Want to help smokers quit? Stop lying about e-cigs

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Oct 24, 2014
Saskatoon SK Canada
Want to help smokers quit? Stop lying about e-cigs | WashingtonExaminer.com

While the official agencies urge smokers to use the FDA-approved methods to help them quit, they neglect to inform them that these methods — gums, nicotine patches, drugs —are not terribly effective. They actually warn smokers who want to quit against trying reduced-harm nicotine delivery devices such as e-cigarettes and vapor products (“e-cigs”). They go out of their way to alarm desperate smokers about hypothetical concerns — and their scare tactics work. More smokers are now fearful of trying these products than last year. Media comments by officials of the CDC and the big nonprofits (American Lung Association, American Cancer Society, among others) imply that the nascent, innovative e-cig industry is merely a ploy by “Big tobacco” to lure young people into nicotine addiction.
Such assertions are mere propaganda, as their spokesmen well know.


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Mar 10, 2014
the biggest problem with all these people saying you can use the patch or gum is neither really work
i smoked for over 50 years and basicly had to quit but nothing worked

And my Doc is tickled pink that I could finally quit he says keep vapeing if that worked for me

Im beginning to think because vapeing is cheaper than patches or the gum that those are the ones guiding the complaints and bad press


vaper dedicato
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    Im beginning to think because vapeing is cheaper than patches or the gum that those are the ones guiding the complaints and bad press

    +10 from me. I'm just under 6 months into vaping, and I started thinking pretty much the same thing less than a week into it..


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 15, 2013
    Want to help smokers quit? Stop lying about e-cigs | WashingtonExaminer.com

    While the official agencies urge smokers to use the FDA-approved methods to help them quit, they neglect to inform them that these methods — gums, nicotine patches, drugs —are not terribly effective. They actually warn smokers who want to quit against trying reduced-harm nicotine delivery devices such as e-cigarettes and vapor products (“e-cigs”). They go out of their way to alarm desperate smokers about hypothetical concerns — and their scare tactics work. More smokers are now fearful of trying these products than last year. Media comments by officials of the CDC and the big nonprofits (American Lung Association, American Cancer Society, among others) imply that the nascent, innovative e-cig industry is merely a ploy by “Big Tobacco” to lure young people into nicotine addiction.
    Such assertions are mere propaganda, as their spokesmen well know.

    I think it is (clearly) partially accurate to say these agencies want smokers to use approved methods to help them quit. No denying that. But I think the real gusto for them is to have people quit cold turkey as if that is as easy to do as they say it can be. I think substitutes aren't something they want to advocate for, but do because they realize there are dollars to be made with such advocacy.

    I've seen, first hand, a smoking friend express fear about vaping and thus choose smoking instead. I didn't handle this as well as I could've, but wasn't, even a little bit, trying to get that smoker to quit. They just busted out with idea that vaping is going to be proven one day to be worse that smoking. I offered a wager, this friend declined and well it was a short conversation as the friend was very under prepared to defend the feeble position.

    I'm the type of politically aware vaper who dislikes advocating for vaping as a cessation tool. I like that it works that way (for many), but dislike it being promoted in that way. It clearly works as a tool of reduction without much effort, and really doesn't need a sales pitch for it to work that way for anyone. I sometimes think ANTZ and the like give us a fight on this cause they enjoy watching us (recent abusive smokers) get on our soapboxes and argue for cessation from smoking. Enjoy watching us echo their rhetoric of "smoking kills" and all the propaganda they've spouted for years. I don't like spouting that off and instead enjoy calling people out on that propaganda, which includes fellow vapers who are politically aware. If vaping has worked personally for you to reduce your cravings down to zero desire for another cigarette, I honor that decision. But to make that the position all of vaping ought to hold strikes me as doing the work of our adversaries. Sorry, but that is how I see it.


    ECF Veteran
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    Dec 15, 2014
    Arizona, Ecuador
    After a pack-a-day smoker for forty years....I quit smoking the same day I began vaping and haven't had a single urge for a coffin nail since.

    My nicotine level went to 24mg to 3 in less than four months, I could probably vape without nicotine now and not know the difference if one atty had nicotine and another didn't, I doubt I'd be able to notice the difference any longer.

    Your gov is a piece of work, as most know.

    In their feeble minds... if there is money to be made, who give a rats *** if people die.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Oct 12, 2014
    There is a basic fallacy to "quit" smoking. Every smoker quits 20-30 times a day. The problem is and always has been relapse and that's what e-cigs address like nothing else. I stopped smoking last November. I can stand with coworkers smoking on break and feel no craving but if I show up in a place where I used to smoke, that I haven't been since last November I feel some craving for a cigarette (so I vape instead of course). I'm convinced now that smoking is mostly a habit forming behavior. The chemicals are just a few of many triggers but most of them are times, places and situations that became associated with smoking.

    Public health people are famous for lying if they decide that's what gets the rest of us to do what they think best. E-cigs are an unusual situation because e-cigs attack cigarettes which are a huge source of revenue for government which funds public health and science. If tobacco sales collapse a lot of public health people and scientists will lose their work and they are the ones telling the most outrageous lies and I promise the FDA people know what's goingn on better than we do. I'm hoping the FDA is feeling restrained by the possibility of starting another drug war.


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Oct 24, 2014
    Saskatoon SK Canada
    I've seen, first hand, a smoking friend express fear about vaping and thus choose smoking instead. I didn't handle this as well as I could've, but wasn't, even a little bit, trying to get that smoker to quit. They just busted out with idea that vaping is going to be proven one day to be worse that smoking. I offered a wager, this friend declined and well it was a short conversation as the friend was very under prepared to defend the feeble position.

    I'm the type of politically aware vaper who dislikes advocating for vaping as a cessation tool. I like that it works that way (for many), but dislike it being promoted in that way. It clearly works as a tool of reduction without much effort, and really doesn't need a sales pitch for it to work that way for anyone. I sometimes think ANTZ and the like give us a fight on this cause they enjoy watching us (recent abusive smokers) get on our soapboxes and argue for cessation from smoking. Enjoy watching us echo their rhetoric of "smoking kills" and all the propaganda they've spouted for years. I don't like spouting that off and instead enjoy calling people out on that propaganda, which includes fellow vapers who are politically aware. If vaping has worked personally for you to reduce your cravings down to zero desire for another cigarette, I honor that decision. But to make that the position all of vaping ought to hold strikes me as doing the work of our adversaries. Sorry, but that is how I see it.

    These forms are full of trolls and shills that not only listen to us but also bate with us to learn and gather information they will need to fight for their agenda and in reality the agenda is not about health but control of a multi-billion dollar industry! Read more here:


    vaper dedicato
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    BP is in the business of 'treatment', not 'cure'. Since they provide a great deal of the funding for health-related segments of the government, the politicians and bureaucrats are inclined to see things their way. Basically: there is no money to be made in having smokers actually quit.

    I 'liked' that post, but IMO that's just not enough, so I had to quote here. I believe I quoted (somewhere else, on these Forums though) another post by philoshop - http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/members/225891/philoshop.html because it felt real strong to me. The words in that post are definitely going into my arsenal of 'things to say' to 'vape doubters'.


    Vaping Master
    Dec 23, 2014
    Isn't it time that the Antzies moved on to very serious problems the US is facing, like diabetes (this is turning out to be epidemic, and a plague), obesity, and cancers of all kinds? They should be taking a hard look at what is being done to our FOOD.

    I'd say it's time that they start leading by example and go live healthy lives under Nurse Ratched's supervision.


    Then, based on the outcome, we'll make a decision for ourselves.
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