The end of the tank life...yuck!

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Jan 6, 2014
Ok with my starter kit I got [h=2]Blank Crystal Vgo Tanks (Long Wick)[/h]
But the short wick version...ive stopped analogs since 6th Jan using these with the mini VGO2 400mah (upgraded since to bigger VV battery).

Used for about 10+ days the short wick disposable tank and then ...yoink... burnt flavour/taste in the mouth that was horrible!

Ive noticed that Jacvapour dont even do the short wick tanks anymore....the death of the tank was not a nice experience!

Do the long wick tanks/nova tanks/bottom coil tanks do the same when either the coil needs replaceing or the disposable tank is dead?

Is there more of a warning than just having a horrible taste in your mouth for an hour or so?

More experienced users im sure must of tasted the "burnt" experience too? How do you avoid it when the tank/coil/wick is near the end of its life?


Vapoor eyes er

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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
LOLLL you're now "one of us" :laugh: They're also known as the Stardust or CE4. The very first clearo. CE5 is the same except it's has a head that's replaceable but make sure it's 808 threading. Washing cleans the tank and wick and dry burn turns the juice "gunk" on the coil to ash. I don't use a Q-Tip on the coil as it may dislodge it/ cause a short. Wash the ash from the head after dry burn. Signs the head needs to be cleaned- fresh juice turns dark and a nasty harsh vape occurs.

Ive noticed that Jacvapour dont even do the short wick tanks anymore....the death of the tank was not a nice experience!
The short wick were the version 1 and they changed to long wicks cuz of wicking issues.

Do the long wick tanks/nova tanks/bottom coil tanks do the same when either the coil needs replaceing or the disposable tank is dead?
You can't replace the head on the CE4 (actually I did but it was a PITA) but they can be washed and dry burned. I was getting about 5 weeks out of mine but was vaping high PG light juice.

Is there more of a warning than just having a horrible taste in your mouth for an hour or so?
If you notice your juice darkening that's a sure sign- with all clearos.

More experienced users im sure must of tasted the "burnt" experience too? How do you avoid it when the tank/coil/wick is near the end of its life?
As time goes on you know how long you can vape a head before it needs cleaning. I used to clean mine once per week just to be safe. There's also the lost "yucky" juice in the tank if not changed before the head becomes gunked up.
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Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
Ah basically I needed to clean (id done that) AND dry burn..didnt know how to do that! thanks.

So even the disposables should last approx a month!? Great tip thanks.

Sorry car batt bit the dust- did lots of work on it 1 month ago and forgot all about the batt :facepalm:
Yes the dry burn in the vid above starts at 1:38 mins. Just short 2-3 sec bursts/ firing and wait 10 secs between firing so the coil doesn't overheat. You should see smoke coming from the coil- it's the juice gunk burning. When there's no more smoke coming out and the coils are glowing orange/ red then it's clean. Rinse the ash from the coil afterwards, fill tank, vape. First few vapes may be weak because of the water burning off.

Edit: Almost forgot- don't worry about burning the silica wick- impossible to do in an Ecig even at a much higher voltage.
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@Vapoor eyes er - Great info! I've been vaping for almost 2 months (tobacco-free for 44 days) and I also prefer the top-coil tanks with the long wicks. The bottom-coil Aro tank that came with my Smok Winder starter kits may use juice more sparingly but it's like sucking air through an open straw. The top-coil tanks seem to have more "drag" to them, more like an analog.

I bought a disposable top-coil tank at a local e-cig store because it was even cheaper than a replacement coil for the replaceable top-coil tanks (it may have been "clearance-priced"). I've used it for about 3 weeks and noticed that the taste is getting a little harsh. I'll try using your washing and dry-burning technique to see if I can squeeze another week or two out of it before throwing it away.

In the meantime, I bought another starter kit from FastTech to use as a "backup". It has a CE4S coil-replaceable and spring-loaded tank. Someone posted a review there advising washing the wicks before using but I wasn't sure how to do that (didn't know if I had to remove the wick from the coil or not). I wish I had tried washing it because it had an awful taste for the first 1 or 2 days.

I'm not a heavy vaper, less than a tankful per day, and hope that I can extend the life of my wicks/coils by "preemptively" washing my used wicks every week or so.

Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
@Vapoor eyes er - Great info! I've been vaping for almost 2 months (tobacco-free for 44 days)
You're welcome and a hearty congrats on 44 days. VERY glad you joined ECF :thumbs:

In the meantime, I bought another starter kit from FastTech to use as a "backup". It has a CE4S coil-replaceable and spring-loaded tank. Someone posted a review there advising washing the wicks before using but I wasn't sure how to do that (didn't know if I had to remove the wick from the coil or not). I wish I had tried washing it because it had an awful taste for the first 1 or 2 days
Be very careful and don't over tighten as the spring can push the battery post down. Awhile ago we were noticing an oil taste in our clearos. The manufacturers stated the oil was there to prevent "rusting" which I never believed- just poor QC IMO. I always was tanks and heads before using as they been through a machining process.
Washing is okay but to get the most out of your clearo it's a good idea to dry burn when:
you get a foul harsh taste, fresh juice goes dark or the head (wick+ coil) is dark colored.
Wishing You the Very Best of Luck.

Edit: After washing get as much water out as you can and fill with juice- first few vapes will be a little weak until the water is vaporized away.
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