vaping is frustrating

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ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2014
United States
A couple of things I noticed no one asked. How high is your voltage on your battery? Lowering your voltage may fix the burnt taste. What level of nicotine are you vaping. If it's too strong that can cause headaches and nausea. And I agree with the majority on this thread. If you can vape and avoid even one tobacco cig, that's a move in the right direction. It took me three days of weening off of tobacco cigs when I started vaping. After I quit tobacco cigs I got the shakes because there are so many more addictive chemicals in tobacco cigs than nicotine. Bur a few days later the shakiness stopped and I never looked back.

Voltage at 4.4 nic at 6mg. So not high really.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2013
Colorado, USA
Vapors tongue is no fun for sure but it's what seems to happen to just about all of us. We are all cheering you on and know what it means to be frustrated with vaping. And as many have been saying, don't beat yourself up if you smoke a cig. It will likely taste like moose urine and stay on your vaped out tongue for a couple of hours. No problem, you've had great success and smoking a cig isn't a failure by any means. Push through this and after you've been vaping for a few more months things will be much better for you. Then you will be the one trying to cheer up the next noob with vapors tongue. The vapors tongue probably won't last more than two weeks at the most. We're all here for you. like some weird misfit cheerleaders.:blink:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2014
United States
Vapors tongue is no fun for sure but it's what seems to happen to just about all of us. We are all cheering you on and know what it means to be frustrated with vaping. And as many have been saying, don't beat yourself up if you smoke a cig. It will likely taste like moose urine and stay on your vaped out tongue for a couple of hours. No problem, you've had great success and smoking a cig isn't a failure by any means. Push through this and after you've been vaping for a few more months things will be much better for you. Then you will be the one trying to cheer up the next noob with vapors tongue. The vapors tongue probably won't last more than two weeks at the most. We're all here for you. like some weird misfit cheerleaders.:blink:

Hahaha thanks for the laugh in my time of depression. I just wanna taste my Boba's!


Full Member
Jan 20, 2014
congrats on starting your vaping journey. First, make sure you drink plenty of water.....this will help with the vapors tongue. Second for many people, my self included....there is a transition period. If you need a cigarette once in while, have one. One day you are going to smoke one of those occasional cigarettes and it will taste disgusting.

Agreed! Don't be too hard on yourself and if you fall, just get back up!

Hang in there. It really does get better after the trial and error process!

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Jan 16, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
Many are assuming vapors tongue is due to the transition off smoking. I can tell you in my experience its not - I never smoked (other than the occasional cigar) and I've been hit with it.

Taste is part of the nervous system, and like any other continuous stimulation, the nervous system acclimatizes and desensitizes it and shuts it out, reducing the "gain" of the signal so to speak. In taste terms that means a reduction in taste intensity. Things that were once flavorful become dull and tasteless. Smell does the same thing.

Changing juices is one strategy, temporarily reducing vaping is probably the quickest way to get taste intensity back, but of course is problematic and in the case of a smoker using vaping to get off smoking, can very well drive them back to smoking.

There is a principle in muscle building workouts called muscle confusion. When doing strength training its very effective to vary the routine. The body in general is prone to migrate to a homeostatic state. Taste is part of the same neurological framework, so I think the same strategy applies - taste confusion (ie: changing stimulation) or removal of the continuous stimulation is to my thinking the best strategy for dealing with this.

I don't know how much this helps you understand the problem but you might be able to come up with solutions that deal with this 'taste exhaustion' effect. Like I said, red wine works for me, along with changing juices. YMMV.
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Full Member
Feb 14, 2014
New Hampshire
I am new and not sure if I have experienced vapors tounge. I do notice that I lose a little taste when into the last few pulls. All I can think of when I do feel a little weird in the mouth is "remember when I was smoking those analogs and I couldnt taste anything but the tobacco." It is alot better than the loss if taste from the pack of marlboro redd 100s I was smoking every day. Its a toss up, and sacrifices are still vety much worth it. Give yourself a chance to get acclimated


Vaping Master
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Apr 10, 2011
I have loss my taste of food for 5 days after 2 months of vaping. Also developed a serious post nasal drip. Is this normal

I too have serious post-nasal drip.

I had sinusoidal surgery not long after stating ecigs, though it was unrelated. I hadn't really known if my pnd was a consequence of the surgery or the vaping. I haven't seen much mention of that here in the threads, though don't recall if I've searched for it or not.

It may be worthwhile to start a thread on that topic when your privileges allow.
I read a fellow on one of the discussions who said he called his juice ' Burning Inner Tube In A Oil Can'. I laughed so much until they told him it was Vaper Tongue and as I read I understood more. The juice he loved - hated him. He came back maybe a week later and declared all was well.

I recall he started vaping differently. He drew into his lungs instead of just his mouth on one draw and then on the next he reversed it. Different each time I believe and he did the water after each draw (hello bathroom break and less vaping all in one solution to the tongue issue).

I am so new i have yet to experience it. When i do I guess I'll try all the solutions. I still get zero enjoyment from the "Puffer Fish Draw" and nicotine or no - I draw into my lungs and am a happy guy. When I draw into the mouth and blow out the nose which I never did with cigarettes I just wind up blowing my nose and wiping my watery eyes.

Good luck I am sure from what folks say you will do fine even if you have that smoke. There is no criminal punishment if WE do. It may make US beat ourselves to pieces - but WE can handle that too. Try to avoid it. but if you do I suspect you won't get through the whole smoke. Even so early on I remember what my hand smelled like and it was nasty mo matter what I said to myself. Now THAT was trulay a smell of a 'Burning Inner Tube In A Oil Can'!



New Member
Feb 14, 2014
South africa
I have a friend who is also experiencing the pnd after moving to vapor

QUOTE=Cool_Breeze;12234459]I too have serious post-nasal drip.

I had sinusoidal surgery not long after stating ecigs, though it was unrelated. I hadn't really known if my pnd was a consequence of the surgery or the vaping. I haven't seen much mention of that here in the threads, though don't recall if I've searched for it or not.

It may be worthwhile to start a thread on that topic when your privileges allow.[/QUOTE]


Ultra Member
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Sep 29, 2013
Near Austin, Texas
Everything else is okay, I can deal with the frustration of a problem I can fix but literally not being about to taste my vapor and it being completely out of my hands. I just can't take that. If I knew today that my "vapors tongue" wouldn't go away, I'd switch back to cigarettes. I'm vaping Hype by AVE right now. A cantaloupe and peach with a hint of banana, can't taste a thing.

Weird as it sounds, get some coffee grounds and give it a few good deep sniffs. You'll be tasting again soon. It's really not Vapors Tongue, it's Vapors Nose. I keep a bit of Starbux Dark French Roast in a pill bottle and when my flavor disappears, I open it and give it a few huffs, works wonders!!
Weird as it sounds, get some coffee grounds and give it a few good deep sniffs. You'll be tasting again soon. It's really not Vapors Tongue, it's Vapors Nose. I keep a bit of Starbux Dark French Roast in a pill bottle and when my flavor disappears, I open it and give it a few huffs, works wonders!!

I quit in June of 2013 and have experienced vapors tongue twice. It is not fun, but going back to analogs is not the answer. When it first happened I logged on to ECF and asked for help just like you. Someone told me to brush my tongue and drink a lot of water. Well, I don't like water even water with Flavors are disgusting, so I tried brushing my tongue everyday and it worked! It worked for the last six months! Give it a try. It is worth the effort because going back to a reg. analog is not the answer anymore. Good luck! Keep on vaping.
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