The big 2.5 letdown

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Oct 12, 2012
Planet Awesome
That being said, to me its just like the Iphone. They keep coming out with new models but not much has changed. Living off the past.

That comparison doesn't really work. In the Provari's case, it's just about the hardware. In the iPhone's case -- and the case of all modern consumer electronics -- software and services are as important as the hardware. It's not just the iPhone, but the iOS environment that people are buying into.

And no, I'm not an Apple fanboy. I use all mobile operating systems for work and my personal preference for productivity is Android. There's just no denying that iOS is a more robust app environment.


Vaping Master
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May 14, 2012
That comparison doesn't really work. In the Provari's case, it's just about the hardware. In the iPhone's case -- and the case of all modern consumer electronics -- software and services are as important as the hardware. It's not just the iPhone, but the iOS environment that people are buying into.

And no, I'm not an Apple fanboy. I use all mobile operating systems for work and my personal preference for productivity is Android. There's just no denying that iOS is a more robust app environment.

Let's be honest...the iphone sells as much as it does because it has an apple logo on the outside.


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Oct 13, 2012
Columbia MD
Who said we wasn't my point was there lagging behind technically speaking not build quality they are still miles away from the competition in that regard throw a zmax evic vamo ggts pick it up and tell me if it works ( if you can stop crying over your scuffed ggts )

Saying "I drop my mod all the time and it still works" is a two-edged sword of a blessing. It shows that, yes, indeed, that mod is durable, but is also shows that the owner is either 1) a fumble-fingered klutz who probably shouldn't be trusted with any technology more advanced than a spork, or 2) is a careless ......... with more money than brains who mistreats everything they own because they are so filthy rich and spoiled that they can just buy another one when they wreck the nice things they have.

ALL mods that costs more than $100 should have a "Darwinistic Self-destruct" mechanism in them, that sets off if they are dropped more than three times in a 30 day period, to take it's owner permanently out of the gene pool.

People who spend nearly $200 on a mod and can't be bothered to treat it with more care than they would treat a can of dog food shouldn't be allowed to buy $200 mods, or at the very least, they should be punished for rubbing their trust-fund elitism in other people's faces because they are too uncoordinated to hold onto a piece of metal that is designed SPECIFICALLY to be held on one's hand.
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Vaping Master
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Verified Member
May 14, 2012
That's true for some people, but I don't believe for a second that's why it "sells as much as it does." That's simplistic.

iOS dominated Android until Android got sexy, now Android has the market share...sure Android also evolved but so did iOS

Samsung was the first company besides apple to put out a hip for all generations smartphone, it started with the GS2 and now the GS3 outsold the iphone in the 3rd quarter. Apple will win the 4th quarter on the back of the iphone 5 and Samsung releasing a phone that will cannibalize GS3 sales. Point is Galaxy's and iPhones will be 1 and 2, probably swapping a few times, the reason is that they have established a brand, those names mean something. Sure the hardware/software is good but you could say that about a bunch of other Android phones.

Branding isn't the only thing but it puts you over the top.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2011
Celina, TX
you think provari will ever do a VW device?
i think it would be smart if they did considering alot of people are getting into it, only people not raving about it that i have seen are people who have provari's and haven't tried VW yet.

They might have to just to stop so many people's crying about it. I know some people out there would prefer VW control over VV, but it's unfair to complain that they somehow wronged their loyal consumers by releasing a new tube design instead of keeping up with the Joneses (or whatever common Chinese family name applies) with their fancy new VW controls.

VW would be a welcome addition to Provape's repertoire, but the majority of Provari owners seem to get along just fine without it, and countless vapers have reported trying VW devices out for curiosity's sake only to decide quickly how useless it was compared to VV alone. Those who want and rely on VW to dial in the perfect vape are justified in asking for it and settling on another device capable of that function in the meantime, but stop acting like delivering anything less is equivalent to pissing in your coffee and asking if you take cream with that.

And for those thinking about rushing to the Provape website to buy the admittedly much better looking current tube design before it's gone, Provape has assured us that they will still carry the v2 for those that prefer it. If anything, I'd wait until the v2.5 release to buy an extra unit to see of the v2 price drops a few dollars.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2012
STVNMR who was crying or complaining about it i was asking a simple question i have no intention of buying another over priced mod even if they do ad VW to them i have one i dont use now but wouldn't mind it if i could upgrade it to VW at some point so i would use it again.

i agree the provari is the I-phone of e-cigs in many ways.

they both have fanboy's who believe they are and will always be the best and argue with anyone who says differently,like it was an attack on themselves.

and while they are both great and well built they are also being surpassed by competition that offers more,and are just as well built for half the price but continue to sell because of there fan base.
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Super Member
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Aug 8, 2012
They might have to just to stop so many people's crying about it. I know some people out there would prefer VW control over VV, but it's unfair to complain that they somehow wronged their loyal consumers by releasing a new tube design instead of keeping up with the Joneses (or whatever common Chinese family name applies) with their fancy new VW controls.

