Vote (allows for short comment) Should electronic cigarettes be allowed on airplanes? MSNBC

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 15, 2010
Seattle, WA
Over 18,000 votes and so far....only 35% in favor of a ban. Either vapers are banging on that poll heavy, or people aren't quite ready to fly the swastika just yet. Also could be a backlash from the recent porno scanner and groping mess, though. I'm surprised by the numbers, so far, in any case.

I am, too. I find this very heartening. This is a subject where even people here on ECF were somewhat divided saying they could see the reasoning. What does this say for getting the public behind us in other venues? Very positive and heartening to me.


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
I really don't find the numbers that surprising, but when I was vaping daily I was vaping everywhere and talking about it to everyone. I never ran into a negative reaction from anyone and I had some fervent anti-smokers that actually liked the scent of vaping. But let's look a bit deeper into this "movement" they call TC.

In my mind, TC is evil. They have adopted a goal and a plan to get what they want and, at this point, appear that nothing but the ultimate solution will appease them. There is no end to the process, just read available documentation and you'll see the plan. You hear things like, "The next logical step is.........". It started out in baby steps and now with momentum, it's moving much faster.

Anyone that thinks they will be satisfied getting the smokers to quit is sadly mistaken, they have fallen in love with control and the money that has been generated by their efforts to get it. They have turned others that need to feel superior, for whatever reason, into very nasty individuals, hateful individuals. Those are the ones represented in that 35% against vaping on airplanes. They are the ones talking in comment sections about disgusting, low class, sub-human smokers that whatever is done to them is okay because smokers have brought it on themselves. Their "stench" (as if there is nothing else that smells bad) is equivalent to them pulling out a gun and killing someone. Then they drive home in their SUV and light up their fireplaces and they have no culpability for any damage to anyone. Why "Because smoking is the number one cause of death in this country" or is it tobacco or nicotine?

The average thinking human being will live and let live and are happy is they don't have to smell tobacco smoke, thus the fact that only 35% are against vaping in the poll. The more astute will realize that this is not the America they grew up in and they don't need to be as old as I to see it. They're asking, what's next?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2010
Lets talk about Karen in Los Angeles. Who is karen you ask?

Glad you asked....

Karen is chronic poster at the MSNBC site where the airline e-cig poll is going on. She claims to be a former smoker and should stand as warning to vapers on how NOT to be when one stops smoking.

A sampling of her wisdom:

It is against federal law to smoke on an airline. I don't care if it is a tobacco or non-tobacco cigarette. If they want to smoke cigarettes on the plane, I want to smoke some doobies.
Big f'ing deal. Please DO NOT SHARE them with me AT ALL, EVER. And thank goodness, it is against federal law to smoke on a plane. BEFORE YOU QUIT, HOW'D YOU HANDLE IT? Run out side for a cigarette and then back through security? HAVE FUN because YOU can continue if you want to smoke your e-cig. I quit smoking cigarettes 2 weeks before 9/11 and I used Zyban.
Who cares. It is a proven fact that smoking cigarettes will kill you. My friend has a hole in his throat from the tracheotamy (sorry about spelling) they gave him because HE GOT CANCER. The cancer is gone now but not that hole in his throat. And look at it this way, I MOVED to California and most Californians DESPISE smoking. I hardly ever see any smokers here. It is outlawed almost everywhere. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE OR SMELL CIGARETTES WHETHER REAL OR FAKE. And if you don't like it, WHO CARES? I'm glad the law is on my side.

In response to this statement: "I have already begun a push to ban ALL colognes and perfumes from public places including airplanes."

She says:

I completely agree with this. You should hear me in the gym. If someone gets on a machine and REEKS, I ask them to move because their cologne/perfume bothers me and I was there first. By the way people who do this - YOU STILL STINK SO STOP PUTTING ON COLOGNE BECAUSE IT DOES NOT MASK THE ODOR. Why in the world would I support an e-cig - "because it's good for you?" BIG FREAKING DEAL AGAIN. I don't want to see it. What is the point? Why do I care? I don't. I applaud people trying to quit. If you can't handle getting on a plane without it - STAY OFF THE DAMN PLANE.
Just because some people have issues and want to inflict them on others does not mean that everyone else will agree. People could not smoke before and that is all there is too it. It does not matter that it's real or fake. I do not want to see a bunch of people's heads on a plane sucking on an e-cig. Many people have to share a small space. Imagine a fatter person not only squishing his neighbor but inhaling on a fake cigarette on top of it. TOO MUCH.

So what do we know about Karen....I mean aside from the fact she is a lunatic?

