Ex smokers. Do you plan to keep vaping?

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Jan 24, 2014
At the moment there's no compelling reason to quit vaping or do anything other than to continue our non-smoking ways.

Of course, that would all change if a study came out saying that vaping posed health hazards comparable to smoking. Why replace one evil for another?

Until then though, we enjoy the nicotine, so we'll just go with the flow.

You mean... if an OBJECTIVE study came out saying that. We got all kinds of studies saying all kinds of ridiculous garbage already, but that doesn't make 'em true. If an objective study came out saying e-cigs were as bad as the real ones, they'd have to systematically and WITH EVIDENCE refute every single "it's 95%-99% less harmful than smoking" claim made so far.

I really don't think it's going to happen.



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Jul 10, 2013
You mean... if an OBJECTIVE study came out saying that. We got all kinds of studies saying all kinds of ridiculous garbage already, but that doesn't make 'em true. If an objective study came out saying e-cigs were as bad as the real ones, they'd have to systematically and WITH EVIDENCE refute every single "it's 95%-99% less harmful than smoking" claim made so far.

I really don't think it's going to happen.


Nor do I, Andria. Well said, thank you.
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Jan 16, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
Nobody likes a quitter :)

No plans to quit. Doing 8mg /8ml a day between 8.0W and 11.5W single coil cotton builds. Have noticed nothing more than an increase in phlegm occasionally if I chain vape. There is a lot of other crap in my life that will kill me long before this (like running into burning buildings etc.). I've been exposed to more toxic materials than I care to think, but nobody is tell me to quit my job. I actively tell people who give me unsolicited advice to mind their own business.

I don't know how the gov't thinks they can regulate this industry when its basically refined flashlights and the materials including Nic are readily available. The horses left the barn long ago and they ain't going back in.
I have quit smoking any tobacco for about 6 months now. I started with Blu's and was able to stay off tobacco but was largely unsatisfied and occasionally longed for a cigarette. I have moved on to APVs and am completely satisfied! I no longer have any desire for analogs and in fact they are starting to bother me when I am around them. I don't like the smell, etc.. I credit APVs and flavored juices with finally allowing me to quit my unhealthy tobacco habit. I do want to eliminate any dependence on nicotine. I have cut my nicotine level to 6mg. My plan is to go to 3mg and then 0 mg nicotine. But right now I am really enjoying vaping with all the rich flavors, etc. and I have currently have no plans to quit. Besides what would I do with all this cool gear I am accumulating? :)


Senior Member
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Jul 10, 2013
Nobody likes a quitter :)

No plans to quit. Doing 8mg /8ml a day between 8.0W and 11.5W single coil cotton builds. Have noticed nothing more than an increase in phlegm occasionally if I chain vape. There is a lot of other crap in my life that will kill me long before this (like running into burning buildings etc.). I've been exposed to more toxic materials than I care to think, but nobody is tell me to quit my job. I actively tell people who give me unsolicited advice to mind their own business.

I don't know how the gov't thinks they can regulate this industry when its basically refined flashlights and the materials including Nic are readily available. The horses left the barn long ago and they ain't going back in.

Agree on your barn comment. Unfortunately, Uncle Sam is a patient sort-a-fella. He wants you tax money ... hook or crook. I don't expect him to let up on that anytime soon.


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Jan 16, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
Agree on your barn comment. Unfortunately, Uncle Sam is a patient sort-a-fella. He wants you tax money ... hook or crook. I don't expect him to let up on that anytime soon.

I am coming from a Canadian perspective, so it might be a little different.

I think the bigger problem in the US is the tobacco MSA bonds. The TMSA bonds put State budgets in direct conflict of interest over Tobacco reduction and cause them to financially benefit from the sale of deathsticks. I don't see any bond system in the Canadian settlements. I think a lot of the anti-vaping US government activity is a result of losses in the TMSA bond market (Moody's places 31 tobacco settlement bonds under review This makes for a weird array of allied interests few could have predicted.

As time goes on and hopefully vaping is proven to be minimally impactful on public health over the long timeframe, the anti-vapers will have less ammunition. There is a lot of positioning going on up here in regarding regulation and access but if I read it right its about public health more than public finance. Will they tax it? Probably. But retailers are paying federal and provincial taxes on sales too. Hard to ignore that revenue as our provincial governments are all but broke at this point.