VW would be a welcome addition to Provape's repertoire, but the majority of Provari owners seem to get along just fine without it, and countless vapers have reported trying VW devices out for curiosity's sake only to decide quickly how useless it was compared to VV alone. Those who want and rely on VW to dial in the perfect vape are justified in asking for it and settling on another device capable of that function in the meantime, but stop acting like delivering anything less is equivalent to pissing in your coffee and asking if you take cream with that.

And for those thinking about rushing to the Provape website to buy the admittedly much better looking current tube design before it's gone, Provape has assured us that they will still carry the v2 for those that prefer it. If anything, I'd wait until the v2.5 release to buy an extra unit to see of the v2 price drops a few dollars.

I wouldn't say it's unfair to complain about the new design as a provape customer almost exclusively over the last year and a half I feel I have earnt the right to voice my opinion it's me and others such as myself provape needs to keep happy as well as enticing new customers so I do feel let down by provape so I may consider other options that's my right as a customer and my right as a person to express my disappointment in there new product


Reviewer / Blogger
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Oct 12, 2012
Planet Awesome
iOS dominated Android until Android got sexy, now Android has the market share...sure Android also evolved but so did iOS

Samsung was the first company besides apple to put out a hip for all generations smartphone, it started with the GS2 and now the GS3 outsold the iphone in the 3rd quarter. Apple will win the 4th quarter on the back of the iphone 5 and Samsung releasing a phone that will cannibalize GS3 sales. Point is Galaxy's and iPhones will be 1 and 2, probably swapping a few times, the reason is that they have established a brand, those names mean something. Sure the hardware/software is good but you could say that about a bunch of other Android phones.

That's not an exact comparison, for several reasons.

- iOS is available from one manufacturer, while Android is available from several
- Samsung is the only Android manufacturer making significant profits on hardware
- Samsung spends about 10x more on marketing than Apple, but doesn't have 10x the sales. I agree that Samsung has established a brand with the Galaxy series, but it paid a ton of money to do so.

Most importantly

- Apple's profits come from hardware and app sales, tying into my point about software and services. The business model is completely different because it competes with Google on the OS/app front and various hardware manufacturers on the handset front.


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Aug 8, 2012
That's not an exact comparison, for several reasons.

- iOS is available from one manufacturer, while Android is available from several
- Samsung is the only Android manufacturer making significant profits on hardware
- Samsung spends about 10x more on marketing than Apple, but doesn't have 10x the sales. I agree that Samsung has established a brand with the Galaxy series, but it paid a ton of money to do so.

Most importantly

- Apple's profits come from hardware and app sales, tying into my point about software and services. The business model is completely different because it competes with Google on the OS/app front and various hardware manufacturers on the handset front.

Apples biggest trump card in my opinion is that they only release one phone per year and then optimise the software around that phone so while they may be faster andriod phone in term of specs processor speed ect but because the andriod software is built to accommodate a multitude of phones the hardware isn't specifically suited to the software the full speed and capability of some of there phones are not taking advantage off


Ultra Member
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Jun 2, 2011
SW. Indiana
Saying "I drop my mod all the time and it still works" is a two-edged sword of a blessing. It shows that, yes, indeed, that mod is durable, but is also shows that the owner is either 1) a fumble-fingered klutz who probably shouldn't be trusted with any technology more advanced than a spork, or 2) is a careless ......... with more money than brains who mistreats everything they own because they are so filthy rich and spoiled that they can just buy another one when they wreck the nice things they have.
ALL mods that costs more than $100 should have a "Darwinistic Self-destruct" mechanism in them, that sets off if they are dropped more than three times in a 30 day period, to take it's owner permanently out of the gene pool.

People who spend nearly $200 on a mod and can't be bothered to treat it with more care than they would treat a can of dog food shouldn't be allowed to buy $200 mods, or at the very least, they should be punished for rubbing their trust-fund elitism in other people's faces because they are too uncoordinated to hold onto a piece of metal that is designed SPECIFICALLY to be held on one's hand.

Sound a bit harsh there. My mini has hit the ground more times than I can remember. It has to do with the job I do and how I have to carry it because of rules at work. I knew it would be happening on a regular basis and needed something that could stand up to the abuse. To me it is more of a nicotine delivery tool and like my other tools I depend on it to do its job even with hard use. The funny thing is, you'd never know by looking at it that it leads such a hard life. A few of the attys I've had on it didn't survive the bumps but it keeps on going like day one. If I'd bought a cheaper mod because it was gonna get roughed up, I probably would have spent more on replacements than what the Provari cost, not to mention the backup unit I'd need to carry so I didn't go with out nicotine. Those are just my circumstances, different than yours and everybody else's. No need to jump to conclusions.


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Oct 7, 2012



Vaping Master
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May 14, 2012

That's not an exact comparison, for several reasons.

- iOS is available from one manufacturer, while Android is available from several

This is true but they really are the only major players in smartphone OS's so you kind of have to compare them. On an overall basis Android has a way larger market share which is expected due to their model, phone to phone the GS3 and iphone are the big dogs so I compare them.

