The Ultimate Insanity: Health Groups Want to Remove Some Toxins from Cigarettes, But Want to Ban Product Which Already Removed Virtually All of Them

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2009
Upstate NY, USA
Heres the crazy part. Removing some toxins from cigarettes is fine in my book. More warning labels is also fine in my book. Theres a lot of smokers out there that would never be able to afford to buy e-cigs at $40 and up, plus spare parts plus juice ect ect. and a safer cigarette is a GOOD thing if done right.

Messing with the nicotine levels in cigs, however, is BAD. If you lower the nic level, its going to make people smoke MORE cigarettes, and in the process spend MORE money! Im at 36 mg juice currently and plan to cut that throughout the year. I already notice if the mg is less, I vape more.

This my friends is going to be the highest tax increase on anything in history directed at only a certain group of people for the first time in history if you include that fact. Just wait, calories will come under the jurisdiction of the FDA shortly, and then the beat goes on :( im wide awake now, and hope others will wake up as well. 2010 elections are coming soon, lets make a difference, and I dont care about republican- democrat bs. anymore. We need people who answer to US. Thanks for the rant :)
It's amazing what happens when the tables are turned, isn't it? When smokers take matters into their own hands and someone invents an item that actually helps smokers quit, or cut down, all those "helpful" people and agencies show their true colors. Why aren't they helping us?

They all yell and scream "you need to quit smoking", and now that we are, 1-tobacco will lose money, 2-the government will lose big money, 3-pharma, hospitals, doctors, the medical community as a whole will lose money, 4-the american lung asso, cancer society, and all the do-gooders will not be getting the amount of contribution, and their positions will be obsolete.

Instead, they want us to continue to smoke because smokers are a real money maker. They invent things that don't work, while shouting "stop smoking!"

Face it, smokers are the low man on the totem pole; herded, rounded up, banned, looked down on, smokers are treated lower than illegals. And what is happening here with ecigs is the same as what happens when the lowest people in society's pecking order decides to raise his position in society. Mass attack.
You hit the nail on the head. I would like to use this post as a response on my Facebook. Would you consent, if I credit "SeminoleWind"?



Senior Member
Apr 22, 2009
I put a comment on my Facebook profile mentioning the FDA wanting to force me back to cigs, to which the only reply was that nobody's forcing me, it's my choice. :mad:

Yes it is your choice and no one else’s and yes the FDA is forcing a person who is addicted to tobacco (and they know you’re addicted) back to smoking when they purposely exude the things that helps the smoker. This is what they fail to realize. Choice, that funny, it’s an addiction which choice is no longer factored. :lol:

Vicks Vap-oh-Yeah

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
West Allis, WI
Messing with the nicotine levels in cigs, however, is BAD. If you lower the nic level, its going to make people smoke MORE cigarettes, and in the process spend MORE money!

No. Making a less addictive cigarette is a good thing - IF (and that's the part the FDA is missing in the big picture) you offer safer alternatives to go to. Make the bad products less appealing, the good products more appealing, and you will have consumers switching in droves. Unfortunately - the PTB only focus on half the solution in their misguided quest. They need to disassociate nicotine from smoke - without the smoke, nicotine is on par with caffiene for chemical reactions in the body - and they need to offer us safer alternatives based on logic, not absolute 100% certainty.

Just wait, calories will come under the jurisdiction of the FDA shortly, and then the beat goes on :(

Not just calories - once they push nationalized health care down our throats, this gives the govt the subtle authority to make all kinds of demands on our behavior...... from the specific foods and drinks you ingest to the amount of physical activity you do.

You want health care? You must not ingest any more that 1500 calories per day - no more than 20% from protien, 30% from this, blah, blah....and you must have 7 hours of physical activity per week - verified by a reciept from a gym or other "govenrment approved" activity facility. Are you in violation? Perhaps you should be shipped off to our new, state of the art, government approved "health spa" where you can help your country by building our infrastructure....

No, I don't have foreknowledge, and this is just my take on the subject, but anytime in the past you've accepted a specific perk from our government, it comes with multitudes of strings attached, and I predict that health care will be no different.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2009
Warwick, RI
I feel like, if e-cigs are ultimately banned and all of mine wear out and I am unable to obtain them anywhere, including the black market, I will finally have to admit defeat and go back to analogs. In which case I'll probably make a T-shirt thanking the FDA, Congress, and the President for forcing me back to that nasty habit.


You can also print on it thanking Philip Morris and Tobacco Free Kiddies. If you and I do go back to analogs, do yourself a favor, buy something OTHER than a Philip Morris product.

I can't believe that in a world in the 21st century, we now have the technology to have a safer method of "smoking" which is the SOLUTION to the health issues to real cigarettes, and the USA is pissing it all away because of the all mighty $$$. This blatently shows that the public health interests in this country take a back seat. Advocate for the public health UNLESS it starts taking tax dollars away.

