What would you do if e-cigs became legal, but went under a tax regime?

What's the max tax you would be willing to pay if the proceeds went towards e-cig related research?

  • $0.1/ml

  • $0.2/ml

  • $0.3/ml

  • $0.4/ML

  • $0.5/ML

  • Grab your shotgun to defend the e-juice still in your basement.

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That George Carlin quote was hilarious! We live in a cotton coated world, don't we?
Can't remember how many times when I would be in the playground of the school with my daughter when she was little, and hear things like "Don't run!" (this to little boys) or the ever popular "Don't get sand in your shoes!" to children in the sand box. What the hell is wrong with people?
On the subject to taxing these e-cigs though, I guess I would just have to pay up. It seems like a losing battle in this country for an adult to be able to do what they want to with their life, and its getting worse.
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