Why are both of my smok tanks tasting burnt?

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 27, 2016
Long Island, New York
  1. 1.
    past participle of do1.
  1. 1.
    used as a nonstandard past tense of do1.
    "I done a lot of rodeoin'"
    • used with a standard past tense verb to indicate absoluteness or completion.
      "I done told you to zipper your lips"
adjective: done
  1. 1.
    (of food) cooked thoroughly.
    "the turkey will be done soon"
    synonyms: cooked (through), ready
    "is the meat done?"
    antonyms: raw, underdone
    • no longer happening or existing.
      "her hunting days were done"
      synonyms: over, over and done with, at an end, finished, ended, concluded, terminated, no more, dead, gone, in the past
      "those days are done"
      antonyms: to come, ongoing
  2. 2.
    socially acceptable.
    "therapy was not the done thing then"
    synonyms: proper, seemly, decent, respectable, right, correct, in order, fitting, appropriate, acceptable, the done thing
    "that's just not done"
exclamation: done
  1. 1.
    used to indicate that the speaker accepts the terms of an offer.
    "“I'll give ten to one he misses by a mile!” called Reilly. “Done,” said the conductor"
past participle: done
  1. 1.
    perform (an action, the precise nature of which is often unspecified).
    "something must be done about the city's traffic"
    synonyms: carry out, undertake, discharge, execute, perform, accomplish, achieve; More
    bring about/off, engineer;
    informalpull off;
    "she does most of the manual work"
    • perform (a particular task).
      "Dad always did the cooking on Sundays"
    • work on (something) to bring it to completion or to a required state.
      "it takes them longer to do their hair than me"
      synonyms: prepare, make, get ready, see to, arrange, organize, be responsible for, be in charge of; More
      "the boys will do the dinner"
      style, arrange, adjust;
      brush, comb, wash, dry, cut;
      "the maid did her hair"
    • make or have available and provide.
      "he's doing bistro food"
      synonyms: make, create, produce, turn out, design, manufacture; More
      paint, draw, sketch;
      informalknock off
      "the company is doing a new range of footwear"
    • solve; work out.
      "Joe was doing sums aloud"
      synonyms: work out, figure out, calculate; More
      solve, resolve
      "show me how to do these equations"
    • cook (food) to completion or to a specified degree.
      "if a knife inserted into the center comes out clean, then your pie is done"
    • (often in questions) work at for a living.
      "what does she do?"
      synonyms: have as a job, have as a profession, be employed at, earn a living at
      "what does he do?"
    • produce or give a performance of (a particular play, opera, etc.).
      "the Royal Shakespeare Company is doing Macbeth next month"
      synonyms: put on, present, produce; More
      perform in, act in, take part in, participate in
      "I am doing a show to raise money"
    • perform (a particular role, song, etc.) or imitate (a particular person) in order to entertain people.
      "he not only does Schwarzenegger and Groucho, he becomes them"
    • informal
      take (a narcotic drug).
      "he doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs"
    • attend to (someone).
      "the barber said he'd do me next"
    • vulgar slang
      have sexual intercourse with.
    • informal
      have sexual intercourse.
    • informal
      urinate; defecate.
  2. 2.
    achieve or complete, in particular.
    • travel (a specified distance).
      "one car I looked at had done 112,000 miles"
      synonyms: travel (over), journey, cover, traverse, achieve, notch up, log;
      informalchalk up
      "the cyclists do 30 kilometers per day"
    • travel at (a specified speed).
      "I was speeding, doing seventy-five"
      synonyms: drive at, travel at, move at
      "he was doing 25 mph over the speed limit"
    • make (a particular journey).
      "last time I did New York–Philadelphia round trip by train it was over 80 bucks"
    • achieve (a specified sales figure).
      "our bestselling album did about a million worldwide"
    • informal
      visit as a tourist, especially in a superficial or hurried way.
      "the tourists are allotted only a day to “do” Verona"
      synonyms: visit, tour, sightsee in
      "we're doing Scotland this summer"
    • spend (a specified period of time), typically in prison or in a particular occupation.
      "he did five years for manslaughter"
    • informal
      "you must sit there and wait till I'm done"
    • be over.
      "the special formula continues to beautify your tan when the day is done"
    • give up concern for: have finished with.
      "I would sell the place and have done with it"
      synonyms: be/have finished with, be through with, want no more to do with
      "she was done with him"
  3. 3.
    act or behave in a specified way.
    "they are free to do as they please"
    synonyms: act, behave, conduct oneself, acquit oneself;
    formalcomport oneself
    "they can do as they please"
    • make progress or perform in a specified way; get on.
      "when a team is doing badly, it's not easy for a new player to settle in"
      synonyms: get on/along, progress, fare, manage, cope; More
      succeed, prosper
      "he is doing well at college"
    • have a specified effect on.
      "the walk will do me good"
    • result in.
      "the years of stagnation did a lot of harm to the younger generation"
  4. 4.
    be suitable or acceptable.
    "if he's anything like you, he'll do"
    synonyms: suffice, be adequate, be satisfactory, fill/fit the bill, serve one's purpose, meet one's needs
    "regular coffee will do"
  5. 5.
    beat up; kill.
    "he was the guy who did Maranzano"
    • ruin.
      "once you falter, you're done"
    • rob (a place).
      "this would be an easy place to do, and there was plenty of money lying around"
    • British
      "in business you had to do your competitors before they did you"
  6. 6.
    prosecute; convict.
    "we got done for conspiracy to commit murder"

Old English dōn, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch doen and German tun, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek tithēmi ‘I place’ and Latin facere ‘make, do.’
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Use over time for: Done


Super Member
Verified Member
Aug 22, 2016
Kanthal & 20 pcs. Japanese Cotton - 100 ft 24 Gauge AWG A1 Round Wire 0.51mm A-1 24g https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TQ0S82W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_FocXybMMFDQ7E

$18. At the rate I change wicks and coils, I've estimated this purchase could last me a total of 8 years worth of coils and 2.5 years worth of wicks. (I rewick every 2 weeks and rebuild every month).

At $2 a coil, changing every 2 weeks would cost me $120 to last 2.5 years.

$2 for one coil head my not be expensive on its own. But compared to the cost of cotton and wire, over time, it's very expensive.

I had literally no knowledge of rebuildables when I bought my first RTA. I jumped on the forum to help clarify the difference between and RTA and an RBA. Then I just bought the supplies needed and taught myself. That's how a lot of us got started.

I'm a man, and I can change, if I have to, I guess.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
Thank you for your reply. I would like to try to build my own because I know its very cost efficient and I have heard it is so much better as well, but I wouldn't know where to start!
Welcome and glad you joined. You tube has some good show and tell. If you can twist a paper clip, you can make a coil.
Might like to read:
Wrapping Building Coils 101 For Beginners
Drip Vaping: Your Guide to Dripping e-Juice | Vape-Resource.com
2015: The Art of the Drip - A Dripping Primer | Spinfuel VAPE
(7) Information Resources for Your First RBA | E-Cigarette Forum
What is an Atomizer? E-Cig Terminology Simplified


Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016

You know what, when I get a regulated mod I will try my BBB again and see how the coils last. As you know the v8 stick, the battery is not adjustable and we have gone over this more than once. I did more research and found more people advising the same thing as me with this PARTICULAR kit. As more people by it more of the same comments come up in you tube kit reviews, etc.

If I can use this tank with a regulated mod at around 30W and get 10,000 puffs per coil, I'll be happy as pig in ..... For now, I'll stick with the veco one kit to get my by.
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