Will this damage my V4L Passthrough?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2011
PT + car charger= true love :wub:

2 wall chargers are good or grab a USB charger...or a PCC(if you have regular or shorty's)...ah, what am I talking about...GRAB THEM ALL!!! :evil:
You are toooo funny, but I like your thinking! :laugh: Thing is I have all but the car charger, but still going to grab extras nonetheless. <G>

ya Ive been meaning to get a car adapter as well...I do love my passthrough oh so much...its so cute... hmmm ah I cant spend money till march! I must keep to my budget dangit!
Oh, I know the feeling; blew my budget right out of the water this month! :oops: And these passthroughs ARE cute! You saw the picture of three of my decorated VPs...I also decorated my passthrough. lol It was the hardest one to do however, as the cord was a bit unruly. Had to finally solicit hubby to hold the cord and help keep the PT from rolling after it flopping out of my grasp once. :ohmy:
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2011
Looks like you are good to go Sandy!

And for those that haven't tried the Car Adapter and PT combination....just DO it!
I love to drive anyway...but the PT/Car Adapter made my daily commute (50 min each way) a pure joy!
Thanks Wade! :) Have been enjoying the PT a lot...didn’t think I would as I was so infatuated with the VKs, but once I tried the PT found it to be a nifty little piece of hardware. Gotta remember to get that car adapter next!

Fifty minutes each way to work? My goodness you've got quite a commute, so I can see where the PT would really help pass the time (probably helps with keeping you a wake driving in the morning too!), and make for a more calming drive in the higher traffic areas. :thumb:

Reply to several posts..1) you can't have too many chargers; you never know if one might die, 2) PTs are great for the computer or the car, and 3)in case of an emergency a car charger is very useful.
Never thought about using a car charger in an emergency, but I can see where it could be very very handy...and the USB charger would be the perfect compliment to it as well. Note to self,..."Don’t forget to order a car charger!" :oops: :D


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ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2011
Up to 2A, but always at 5vDC (regulated), not "up to 5v".

>5vDC will damage a PT. PT's have a MOSFET in them for the switch. It'll get cranky if you start feeding it more than 5vDC. And AC is right out. So, yes, you can permanently destroy a PT, but not under average conditions. Only if you start getting "creative".

True for logo-compliant USB2.0 and above which are required to have a polyfuse. Not necessarily true for USB1.x and non-compliant USB2.0 (hopefully there's none of the latter left!)
Adrenalynn, you must be the ‘Addy’ that CatMommy referred to. :) Yeah my notebook has 2.0 USB ports, but I still like using the hub mentioned in my OP. Have been monitoring the hub by touch, and it doesn’t even get warm. Amazing! Oh, and I'm one of those where there's absolutely no chance of getting creative beings I don’t have enough knowledge about these kind of things to even attempt to be creative...lol...sooo my PT should be safe from me! :laugh:

Thank you for the really informative post! You and SnowDragon really know your stuff!

+1 for the Car Adapter and PT combo, Wader! Anyone who spends time in the car should have them!
Joyce, your avatar brings back memories, but I can’t recall the names or what toon the two mice were in. Am thinking they were either on Tom & Jerry, or Yogi Bear?

I’m also finding my PT comes in handy while sitting in front of the computer and answering posts too! :laugh: The only thing is, I think that I ruined one of my cartos because one drag all was good and the next drag---> I got a mouth full of YUCKY burnt tasting stuff! Still gives me the shutters...that must be what is meant by a burnt carto.

Can anyone tell me how to tell when a carto is about dry when using the PT?! That carto was one of my pretty pink Cool Cart blanks too! :cry:
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 11, 2011
Summersville WV
I bought the USB passthrough solely to use with my laptop as I see many using them on their laptops. I also have a car charger but the pt is advertised to plug into the computer.

Hi all,

I can't seem to find what I'm looking for through the search feature, so decided to ask.
It can be the pits being a newb sometimes! :blush:

Earlier this evening I ran across a post on another board indicating that it’s not a good idea to plug a PT into one’s computer because the USB port on a computer isn't designed to put out the power that a PT requires, making it possible to damage the motherboard. The thought of possibly harming my notebook was enough motivation to make me hunt for the powered 2.0 USB Tripp-Lite 4-port hub I had stored away. After finding it, I plugged the power cord into a power strip, the PT into one of the USB ports and discovered the PT seems to work just fine with it. However, to be on the safe side, beings I don’t know much about volts/amps and such (much less know what the power output on my computer’s USB ports is), thought I’d better not use the PT before checking to see if this could harm it.

Here are the specs on the Tripp-Lite power plug:

Input: 100 – 240 VAC, 50/60 HC

Output: 5V :::: 2A

Thanks for the help. Y’all are the best!! :)



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2010
West Virginia
Joyce, your avatar brings back memories, but I can’t recall the names or what toon the two mice were in. Am thinking they were either on Tom & Jerry, or Yogi Bear?

Sandy, that's Pixie and Dixie from The Huckleberry Hound Show, part of the Yogi/Hanna Barbera lineup. They gave Jinx the Cat a run for his money!

