The Battle For eCigs Has Been Officialy WON! The Facts On Your Screen

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Mar 18, 2009
Except for those two little facts of the tariff placed on any sugar imported into the US, in order to PREVENT A FREE MARKET IN SUGAR! And this tariff has existed since 1977. Now, we have had Republican administrations AND Democrat administrations since 1977. Yet, NEITHER party has stepped forward in 33 YEARS to remove the sugar tariff and thus create a FREE MARKET. (And let's not even get into corn subsidies which cause ARTIFICIALLY CHEAP high fructose corn syrup to be found in practically ALL processed foods these days.)
So you are most certainly free to believe the FANTASY that Republicans are all about free markets. I, however, will not fall prey to such a fantasy, when neither the Republican NOR the Democrats have allowed a free market in sugar in the US since 1977.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 9, 2010
Except for those two little facts of the tariff placed on any sugar imported into the US, in order to PREVENT A FREE MARKET IN SUGAR! And this tariff has existed since 1977. Now, we have had Republican administrations AND Democrat administrations since 1977. Yet, NEITHER party has stepped forward in 33 YEARS to remove the sugar tariff and thus create a FREE MARKET. (And let's not even get into corn subsidies which cause ARTIFICIALLY CHEAP high fructose corn syrup to be found in practically ALL processed foods these days.)
So you are most certainly free to believe the FANTASY that Republicans are all about free markets. I, however, will not fall prey to such a fantasy, when neither the Republican NOR the Democrats have allowed a free market in sugar in the US since 1977.

Regardless of political affiliation; it doesn't justify the marxcist agenda being put in place with todays current regime! Make sure you don't fall prey to this as well. In general "conservative", "constitutional", repubs "want: small govt, lower taxes, free enterprise"


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Jun 5, 2010
New Jersey, USA



And what happened on Tuesday at the District Court?

I love it when people bash your comments on an issue, only to find later on that you were 100% correct.

Republican Leadership = Certain Victory For eCigs.

You watched it happen on Tuesday.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
New Jersey, USA
There was no Republican leadership when Judge Leon made his decision

Noooo ....

You didn't read my post. I'm not talking hardcore congressional politics.

Judge Leon is a far right republican.

What goes on in congress has nothing to do with eCigs.

I'm talking about correlative republican perceptions on the electronic cigarette.

Read my post @ OP and you'll see what I'm talking about.


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May 19, 2010
Worcester, Ma


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
New Jersey, USA
How is Richard Leon a "far right republican?" Is it the time he freed people from Gitmo? or the time he ruled in favor of PETA? Maybe it was the time he decided that pornographer couldn't be charged?

Judge Orders PETA Party Animal's Release

U.S. District judge drops porn charges against video producer John A. Stagliano

1) Guantanamo Bay

Your right - Leon was republican appointee previously considered sympathetic to theBush administration’s position on the detention of suspects


Okay, maybe not "far right" - but still right enough.

You honestly thought I was tossing dice and playing 50/50 when I wrote my former post?

I didn't even check Tuesday night how things turned out because I could bet my life the case for eCigs would prevail in a Republican led court system.

I knew this "battle" was won back in June. As far as the war ... that's going to take some time to figure out.

And of course, keep the political annotations coming telling me how everything is wrong and eCigs prevailed in court by "chance". There's a reason why we won, I knew it beforehand (hence, the title of this thread as written in June).

I HATE political jabber.

Discussing politics doesn't make me a profit, so I leave it a this and I hope you have a great day!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
New Jersey, USA
1) Guantanamo Bay

Your right - Leon was republican appointee previously considered sympathetic to theBush administration’s position on the detention of suspects. Then just because he changed course - doesn't mean he moved to the other side of the aisle. COME ON!!!!! I can't believe you even cited that.


I'll change my jargon if it makes you happy:

Judge Leon is considered a "mainstream, 'light' conservative"

You honestly thought I was tossing dice and playing 50/50 when I wrote my former post?

I didn't even check Tuesday night how things turned out (my buddy just informed me this morning) because I could bet my life the case for eCigs would prevail in a Republican led court system.

I knew this "battle" was won back in June. As far as the war ... that's going to take some time to figure out.

And of course, keep the political annotations coming telling me how everything is wrong and eCigs prevailed in court by "chance". There's a reason why we won, I knew it beforehand (hence, the title of this thread as written in June).

I HATE political jabber.

Discussing politics doesn't make me a profit, so I leave it a this and I hope you have a great day!


Full Member
Nov 25, 2010
Tulsa, Oklahoma
This is why I endorse Ron Paul's outlook on the system... he believes in liberty, and the constitution as a set in stone document (not a living or interpreted document) but as is; if you don't like it...amend it...and we all know how hard that is to do. He believes in the destruction of the Federal Reserve, CIA, and the IRS; research it and you will see how they are a cancer to our economic and social liberties. Plus in defense of ecigs by default he believes that the government is here to protect the people from outside forces, not protect the people from their selves and trade practices. So go ahead vote democrat just because they cater to your special interest...and watch your freedom shrink.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 27, 2010
This is why I endorse Ron Paul's outlook on the system... he believes in liberty, and the constitution as a set in stone document (not a living or interpreted document) but as is; if you don't like it...amend it...and we all know how hard that is to do. He believes in the destruction of the Federal Reserve, CIA, and the IRS; research it and you will see how they are a cancer to our economic and social liberties. Plus in defense of ecigs by default he believes that the government is here to protect the people from outside forces, not protect the people from their selves and trade practices. So go ahead vote democrat just because they cater to your special interest...and watch your freedom shrink.