She is a bigot..... a card carrying bigot. Now most everyone knows about the word "bigot" in reference to race, but not many know about it's general use. She doesn't like smokers, fat people or anyone who she feels didn't bathe up to her standards that day. She is typical though of what I have noticed about anti-smokers in general. If you talk to one of them long enough (painful I know) will see the hatred displayed in other areas as well.


CASAA Activist
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It appears that msnbc has removed the entire Vote option & Comments from the page. There is a link to Vote, but nothing but a couple of inches of white space in that area under "Vote: Should electronic cigarettes be allowed on airplanes?" Tried clicking all around the area to no effect.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2009
It appears that msnbc has removed the entire Vote option & Comments from the page. There is a link to Vote, but nothing but a couple of inches of white space in that area under "Vote: Should electronic cigarettes be allowed on airplanes?" Tried clicking all around the area to no effect.
Hmmm....the vote still shows up for me...perhaps clearing your cache , refresh page, will work for you.


Quantum Vapyre
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
The original question is incorrect. The question is "Should electronic cigarettes be allowed on airplanes?". It should be "Should use of electronic cigarettes be allowed on airplanes?" They are asking us to vote for something that has not been banned. Cigarettes are allowed on airplanes, you just can't smoke them. I want to think this is a simple error. I tend to think, however, it is a subtle way to support the antis. Or add confusion to the issue. But that's just read-between-the-lines me. BTW, I don't feel comfortable with subjecting someone who is essentially trapped next to me with my mysterious vapor. Regardless of the safety, plane trips are traumatic enough without making someone nervous further. On the other hand, if they pull out their 510, all bets are off.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2010
SW Washington State
So what do we know about Karen....I mean aside from the fact she is a lunatic?

She is a bigot..... a card carrying bigot. Now most everyone knows about the word "bigot" in reference to race, but not many know about it's general use. She doesn't like smokers, fat people or anyone who she feels didn't bathe up to her standards that day. She is typical though of what I have noticed about anti-smokers in general. If you talk to one of them long enough (painful I know) will see the hatred displayed in other areas as well.

Could it be that bigots like Karen are enlightening others to what they are by displaying their hatred? (as I tend to view rants on replys and forums) Or do you think her words resonate with the sheep anti's?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 7, 2010
central VA
Could it be that bigots like Karen are enlightening others to what they are by displaying their hatred? (as I tend to view rants on replys and forums) Or do you think her words resonate with the sheep anti's?

It actually did my cold, black heart some good to read how many non-smokers commented that the zealots have gone too far in regards to treating e-cigs like the next wave of the plague. I'm glad to see more people realizing that banning should NEVER be the default, only a very last resort and based on definitive evidence of real danger......not 'what if'. It is just plain bad policy to make laws based on the worst possible scenario. Many people pointed out that just about any human behavior can be picked apart and shown to have some kind of negative impact on somebody else. For instance, women over a certain age know full well that they run a higher risk of pregnancy complications. Yet no one suggests that a woman who underwent IVF (purposely getting pregnant at an advanced age) and ends up having triplets born prematurely and requiring NICU care should have to 'pay for it themselves'. We all end up paying for people who have kids they can't afford, we all pay for the treatment of chronic illnesses that result from obesity, we all pay for people who choose to drive gas guzzling SUVs as opposed to compact, efficient cars. I may not like it, but it's a price I'm willing to pay if the alternative is having the government decide who can procreate, what we can eat, and what we can drive or buy with our own money. How many people who want all these 'bans' still consider themselves proponents of a free society? Freedom isn't free became a saying for good reason. As for the asshats who want ecigs banned because they don't want to have to see them....the same could be said for a lot of things people don't want to see, but no one has the God given right (or constitutional right) to be free from exposure from things they don't like. You don't want to look at my e-cig? Okay, fine.....I don't want to listen to your kid scream on a plane for 4 hours and I can do without smelling dirty diapers. Doesn't mean I have the right to ban children on flights, does it? Sadly, people are so blinded by their self righteous ideology that logic doesn't stand a chance. It's so narcissistic.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2010
Could it be that bigots like Karen are enlightening others to what they are by displaying their hatred? (as I tend to view rants on replys and forums) Or do you think her words resonate with the sheep anti's?

Antis LOVE "reformed smokers" like this. They take cases like Karen as validation for their work. It's not just smoking. Look at any hot-button issue and you will find groups using reformed people as poster children. Religious groups live for this sort of thing. Nothing better than parading out some former atheists to the congregation for a few "amen...brothers and sisters...amen". that I think about it....antis are sorta like a cult. Karen needs deprogrammed....LOL
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