Re: the dry carto...I personally keep them topped off by periodically dripping in around 6 drops of juice to keep them wet, then giving them a good thermometer style shake. You'll never forget that burnt carto taste.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2010
Boise, Idaho
[COLOR="purple" said:
Can anyone tell me how to tell when a carto is about dry when using the PT?! That carto was one of my pretty pink Cool Cart blanks too![/COLOR] :cry:

Experience is probably the best teacher when it comes figuring out the second a cartomizer should not be vaped on anymore. Most Cool Cartos last for 3 to 4 hours of moderate vaping and 1.5 to 2 hours of chain vaping on a passthrough depending on how hard you hit them.

Signs to look for: less vapor production, slightly altered taste, or excessive heating

If you have been vaping for a couple of hours on the same Carto and think to yourself, "gee that last hit didn't seem to taste right", remove your cartomizer and get a new one. Now, generally this is the time when many like Joyce noted take their bottle of juice, remove the white cap and drip juice on the the polyfill or "dripping".

I always suggest keeping your old used cartomizers, they can be washed and reused. You may not have an interest now, but that could change in the very near future.

Hope this helps!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 5, 2010
You are toooo funny, but I like your thinking! :laugh: Thing is I have all but the car charger, but still going to grab extras nonetheless. <G>

Oh, I know the feeling; blew my budget right out of the water this month! :oops: And these assthroughs ARE cute! You saw the picture of three of my decorated VPs...I also decorated my passthrough. lol It was the hardest one to do however, as the cord was a bit unruly. Had to finally solicit hubby to hold the cord and help keep the PT from rolling after it flopping out of my grasp once. :ohmy:

Aren't they though? :laugh:

/exit spelling police


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2011
Lmaiuri: Yes, I didn’t know much about PTs as mine came with the starter kit I purchased. Turns out that I like the PT better on the powered hub anyways as it doesn’t take up a USB port...so all is good.

ThankU4Vaping: Oh my...eeeekkk!!! 8-o Of all words to MISSPELL, it had to be that one...how embarrassing! :oops: Have gone back and made the correction!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2011
Sandy, that's Pixie and Dixie from The Huckleberry Hound Show, part of the Yogi/Hanna Barbera lineup. They gave Jinx the Cat a run for his money!

Re: the dry carto...I personally keep them topped off by periodically dripping in around 6 drops of juice to keep them wet, then giving them a good thermometer style shake. You'll never forget that burnt carto taste.
Guess I wasn’t completely wrong beings they were part of the Yogi/Hanna Barbera lineup. :laugh: And, yes, I remember Jinx! LOL. To bad the kids of today don’t have something equal to what DH and I (assuming you too?) grew up with...good, clean, humor! Thanks for bringing back the memory!

And you’re most definitely correct, a burnt carto is a taste that I will never forget. :shock: The burn was just as bad...even my ears burned. lol Good idea about keeping the carto topped-off/wet, or at the very least grabbing a fresh one sooner!
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2011
Experience is probably the best teacher when it comes figuring out the second a cartomizer should not be vaped on anymore. Most Cool Cartos last for 3 to 4 hours of moderate vaping and 1.5 to 2 hours of chain vaping on a passthrough depending on how hard you hit them.

Signs to look for: less vapor production, slightly altered taste, or excessive heating

If you have been vaping for a couple of hours on the same Carto and think to yourself, "gee that last hit didn't seem to taste right", remove your cartomizer and get a new one. Now, generally this is the time when many like Joyce noted take their bottle of juice, remove the white cap and drip juice on the the polyfill or "dripping".

I always suggest keeping your old used cartomizers, they can be washed and reused. You may not have an interest now, but that could change in the very near future.

Hope this helps!
...what you wrote did help. Guess I need to pay closer attention to the flavor, rather than the vapor output, as the vapor was getting thrown out really well...right up to the burnt taste. :oops: The vapor looked like it may have been partly smoke even! Yuck...

And thanks for mentioning about saving the cartos. Fortunately, I’ve read enough threads/posts that I knew to keep the used ones as they can be washed and used over again. In fact, I have learned of three different ways to wash and fill...there are some very helpful vids available. Actually, I believe that I watched a vid you made on filling a carto, and saved it! Thank goodness for good ole Firefox and its plugins. :thumb:

It's unbelievable how much one can save refilling cartos with juice...am loving it!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2011
I must mention that if you do vape a carto down to where it tastes burnt, please toss it. No amount of cleaning will ever fix a burnt carto!

Will do wader, once I find it! I threw it into the container with several others for washing without thinking because it looked okay visibly, and as I mentioned previously, it was one of my favorite cartos. :blush:

Indeed Wader, indeed. If I have time I am going to do a vid on this tomorrow....cut-away carto and all.
That’s great SnowDragon
...I will be looking forward to the vid right along with Morandir! Am sure it will help many; especially those new to vaping. Will be a few days before I boil the used cartos that I’ve collected, so perhaps watching your video will help me find the burnt one before tossing it into a pan of boiling water with the others.

Yay! Looking foward to another great video Snow sir.
Me too, Morandir...more ways than one!

Don’t know what I’d do without the help of the good folks here on ECF...thanks!
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