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I was only able to read halfway through page 3 before I had to stop...

I'll just say that people like davidzx are what's wrong with this country. You're so politically fueled yet you have no real grasp on what's actually going on. You're an extremist of the worst kind, and you're trying so hard to push your extremist views onto other people without even having the facts yourself.

I'll tell you what the fact is... the fact is, if people in America stopped wasting so much time battling one "side" against the other "side", then we might actually get ..... done. But until you realize that today, repubs are for this only because dems are against it, and vica versa, nothing will ever change.

This, of course, is before we even get into money corruption side of things. And let me just say, one "side" is no less corrupt than the other. Never has been, never will be. In the end, money is power, and those with the money make the decisions, not the republicans or democrats.

And I'll end with this.. I left the US in 2004 when I was 21; not for any political reasons whatsoever. But, now in 2010, I am so glad that I left, and I highly doubt I will ever return. Now, this isn't to say where I live is better, per say (the entire government here is monetarily corrupt), but at least I have the freedom to make my own decisions on what's best for me; in this case e-cigs. And, so long as I don't violate common laws (drug use, rape, assault, murder and the like), I have absolutely nothing to be afraid of when it comes to the government, no matter what their agenda's are.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
IMO, it's difficult for e-cigs to be the golden child of either party. They are opposed from both sides for very different reasons and blaming one party or relying on another as a savior is naive, at best.

While the "nanny state" Democrats are possibly against e-cigs because of anything ranging from prohibitionist beliefs, protecting us against ourselves, saving the environment, etc., it's hard to imagine that the wealthy CEOs and stock owners of the pharmaceutical companies that are largely funding those anti-ecig fanatics are left wing Democrats. More likely they are hardcore Republicans protecting big business and their almighty dollar.

E-cigs have enemies in BOTH parties and we cannot count on either to be looking out for US.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
New Jersey, USA
I was only able to read halfway through page 3 before I had to stop...

I'll just say that people like davidzx are what's wrong with this country. You're so politically fueled yet you have no real grasp on what's actually going on. You're an extremist of the worst kind, and you're trying so hard to push your extremist views onto other people without even having the facts yourself.

I'll tell you what the fact is... the fact is, if people in America stopped wasting so much time battling one "side" against the other "side", then we might actually get ..... done. But until you realize that today, repubs are for this only because dems are against it, and vica versa, nothing will ever change.

This, of course, is before we even get into money corruption side of things. And let me just say, one "side" is no less corrupt than the other. Never has been, never will be. In the end, money is power, and those with the money make the decisions, not the republicans or democrats.

And I'll end with this.. I left the US in 2004 when I was 21; not for any political reasons whatsoever. But, now in 2010, I am so glad that I left, and I highly doubt I will ever return. Now, this isn't to say where I live is better, per say (the entire government here is monetarily corrupt), but at least I have the freedom to make my own decisions on what's best for me; in this case e-cigs. And, so long as I don't violate common laws (drug use, rape, assault, murder and the like), I have absolutely nothing to be afraid of when it comes to the government, no matter what their agenda's are.

Did you know I haven't even been to the ballot to vote in the past seven years?

Following politics and pushing forward my own agenda doesn't make me a profit. Thereto, give me a good reason why I should care about what goes on in congress?

And of course, Republicans are only for eCigs because Democrats are against them. It depends who takes sides.

Congress doesn't pay my bills, Republicans won't give me the car I've always dreamed of, Democrats won't put food on my table.

Politics is another word for "diplomatic drama reality entertainment" with real-world consequences.

But there's one thing you missed.

Take a look at the address bar on your browser. What do you see?

You posted on the wrong site!

This site is about electronic cigarettes!

You want to talk politics? Go to a political forum.

When it comes down to business, sometimes I'm forced to digg in and figure out who are the players on the field.

Since politics plays a part in electronic cigarettes, I wanted to know what effect it would have on the issue.

After doing some research, I figured out who was for and who was against the case for eCigs.

I don't give a .... about Republicans and Democrats. They're just the actors, I just want to follow their plot and see how it affects the real world issue over eCigs.

After doing further research, the case for electronic cigarettes would be going through the appeal process down a Republican dominated track.

Regardless of your political viewpoints, and bearing into mind the real issue (eCigs) - that's a good thing!

Now on Tuesday, the battle for eCigs has been officially won! (As I prophesied in June)

The purpose of this thread I started in June was to give a prognoses, not push an agenda.

My agenda?

Have the freedom of running my own business, have a family, take exotic vacations all over the world, and enjoy life.

I don't see how following around actors of the "Congressional Theater of Drama" would play a part in my agenda.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2010
ProVari Nirvana


If you still believe this, you're blind and deaf. The current crop of Republicans want the same thing the current crop of Democrats does: more money for their pet projects and appeasing their base so they can get or stay in control. That's all. Their votes are for sale to the highest bidder, and for every Republican who says they want "SMALL GOVERNMENT, LOWER TAXES, FREE ENTERPRISE", I'll show you a Republican (usually the same Republican) who voted FOR the creation of the Department of Fatherland - 'scuse me, Homeland Security, who voted for pork barrel projects for their own districts, who voted for increased regulation of private citizens. Ditto for Dems. They're all parasites, none of them are worth the powder to blow them clear to &%$#.
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