What VG to buy at brick and mortar store ie: CVS, WalMart, Wallgreens and so on?

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Never mind my last post - I've since found that Essential Depot apparently carries the best bang for your buck as far as quality/price is concerned, but I noticed something that might be a bit dangerous while skimming through this thread...

BTW - You might consider Diluting your VG down a Tad using some Bottled Water.

From what I understand, the only water (bottled or otherwise) that is actually safe to vape is distilled water.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Never mind my last post - I've since found that Essential Depot apparently carries the best bang for your buck as far as quality/price is concerned, but I noticed something that might be a bit dangerous while skimming through this thread...

From what I understand, the only water (bottled or otherwise) that is actually safe to vape is distilled water.

Why do you say this?

I'm not trying to Slam you. But are you Taking the "Safe to Vape" thing to the Extreme?
Why do you say this?

I'm not trying to Slam you. But are you Taking the "Safe to Vape" thing to the Extreme?

It seems like you are... Distilled water is very inexpensive, and doesn't contain anything unsafe to inhale, so why not use it?

It seems you're the type who thinks it'd be okay to vape cooking oil. Do whatever you want, just don't give unsafe advice to someone without letting them know the risks... That's just negligent.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
It seems like you are... Distilled water is very inexpensive, and doesn't contain anything unsafe to inhale, so why not use it?

It seems you're the type who thinks it'd be okay to vape cooking oil. Do whatever you want, just don't give unsafe advice to someone without letting them know the risks... That's just negligent.

I think Before you Accuse someone of giving Unsafe Advice, you should Post some Information Showing that something is Not Safe.

You think using Distilled Water is the Only Safe thing to Use, Great. Where is the Data Showing that Bottled Water is Unsafe to Use?

Spreading FUD is another form of Negligence.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I'd be interested in seeing this data on how small amounts of minerals and salts are unsafe to inhale too.


Do you remember Back in the Day when the Hot Topic was Adding Table Salt into e-Liquids?

I think it came out After Adding Vinegar. And before the Adding Lemon Juice Craze Hit.


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Feb 26, 2014
SW Chicagoland, IL
I'd be interested in seeing this data on how small amounts of minerals and salts are unsafe to inhale too.

I think all my neighbors would be too since we all draw mineralized water from our wells into our water heaters and inhale the vapors from that pretty often.

I too would be interested in seeing that data!

I'm hoping to mix some base today and plan on adding 3% bottled saline solution.

Gee...I wonder if I should hold off doing so until the data comes in? :D:D



My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Bottled water has minerals added to give it some flavor. Those minerals will not make your lungs happy.
This? This makes sense (you know, the common kind that... doesn't appear to be that common).

That's why I Only Shower using Distilled Water.
Yes, because you heat your shower water to the same temperature an atomizer does, and are certain to do whatever it takes to ensure you only inhale as much of the the water vapour as possible, and as little of the other air in the room as possible.

Thus making your sarcastic comment an entirely accurate response to PaulBHC's comment.

I think Before you Accuse someone of giving Unsafe Advice, you should Post some Information Showing that something is Not Safe.

You think using Distilled Water is the Only Safe thing to Use, Great. Where is the Data Showing that Bottled Water is Unsafe to Use?

Spreading FUD is another form of Negligence.
Hmm... Well, I could be a jerk, and just tell you to Google the words, "bottle water inhale unsafe," for your data. I'm not sure why you're attempting to insult me by claiming I'm spreading FUD, when nearly everyone who seems to actually care about what they're vaping now seems to think distilled water is the best option for water.

I suppose they're all spreading FUD as well.

Now, to be serious about this data you're asking for... How the hell would I even begin to explain something so basic...
There is no data claiming bottled water is safe or unsafe to use because no one has actually thought a quantifiable amount of people have decided to inhale bottled water vapour... Otherwise, there would likely be a study on it.

I'd also assume there is no data on whether or not it would be safe to vape mustard gas (an extreme example, I know), but that doesn't mean it's not unsafe to use in our e-liquids.

I'd be interested in seeing this data on how small amounts of minerals and salts are unsafe to inhale too.

I think all my neighbors would be too since we all draw mineralized water from our wells into our water heaters and inhale the vapors from that pretty often.
Sent by big fingers on a tiny phone via Tapatalk
I drew water from my own well also, and I'm not sure who would bother mineralizing well water, but to each their own, I guess...

I also never went down to my basement and messed with pipes in or near my water heater in order to inhale the vapours... That's a bit extreme, isn't it?

If that's not what you meant by, "draw mineralized water from our wells into our water heaters and inhale the vapors from that pretty often," then I have no idea what else you could mean, sorry.

Do you remember Back in the Day when the Hot Topic was Adding Table Salt into e-Liquids?

I think it came out After Adding Vinegar. And before the Adding Lemon Juice Craze Hit.
Yes, because this is exactly how intelligent people further their arguments... By bringing up completely unrelated topics, and using them as an attempt to discredit the opposing arguement, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.