The big stink up here is "unregulated" nicotine which is in fact regulated - there is salability of nic under certain concentrations and now there is a lot of handringing going on about that. Fact is nic extraction is a relatively easy process. One only has to look at the utter failure of criminalizing Head shops in Canada to see how unwilling authorities are in pursuing these kind of trivial operations. ANTZ will always be ANTZ, nothing you can do about them other than keep fighting. The really annoying thing is municipal anti-smoking bylaws that place vapers in the same space as smokers. I don't work downtown or in an office so its meaningless to me, other than offensive to my sense of personal rights and freedoms - and there are worse things like Bill C-51 up here which is like the Patriot Act on steroids. Bigger fish to fry.
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Jan 24, 2014
The TMSA bonds put State budgets in direct conflict of interest over Tobacco reduction and cause them to financially benefit from the sale of deathsticks.

This is just one of the reasons why I thought the Settlement agreement was a HORRIBLE idea at the time it passed, and I knew even then it was going to produce some very strange and unpleasant fruit. And as we see, it has done exactly that. Thanks to the Settlement agreement, governments all over the US don't actually WANT *anyone* to quit smoking... they just don't want it done where anyone else can smell it -- what utter hypocrisy. They should have been falling all over themselves to make smokers confortable, not exiling them to the dumpster environs.

Because of their utter ineptitude, hypocrisy, and outright stupidity, I now don't give a rat's hind end what the gov't does or says about vaping -- I have 4 yrs' worth of nicotine, rebuildables, and mechs... I will continue to vape as *I* see fit, and they can kiss it.



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Nov 18, 2013
Yorktown, Virginia, United States
At the moment there's no compelling reason to quit vaping or do anything other than to continue our non-smoking ways.

Of course, that would all change if a study came out saying that vaping posed health hazards comparable to smoking. Why replace one evil for another?

Until then though, we enjoy the nicotine, so we'll just go with the flow.
Fair enough well like I said g6 is good. I don't think a study will come out like that. I have been dipping lately. Only one or two lips a day, but don't do that either because it's bad lol. I'm glad you guys could quit. I also just bought my first diy supply. That might be a good option for you if you wanna pench pennies like me. Don't be surprised
If you get caught in hobby. Nothing wrong with it. Vape on!


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ECF Veteran
Jul 10, 2013
I am coming from a Canadian perspective, so it might be a little different.

I think the bigger problem in the US is the tobacco MSA bonds. The TMSA bonds put State budgets in direct conflict of interest over Tobacco reduction and cause them to financially benefit from the sale of deathsticks. I don't see any bond system in the Canadian settlements. I think a lot of the anti-vaping US government activity is a result of losses in the TMSA bond market (Moody's places 31 tobacco settlement bonds under review This makes for a weird array of allied interests few could have predicted.

As time goes on and hopefully vaping is proven to be minimally impactful on public health over the long timeframe, the anti-vapers will have less ammunition. There is a lot of positioning going on up here in regarding regulation and access but if I read it right its about public health more than public finance. Will they tax it? Probably. But retailers are paying federal and provincial taxes on sales too. Hard to ignore that revenue as our provincial governments are all but broke at this point.

The big stink up here is "unregulated" nicotine which is in fact regulated - there is salability of nic under certain concentrations and now there is a lot of handringing going on about that. Fact is nic extraction is a relatively easy process. One only has to look at the utter failure of criminalizing Head shops in Canada to see how unwilling authorities are in pursuing these kind of trivial operations. ANTZ will always be ANTZ, nothing you can do about them other than keep fighting. The really annoying thing is municipal anti-smoking bylaws that place vapers in the same space as smokers. I don't work downtown or in an office so its meaningless to me, other than offensive to my sense of personal rights and freedoms - and there are worse things like Bill C-51 up here which is like the Patriot Act on steroids. Bigger fish to fry.

They're as two-faced up there as they are down here. :sneaky:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2014
No plans to quit vaping after 7 months and zero daily cigs, but I'll be a contrarian on one thing. I'd like to be vaping fewer ml's per day. When I start DIY I may try increasing nic to see if that reduces ml's. I think nic is more for telling me when I've had enough rather than craving it to begin with. I think nic is probably less harmful than cafine and I don't believe it is more than mildly habit forming at best. I see smoking as a habitual behavior and the chemicals playing a minor supporting role. Just because it seems nic is some powerful addictive substance doesn't make it so.

