What VG to buy at brick and mortar store ie: CVS, WalMart, Wallgreens and so on?

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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010

The only conclusion I could come up with was that warming up the bottle caused BPA to leach from the PET plastic ninto the VG.

Here is some Info regarding Polyethylene Terephthalate.

PET Safety FAQs

Is it safe to leave a PET bottle in a hot car?

For more, see the International Life Sciences Institute (Europe) 2000 Report on PET for Food Packaging

Yes. The idea that PET bottles "leach" chemicals when heated in hot cars is not based on any science, and is unsubstantiated by any credible evidence. This allegation has been perpetuated by emails until it has become an urban legend, but it just isn't so.
We waited a Month for this?
No, you waited 2-3 weeks, partially because of technical difficulties, and partially because I didn't want to respond until I could actually give this discussion the attention I thought (at the time) it deserved.

A 12 Year Old study that I can only read the Abstract of?
Why does the age of the study matter? What studies have you brought forward to support your claim, again?
Oh right... None.

Also, please learn to use Google. If you use that years-old search engine properly, you can easily find a complete copy of the study for download.

Or, you could buy it.

Either way, you can certainly read more than just the abstract.

Very Compelling Evidence to support the Claim that using Bottled Water is Unsafe to be used in the Quantities found in e-liquids.
Besides the, "evidence," of common-sense, added to the plethora of other issues I raised in my previous post, you mean?

BTW - I can Understand why you have why there is an Asterisk at the end of your User Level.

Oh, wow... You've stooped to attacking the person, rather than the argument... Again.

Who didn't see that coming?

BTW, that's a logical fallacy that would get you laughed-out of any real debate. Just saying.

In his post Geoffrey White said it was only "a few days".

I guess that's a judgement call.

I think we should all be grateful for the insights on his...judgement.



Both you and zoiDman need to learn how to read, apparently.

The, "few days," was actually, " I've been unable to use these forums for a few days..."

Let me explain...

I've been using the forums for a while after the last message in this thread, so the extra time you're thinking of (the last post before mine was August 16th, and mine was September 8th, so I think both you and zoiDman need to learn to math, or use a calendar) is specific to this thread only. I was using these forums outside of this thread though, which is what I had actually said.. Love your judgement(s), by the way.

Perhaps the Effects of the Dissolved Solids has Clouded his Mind?

Yay! A mixture of sarcasm, and a personal attack all-in-one.

Too bad sarcasm doesn't justify an argument, though...

Somewhere I have heard this forum is a friendly one.
OK, I remember – it was in the subforum for new members, so never mind…

Yes, I remember that too...

Also, besides these 3, I haven't actually seen many people on these forums act like this. (I seem to keep having run-ins with zoiDman for some reason... I've noticed he really doesn't like it when you prove him wrong (which you can see in other threads about things such as the purity of certain brands of glycerin).

All things considered, I've been able to admit when I'm wrong several times on these forums without an issue, and have seen other people also admit when their wrong without issue, though... So, I don't know..

The thing I don't mind about being wrong is... Once I've learned how I've been wrong, I've usually learned enough about the truth of the subject that I'm going to be right in the future! :)

So the bit of water in juice...usually less than 15% that is further diluted when we vape a fraction of a ml along with 100's of MLS of air is still over the safe exposure numbers?

Sorry, cannot see the methodology or toxicology data in that link.
Sent by big fingers on a tiny phone via Tapatalk

Yes, it probably is, actually. The safe exposure numbers for ingesting are different than for inhaling.

Also, please, please learn to use Google. You can find the appropriate methodology for the study there, and toxicology data for what is considered unsafe to inhale there as well.

Please remind me why, when zoiDman is the one making the claim that bottled water is safe to vape (while I've only seen others on this forum say to use DW instead), that the burden of proof is on me?

Even when I give you numbers from the FDA, EPA, and a link to the abstract of a study that you could easily find in full... Why are you still plugging your ears, and going, "la la la la la?"

Is it because you're one of those people that just can't stand being wrong, or is it because you've been selling unsafe e-liquids to people for a while?

My guess would be both.
Yes fogging_katrider, now somewhat back on topic...

I think I read somewhere on these forums earlier that heating VG might cause it to absorb certain chemicals from both the air (either in it's container, or even possibly from outside the container), and directly from whatever container it may be in, and that heating it above a certain point may change it's chemical makeup, but to honest, I personally have no idea (and I can admit that). lol

Either way, I don't bother heating my VG up first anyway. Unless you're doing this with mass amounts of VG, it's really not like it's much of an inconvienence.

There are a few vendors that offer their nicotine in amber glass bottles... MFS is one of them, and (I might be wrong, but) I believe NN also does (they also have an option to buy your nicotine solution with argon gas in the container, so the solution doesn't become contaminated by atmospheric air). :)

The nicotine you recently bought... Do you happen to have a link to where I might also find it? ;) lol
To go really back on subject... If you don't mind ordering from a pharmacy, I've been very happy with the Galenova VG I've bought at local Shoppers Drug Marts.