I too would be interested in seeing that data!

I'm hoping to mix some base today and plan on adding 3% bottled saline solution.

Gee...I wonder if I should hold off doing so until the data comes in? :D:D

Then we have someone joining in on making fun of the issue, rather than actually contributing to the conversation in any way, shape, or form.

(By the way, saline is typically a sterile solution of sodium chloride in distilled water, so... Less ingredients than bottled water. No idea if saline it's safe to vape, though it is safe to use intravenously, which bottled water is not).

Also, normal saline solution I believe uses less than 1% sodium chloride in the distilled water.

I hate to say it. But you Might have a Long Wait.
I do apologize about the wait, boys. I've been unable to use these forums for a few days due to my loaner smartphone being more of a dumbphone.

Anyway... For your entertainment, here are some facts, and data...

According to the FDA:

Bottled water labelled as Mineral water contains at least 250 parts per million total dissolved solids.

Bottled water is allowed to have flavours, essences, and extracts (possibly used to make the water seem fresher) added so long as they are less than 1% of the final product.

Flouride is allowed to be added to bottled water.

This article may also be very interesting to you all:


According to it, most of the samples exceeded the contaminant level set by the EPA for mercury, thallium, and thorium...

Don't worry - bottled water is completely safe to vape, everyone. I'm just spreading FUD.


Bottled water just isn't safe to vape (and I didn't even need to bother talking about chemicals from certain plastic bottles leaching into the water to make that point).
Last edited:


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
We waited a Month for this?

A 12 Year Old study that I can only read the Abstract of?

Very Compelling Evidence to support the Claim that using Bottled Water is Unsafe to be used in the Quantities found in e-Liquids.

BTW - I can Understand why you have why there is an Asterisk at the end of your User Level.


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Oct 31, 2013
Tennessee USA
ok now for something completely different...but still on the vg topic... well sort of...

Since this thread has gone off into a tangental discussion about whatever trace elements may or may not be in bottled water.

A while back I bought a bottle of usp glycerin. I honestly cant recall if it was at walmart or walgreens...but it didnt have any reference to humco on the bottle. It was the exact same bottle as the walmart humco bottles, only it was labeled "sunmark" as the brand. Looking closer at the fine print, the product was distributed by McKesson. Anyway long story short, further investigation lead me to the discovery that Humco makes the glycerin and private labels it for McKesson. So no worries at all there.

BUT... It has an odd chemically flavor that comes through slightly in the juices I've made with it.

I quit using that bottle of VG and have since only used VG from another vendor (which probaby just rebottles a bulk form of good old Humco VG) heh heh however it does NOT have that odd chemically taste.

Maybe its just me, as I might just be a super taster, since a few folks who have tasted the odd vg based e liquids I made did not taste or notice anything strange or chemically about it.

This got me wondering what the heck I was tasting in the juice.

The only conclusion I could come up with was that warming up the bottle caused BPA to leach from the PET plastic ninto the VG.
I had transferred the sunmark bottle to a wide mouth white HDPE bottle to make it easier to draw out with measuring syringes, and in that process I had warmed up the PET bottle in the microwave so the vg would pour out more completely.

Arrrgh, lesson learned and worth repeating (or said another way TEACHING) to my fellow DIY juice makers.

Never warm up or heat any juice components which are in PET bottles, or you may be hastening BPA to leach into your juices.
The same reasoning is why I prefer to buy my VG from companies that bottle and ship it in glass or HDPE bottles.

If you have any doubts about what I'm saying. Have you ever left a bottle of drinking water in your car, out in the summer heat, for example while you shopped. And then been thirsty enough to have a gulp even though it was now hot from sitting in the car.
That eff'ed up chemically flavor is from "BPA" leaching into the water. Theres pleanty of fear mongering crap on the internet about the possible dangers of BPA in our bottled water, but I usually dont get too excited or worried about such matters. I usually just let common sense guide me. If the water tastes funky, I avoid it...unless I'm extremely thirsty heh heh

Point being...I am 100% sure that the bottle of McKesson VG did in fact become BPA polluted. Probably excessively from my having warmed it up.

Nowadays, I NEVER heat up e juice or any component part of e juice in plastic bottles, especially PET plastic bottles.
I only wish the nic vendors would stop bottling and shipping in plastic bottles.

ps...Just this weekend, I just received a small bottle of VG nic base from a new nic supplier. This stuff IS THE cleanest and best tasting nic juice I've ever...EVER... purchased. The nic lives up to the hype as being good clean and tasty nic.
My only complaint... IT is in a cheesy thin lightweight amber PET plastic bottle. PITA transferring it to glass btw, arrrgh !

I would gladly PAY for the option to have my nic only in glass bottles. If they must use plastic, then STOP using PET or PETE plastic bottles.

Its worthkeeping in mind if you're finding things tasting strange folks.

Write your diy vendors, pass it on

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