I was incurable which makes vaping miraculous.

Tip. 1 ml = 20 drops so if you take the trouble to count drops for a few days you'll have a pretty exact fix on how much you are vaping. I seem to be 6-7 ml per day on a clone tugboat dripper v2 with 1.6 ohm coils at 16 watts.
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Jan 24, 2014
No plans to quit vaping after 7 months and zero daily cigs, but I'll be a contrarian on one thing. I'd like to be vaping fewer ml's per day. When I start DIY I may try increasing nic to see if that reduces ml's. I think nic is more for telling me when I've had enough rather than craving it to begin with. I think nic is probably less harmful than cafine and I don't believe it is more than mildly habit forming at best. I see smoking as a habitual behavior and the chemicals playing a minor supporting role. Just because it seems nic is some powerful addictive substance doesn't make it so.

I was incurable which makes vaping miraculous.

Tip. 1 ml = 20 drops so if you take the trouble to count drops for a few days you'll have a pretty exact fix on how much you are vaping. I seem to be 6-7 ml per day on a clone tugboat dripper v2 with 1.6 ohm coils at 16 watts.

Increasing it slightly to cut down on chain vaping has worked very well for me; I had to start at 6mg, because at first I chainvaped every waking minute -- partly novelty, partly anytime I'd think of a smoke, but since I have asthma, I figured out pretty quickly that I needed to find a way to vape less and remain satisfied -- so I went first to 8mg, then 9mg, and have been at 10mg for about 10 months. It's low enough that I *can* chainvape a little, if I really want to, but I don't feel the incessant need to -- if I get busy, I may not think of it at all for quite a while. :thumb:

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Full Member
Mar 20, 2015
I used to smoke half a pack a day and now I'm quit. I'm vaping 12mg now. I used to do 24. Granted I do sub ohm now. My main question is do you ex smokers ever plan on cutting down to zero nic if you haven't already. Do you ever plan on quitting altogether? Vaping for me has become a hobby and here's second part of my question. Do you consider vaping a successful quit of smoking? Many say not enough studies to say whether it's safe. But I think it's like saying if you smoke it's like souping up sports cars and street racing. Sure it's fun but super dangerous. Vaping is like souping up your car but instead going to car shows and drives. Much safer and a healthy hobby.
Do you ever plan on quitting altogether? no im very happy, Do you consider vaping a successful quit of smoking? yes! it could have really bad for me trying to quit because i like to smoke but it's not good for you sigh....vaping made my quit easy and less stressful for me.
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Mar 12, 2014
I don't think I will ever give up vaping. I will however reduce the nicotine content gradually. I am currently down to 6mg. I started vaping a year ago and I was then on 36mg nicotine eliquid. Vaping to me now is a hobby first and a habit second. I really enjoy collecting all of the little gadgets and gizmos. I also love making my own coils. great fun.


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Jan 24, 2014
No plans to quit vaping after 7 months and zero daily cigs, but I'll be a contrarian on one thing. I'd like to be vaping fewer ml's per day. When I start DIY I may try increasing nic to see if that reduces ml's. I think nic is more for telling me when I've had enough rather than craving it to begin with. I think nic is probably less harmful than cafine and I don't believe it is more than mildly habit forming at best. I see smoking as a habitual behavior and the chemicals playing a minor supporting role. Just because it seems nic is some powerful addictive substance doesn't make it so.

I was incurable which makes vaping miraculous.

Tip. 1 ml = 20 drops so if you take the trouble to count drops for a few days you'll have a pretty exact fix on how much you are vaping. I seem to be 6-7 ml per day on a clone tugboat dripper v2 with 1.6 ohm coils at 16 watts.

Actually the drop count depends a great deal on the dropper itself, and the viscosity of the liquid -- PG is more like 35-38 drops per ml, and VG is about 27; if you vape 50/50 PG/VG, then probably about 31-32 drops per ml.

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May 27, 2015
was a 2 to 4 pack a day smoker for 20 of my 25 years smoking. first five lived at home and had to sneak them. on march 12 of this year my son gave me a vape he was no longer using from upgrading. that first week i still smoked till i finished off carton i had. havent smoked since. started out at 22 mg am now down to 12mg and next purchase plan on bein 6mg (mainly cause now have a subtank and mod) may eventually go to 0 but never plan on quitting vaping!!!
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