What was it about smoke, beyond delivery, that made it satisfying to inhale?

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Aug 24, 2010
Harvest, AL USA
Imagine that there are 100 different E juice flavors arranged in front of you. Could these be somehow classified by size and weight of partical vaporized? Do certain vaporizing devices somehow have an ability to make "smaller or large particals." Do users prefer bigger and heavier over smaller and lighter? Or are there veriants like, smaller and heavier, larger and lighter?

Well, this leads me to an overwhelming question; what is it about a good vapor, beyond flavor, that makes it good? Furthermore, what was it about smoke, beyond delivery, that made it satisfying to inhale? I am suggesting that it is density, and based on some simple observations it seems to hold true. I took a couple of juices that i am not as fond of and pitted them agains ones i am more fond of in a still room. Each of the ones' vapor that I was more fond of was either slower to rise or seemed to settle then rise. Perhaps density improves absortion?

In either case does any one have any information, observations, or casual thoughts that might lead to a better understanding of how a vapors density play a roll?
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