heel lang over en is duur maar ik vind het de moeite waard. Ik vape ook mentol en had nog geen problemen met de vivi tanks, hoewel ik ze nu nooit meer gebruik.(enkel nog rba's) Mijn provari komt van een franse side en die was hier heel snel. Ook de sides van de Uk leveren snel. Enkel USA duurt lang, wat wss wel logisch is.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
The Netherlands
Hallo, welkom op het forum...De kosten voor verschepen en de tijd dat ze erover doen om tot je deur te raken zijn enorm. Je kent ebn wss wel. Die hun spullen zijn er binnen de week. 8 ml per dag is wel veel. Ik bestel momenteel enkel nog van aroma. Doet er heel lang over en is duur maar ik vind het de moeite waard. Ik vape ook mentol en had nog geen problemen met de vivi tanks, hoewel ik ze nu nooit meer gebruik.(enkel nog rba's) Mijn provari komt van een franse side en die was hier heel snel. Ook de sides van de Uk leveren snel. Enkel USA duurt lang, wat wss wel logisch is.

Hey, dank je!

EBNFerro ken ik wel. Daar bestel ik veel. Eigenlijk alleen de liquids niet. De pre-mixed vind ik gewoon te duur. En de Capella's lijken me echt geweldig lekker. Ik wil het toch eens proberen. Heb je wel eens iets besteld bij The finest E-Liquids and DIY mixing supplies Natuurlijk wel iets duurder dan de standaard prijs, maar redelijke verzendkosten. En flavorings van heel veel verschillende aanbiedingen. Misschien dat ik toch maar eens moet gaan bestellen. Eens kijken wat het is. Heb jij ervaring met Capella's?

Mag ik vragen welke RBA je gebruikt? Het zelf wikkelen voor de vivi en Protank is ook erg gemakkelijk en lekker, dus ben er nog niet over uit of ik aan een RBA moet beginnen. Mesh is hoe dan ook niets voor mij, en sillica doe ik het nu ook al mee. Dus heb eigenlijk geen idee wat dan het voordeel is. Ik vind het wel handig meerdere tankjes te hebben en makkelijk smaakjes te wisselen.

Mag ik je ook vragen naar de franse Site? Kan ik ook eens kijken wat daar allemaal te krijgen en. Een Provari :p Lijkt mij ook geweldig, maar is me toch wat te duur. Over een poosje misschien en nepper, de Vamo.
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