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Tell us why we should let you in to our Zombie proof compound??

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2009
Hey folks....in the spirit of trying to raise the dead and revive this group I have been thinking about fun things we can talk about besides who has the biggest gun. My dear friend CES actually put this idea in my head with her constant fear of being used as Zombie bait....LOL CES...trust me.....your WAY too valuable for so many reasons for that to happen. Some people are worth a rescue mission and your one of them.

So I thought....a great way to have some fun and really get to know each other a little is for people to think about what they have to offer in terms of survival BESIDES weapons and a propensity for violence. I think we all have more to offer than we realize. And remember , it doesn't have to be physical. Stephen Hawking is at the top of my list for people I would want around after the ZA. And even if you're not a genius maybe you have emotional or social skills that could help hold the group together. And don't forget your hobbies. What might seem like just a way to kill time could be a life saver.

So I'll start with my application for entry:
#1 I have a large collection of antique hand tools and I know how to use them
#2 I know how to sharpen a tool
#3 I can sew by hand
#4 I don't enjoy it...but if I had to I could kill and field dress just about any animal

and ok...ok...so I can't follow my own rules...what's new? But here's a photo of one of my antiques. Bought on eBay from France...dated the French Revolution. Hey...at least it's not a gun...LOL


CES....don't worry your pretty little head about answering this....I think this post adequately proves your worth :D

There's a little bit of nic research going on, and yes there are are diseases (alzheimer's, parkinson's, schizophrenia) where it's clear that acetylcholine and nicotinic receptors are involved. But the focus is on finding pharmaceuticals that mimic nicotine's actions, but that only affect one nicotine receptor subtype (there are lots of receptor types with properties that are all slightly different and they're distributed in many areas of the brain).

the lack of focus on the effects of nicotine alone isn't really about the antz- though part of it is that nicotine is "addictive". Its also about the fact that nicotine has very broad effects because of the distribution of and activities of the many receptor subtypes. People who research nicotinic receptors and the cholinergic system in disease don't really care about the antz- the idea is to find the best, most specific treatment for a given disease.

Say, for instance, that one type of nicotinic receptor activates a region of the brain that is disrupted in a given disease state. Another subtype of receptor activates a different region that suppresses the first brain region. Ideally, you want to enhance the activity of the disrupted region, and leave the other unaffected. A drug based on nicotine that affects the receptors in the first region would do what we want it to- enhance the first without affecting the second. Nicotine would activate both brain regions, so you might not see a therapeutic effect.

Sadly, its nowhere near that easy to do well- especially since we don't completely understand the mechanisms of those diseases. It's even harder to explain clearly (as you might have noticed) so the mainstream press isn't that interested, because it doesn't translate into simple sound bites.

(the vaccine *shouldn't* affect the receptors- it binds to nicotine not nicotinic receptors. It's more likely to cause problems by binding to endogenous molecules that are structurally similar to nicotine- and that would be bad enough)

And don't forget people.....even if we DO use you for bait..hey...there is value in that. Nothing wrong with taking on for the team.:blink:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2012
Columbia MD
I am a bookbinder, printer, and I can make my own paper, ink and paints.

I was an Eagle Scout.

I have concealed carry permits in several states, I'm CMP-qualified, I'm a ranked USPSA competitor, I have a BOATLOAD of training, and enough of the tools of that activity that I need a vehicle to transport everything I have. And I can reload my own cartridges, and even make gunpowder from scratch.

I can do electrical work, and have a fairly decent knowledge of radio equipment, solar and wind power generation systems, and I know how to make biodeisel fuel, beer, wine and I can build and operate a still.

I play several musical instruments, can sing, and I'm good storyteller.

I know how to garden and raise chickens.

Plus, I make a REALLY good Bloody Mary, and I can bake, cook, and dress and clean just about any fish, bird or game you can fit on the table.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2012
Columbia MD
Umm because I can fix anything..I once fixed a car with a dime...and because I look like Wolverine and have pics of Zombie Wolverine to prove it :)

I have you beat--I fixed a VW Beetle with a penny-- on the side of I-66 during DC Rush Hour in the dark.

Your solution cost 10 times more... ;-)


optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
Lets see, creative problem solving, weaponry, repair, power, food, beverages, eye candy...

this is looking quite promising :D

Can you make toilet paper stereodreamer? ;)

(I can remain calm in the middle of a crisis, make pottery, sew by hand (as long as it doesn't have to be pretty), grow plants, maintain a still)


Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
Along with cooking and sewing, I am a pretty dang good repair person, can even do some basic wiring
Around the house here, if it's broke - I fix it.

And...I can solder...(where is that video Mac ?)

I can shoot, usually hit what I aim at - don't like shotguns tho.

I'm also good with plants/herbs and their uses.

Usually the one watching...hmmm...go figure ! lol !


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2012
Columbia MD
Can you make toilet paper stereodreamer? ;)

The question isn't "can I". It's "will I waste time and resources doing it".

A bidet would be much more sanitary and resource efficient. And with the skills we seem to be collecting, that is definitely do-able...

In the zombie apocalypse, "thinking outside the box" isn't going to be good enough. We're going to have to "think outside the can"... ;-)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2010
ProVari Nirvana
This assumes I want to be in your nominally zombie-proof compound. More people=more opportunities for mistakes, and it only takes one to let the ravening horde in to gnaw on your tibia. No, I'm going it alone, or with maybe one other person. And don't come knocking on my compound when yours gets overrun after someone forgot to lock the gate because they were obsessing about their cold nether parts from using the unheated bidet.
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