If the cigarette manufactures ever DO come out with their own version of the e-cig, I hope it's R.J. Reynolds. I'd buy a dozen of them just to spite Philip Morris.
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You can also print on it thanking Philip Morris and Tobacco Free Kiddies. If you and I do go back to analogs, do yourself a favor, buy something OTHER than a Philip Morris product.
I buy loose tobacco and stuff my own if I'm not vaping. What a PITA. Fortunately I haven't had to do that for 3 months now.

I can't believe that in a world in the 21st century, we now have the technology to have a safer method of "smoking" which is the SOLUTION to the health issues to real cigarettes, and the USA is pissing it all away because of the all mighty $$$. This blatently shows that the public health interests in this country take a back seat. Advocate for the public health UNLESS it starts taking tax dollars away.
You're just now noticing that? Nobody cares about us little people. It's all about the money. Why do you think we don't have electric cars yet?



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2009
I hear you all say its about money.
Then have a look at this video below. I have posted a thred on the main forum about this video.
I think that after looking at this video you will be left saying the same thing ...MONEY MONEY MONEY

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7)

I've seen this before. It is very thought provoking. Definitely opens your eyes to all the corruption in the medical community. You should also check out anything out there on vitamin B17....


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 6, 2009
McCalla, AL
This all comes down to most people being Slaves to the system, if there was say 50 million vapors in America there would be no such ban. It seems as if we do not have enough people yet and there trying to snuff e-cigs out before they take off big time, yes your right they would rather see us puff on those nasty analogs and pay our taxes like good little mindless Americans. Oh so they might remove a few hundred of the chemicals in a cig but I don't think they can get rid of 4,000 or so.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 6, 2009
McCalla, AL
We need to spread the word and get more analog smokers to switch to vaping.

It's becoming a huge wave and the FDA can't stop it...

If only we can get a good USA manufacturer of e-cigs. I don't like purchasing overseas products...

Well not spamming but there is puresmoker there the only company making American made e-cigs and usb passthrough. They make the prodigy though so it's kinda large and most noobs wouldn't be interested, but yea we do need someone in America to desigh a e-cig for us to use.


Ultra Member
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Apr 5, 2009
Corydon Indiana
I am not an advocate for smoking pot. I do not smoke pot. However, if it was legalized, all concerned (LOL) could make far more money. Esp if PM replanted half their fields with pot plants. It should be easy for the gov to legalize it since they care more about money than society's health.

Tobacco can make analogs healthier multiple times, but analogs will never be as detrimental healthwise as electronic cigarettes.

Harry Crazington

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2009
Las Vegas
It seems that the ULTIMATE insanity was government banning hemp in the first place. I really liked the story on the videos about the 2 pack of cigarette a day smoker who got lung cancer and still could not quit smoking them, he started using the hemp oil and it still cured his cancer without him ever quitting smoking!
If you've ever researched the history of hemp you should know that at least 5,000 years of recorded history tells us that hemp was, and still is, the most valuable resource on the planet. Jack Herrer's book The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and his video The Emperor of Hemp, and Rick Simpson's web page Cure Cancer with Hemp Oil - Phoenix Tears are a good start. If hemp oil is pretty much a cure all it would put a lot of money grubbing scum out of business and save millions of human lives. Which is more sensible? It's long overdue to remove the goverment ban on the plant that can save the planet, in so many different ways!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 6, 2009
McCalla, AL
It seems that the ULTIMATE insanity was government banning hemp in the first place. I really liked the story on the videos about the 2 pack of cigarette a day smoker who got lung cancer and still could not quit smoking them, he started using the hemp oil and it still cured his cancer without him ever quitting smoking!
If you've ever researched the history of hemp you should know that at least 5,000 years of recorded history tells us that hemp was, and still is, the most valuable resource on the planet. Jack Herrer's book The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and his video The Emperor of Hemp, and Rick Simpson's web page Cure Cancer with Hemp Oil - Phoenix Tears are a good start. If hemp oil is pretty much a cure all it would put a lot of money grubbing scum out of business and save millions of human lives. Which is more sensible? It's long overdue to remove the goverment ban on the plant that can save the planet, in so many different ways!

You got to remember where supposed to be mindless sheep what the government says is bad is bad if they say its good then its good, wow my bs detector just went off haha it works.

Surf Monkey

Cartel Boss
ECF Veteran
May 28, 2009
Sesame Street
Hemp was banned for the same reason that tobacco was never regulated. Strong lobbies. In this case it was the cotton lobby. See, hemp produces fibers that are softer and far more durable than cotton. Hemp can also be grown in the colder climates of the northern states. In the early part of the 20th century, hemp was posing a danger to the cotton industry and threatening to erode the southern states' primary source of income. With the help of arch conservative Harry J. Anslinger, a massive PR campaign was waged against hemp, characterizing it as a "devil weed" used by blacks, which threatened the white way of life. It was also characterized as a heavy narcotic on par with opiates like ....... Ultimately, public opinion was swayed, a majority of states banned hemp production and the federal government eventually banned it nation wide. Thus the cotton monopoly was protected and marijuana was vilified.
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