- Samsung is the only Android manufacturer making significant profits on hardware

Right, because they sell more phones than anyone else in the smartphone market. Since HTC and Motorola sell similarly spec'd phones (and well reviewed) and have nowhere near the sales...this kind of falls into my argument about the importance of branding

- Samsung spends about 10x more on marketing than Apple, but doesn't have 10x the sales. I agree that Samsung has established a brand with the Galaxy series, but it paid a ton of money to do so.

I don't know if this is true since I still see more Apple mobile tech ads than Samsung mobile tech ads. Is that Samsung as a whole because that would be a terrible comparison because they make a different and more diverse portfolio of products. Then again maybe not because sales crossover when people get comfortable with a brand.

But going on what you say

Apple established their brand over years across a bunch of platforms, remember the iPOD adds on TV and in print, the iMac commericials, the current ipod, iphone and ipad ads as well. They turned white earphones into a status symbol, establish stores that are aesthetically similar to their products and generally created a culture around their brand.

Samsung is now building it's brand and I am sure spending a chunk of coin. They are going for a different appeal but the gains and potential gains are just as big or bigger. It's what smart companies do and it's not a short term plan. For Samsung it's more than just buy a Galaxy too, it's buy a Galaxy love it and maybe pick out a Samsung baby monitor, laptop or TV based on that relationship with the brand. Sort of like how ipods/iphones/ipads help sell macs.

The big difference is that apple is for the most part a premium only line but that's not really relevant in this discussion.

- Apple's profits come from hardware and app sales, tying into my point about software and services. The business model is completely different because it competes with Google on the OS/app front and various hardware manufacturers on the handset front.

This is true but brand recognition and cultural value is important to both of those fronts, regardless of who they are competing with. That's really my point.

Branding doesn't make it good, it just makes it more likely to end up in people's hands. That's why Verizon established the "Droid" brand when starting to sell android phones...and it worked.

Back to provari's, they had established it as the premier high end VV device, hopefully they come out with VW before someone else establishes the premier VW device. The apv market is advancing rather fast, they need to strike before someone else does.
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Vaping Master
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
Provari V2.5 banner now removed from the Provape website 10:35pm 1/10/13

Edit: While the banner has been taken off of the front page, the new Provaris have been released in at least a couple Brick n Mortar shops around the country. Here is a link to the 1st forum member that HAS PURCHASED the new v2.5 Provari standard.

The Provari v2.5 is/was set to hit the online shops in five days, 1/15/13. No explanation for why the banner has been taken down from the site. I happen to like the new mini design, however, these 2.5 designs have been pretty controversial on the many webforums. We shall see what transpires.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2011
Celina, TX
STVNMR who was crying or complaining about it i was asking a simple question i have no intention of buying another over priced mod even if they do ad VW to them i have one i dont use now but wouldn't mind it if i could upgrade it to VW at some point so i would use it again.

I didn't mean to point you out as a complainer, just to answer the "You think Provari will ever do a VW device?" question while grieving at those who do complain about it with such self-entitlement. No offense intended.

I wouldn't say it's unfair to complain about the new design as a provape customer almost exclusively over the last year and a half I feel I have earnt the right to voice my opinion it's me and others such as myself provape needs to keep happy as well as enticing new customers so I do feel let down by provape so I may consider other options that's my right as a customer and my right as a person to express my disappointment in there new product

You're right: it's not unfair to express your disappointment in their new design, and you should voice your concerns about current and future designs. I hate it as well, though I think it's nice they're at least giving consumers more aesthetic options because someone, somewhere is going to like it better than the current design (there has to be at least one, right?). Could their time have been better spent upgrading the internals or creating a less repulsive tube design to attract new customers and keep the interest of current ones? Absolutely. But Provape isn't holding a gun to anyone's head and telling them to buy into the same product with a new look. Use your right as a consumer to tell Provape you're unimpressed and won't be until they offer VW capability.

If someone doesn't like the product as-is without VW, they shouldn't buy it. The community should definitely voice its opinions, tell them what we'd like to see included or changed with the internals on the next unit as loyal customers with options, but it is unfair for any of us to .... and moan like Provape simply owes it to us.

Just my two cents.
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Nov 27, 2012
...but provape might be working on a game-changer tank system to go with it, FIRST. (perhaps one that they will be able to mass-produce?)

This. The V2 Provari is everything I will ever want or need in a PV, from the neck down, and the only aspect of the vaping experience that remains at all fiddly or unpredictable is the device placed into the threads on top. The battery component tech of the PV has already "arrived" on a level that the tank system designs have not, and it would be cool if Provape were working on something revolutionary here.

Though I can understand the appeal of VW for someone who's regularly swapping out attys and flavors, I don't see it as adding anything significant for those of us who just want a steady, routine and reliable vape. On the Provari, whenever I push the button the light turns on, and I'm good...


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Aug 8, 2012
That I do agree with atomisers are far behind the tech that is out there for then to sit in it doesn't matter what device you have if your atomiser isn't performing well you are not harnessing the capabilities of your ecig to its full potential like I said earlier I had high hopes for provape to maybe make a hybrid or maybe a variable wattage which would solve this problem but with the 2.5 the redesign doesn't warrant a .5 on the title which is why I am dissapointed in the turn out unless the 2.5 is upgradable to a three whereas the v1 and v2 possibly may not be
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