It still has that greasy feel on exhale, but I think that's true of VG in general.

Outside of that, it's only slightly sweet, vapes very smoothly, and produces decent clouds. lol

I think the main reason I've been using it is because it's basically just a normal pharmaceutical grade glycerin, known to be made from vegetable sources... And, it's less expensive than any others I've seen that meet those 2 criteria in other B&M stores.
Wow... I just realized how toxic certain people on here can be, and sadly, how that seems to be rubbing off on me.

Respond with your insults all you like now, guys... I'm done with you.

The only reason I brought up the issue was to make sure other vapers aren't being unsafe.

Any reasonable person would've got the point by now, so there's really no need for me to continue anyway.

I do apologize to everyone who was actually contributing to this thread properly. I didn't mean to derail it - I was just trying to be helpful.

Again, very sorry about that (and for the multiple posts).
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Hello out there have been keeping up with the thread ,and just for fun thought I'd throw another bone of contention out for all of you to gnaw on. I was just thinking of the debate on bottled water vs distilled water and something popped into my mind that was worth another thought. I know that only very small amounts of any type of water are used to thin ejuices, and that if your only making 10-15 ml bottled water might be OK as minerals in that amount probably won't cause too much harm. But, I as a woman have owned many Irons ( read ancient flat plate heating devices) and every one I've owned warned about being sure to use distilled water in them so as not to cause damage to the Iron. If you think about it what does an iron do? It turns water into steam/vapor, of course this causes any minerals in the minerals to crust up inside the iron and ruin it's heating ability. Now think about the coils in our devices. Not alot of room for crust in there is there. I dont belive that this residue could be inhaled when we vape our juice but there is always a chance. Soooo why take this kind of chance at all, when a gallon bottle of distilled water sells for a dollar or less. As a Nurse I can tell you that any solid no matter how small inhaled into lung tissue can at the very least lead to inflamation of the lung tissue and in turn lead to pneumonia. For me, not a happy thought. I think that common sense must rule that if it's not OK for an iron it's not OK for a coil. On the subject of VG and its' safety in plastic bottles of different kinds. I only buy my PG in the Bakery dept. Wilton has a very very good grade of VG in food safe bottles. I pay alittle more for it around 2 fl. oz for 2.00 but I feel better about mixing this with my juice than a grade of PG that is used as a skin lotion (bottled in a factory that is not as clean maybe due to it's intended use) Just as I said a couple of things to chew on for the truely bored. :2c: :D


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Whoa. I ask for proof for a bold statement and after being disparaged I get what amounts to Probably, Google it yourself?

I've been here a long time and I've always recommended distilled water. Feel free to do an advanced search of my posts with water, and come back if you like. What I have seen, and will probably see again are posts along the lines of, "I don't have distilled water so tap water is OK, right?"

Given my previous career in infrastructure and knowing what I've seen in water supply plants, I'm really against putting tap water in and have previously suggested that if DW is difficult to obtain then bottled water is a better choice than tap.

I have no idea why you thought my questions were insulting, it why you think we're unusual here that our well water comes from metal rich limestone aquifers and that many folks use cheap softeners that add more sodium chloride to their water supply than metal and scale it takes out. I also have no idea why you think I sell juice, if any type, or any other of the accusations you directed at me.

I've read enough abstracts to know they mean little. I've read abstracts that said Nicotine does X and then I pay for the study to find they used burning cigarettes as the nicotine delivery device. That's like saying wood causes lung damage and using burning houses as the delivery device.

I'll let you stand on the fact that your final proof that bottled water is bad to use in juice as, Probably, google it yourself. I don't use bottle water and seldom use distilled water and I'm just trying to get down to the real information for others. I know statements like these can take on a life of their own on forums such as this and folks in the future may be going all tap water because bottled water is bad and distilled water comes in bottles. (That may sound silly, but I've seen sillyness come from much more innocent statements.)
Sent by big fingers on a tiny phone via Tapatalk


Super Member
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Oct 31, 2013
Tennessee USA
There are no BPA in PET bottles.

Ok, my bad, I should have googled it first. So Its NOT BPA... but whatever "IT" is "IT" has an unpleasant chemically plastic flavor.

That nasty "taint" plastic flavor I can taste in water thats been heated up might just be "Acetaldehyde"

In any event, the data in the above link provided by zoidman does prove that even though supposedly harmless "IT" does affect the flavor of foods packaged in PET. It "taints" the flavors of some foods...AND I CAN TASTE "IT" in the VG that was heated in its PET bottle.

edit added note...
I can not taste it in water that has become room temp, however if that same bottle sits in a 140 degree car for an hour or so, "IT" becomes very noticable. Try it yourself sometime.
Perhaps even nuke some VG in a pet bottle (be careful not to melt the bottle) and give it a vape, if you're a super taster, you will taste the same odd tainted flavor in the VG.
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