Ex smokers. Do you plan to keep vaping?

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Nov 18, 2013
Yorktown, Virginia, United States
That's kind of where I've been at for probably more than a year now...

I have been using 12mg strength ever since I started vaping six years ago.
I have never lowered it and never intend to lower it.

But I keep using it less and less, and really never crave it unless I'm drinking.
And even then, it's not the nicotine I am craving but something to do with my hands.

I have gotten to the point where I have to actively remind myself to vape.
I have no doubt I could quit altogether if I wanted to, provided I stopped drinking of course.

But yeah, I don't intend to ever stop using nicotine because I believe wholeheartedly in the benefits.
I'm the same way. I have to remind myself too lol. I don't really have the time for it all day. Unfortunately it's not as quick and convenient as a cig. But that's also a good thing. I have been dipping 2 or 3 times a day which isn't good cuz my gums started to bleed. But even without that I could quit vaping but won't. Especially after y'all told me nicotine is a good thing


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Apr 26, 2014
Eastern, PA, USA
I pray you either a very wealthy person or for the sake of your wallet you make your own juice. I just started diy. Cuz the subtank uses a lot of juice.

Neither, but my eliquid tab for the month is still below what I spent on smokes. I try to mainly buy ~120ml bottles. I DIY my mods so the cost gets spread out acquiring supplies and tools, and still comes in a bit cheaper than buying a mod.
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Nov 18, 2013
Yorktown, Virginia, United States
Neither, but my eliquid tab for the month is still below what I spent on smokes. I try to mainly buy ~120ml bottles. I DIY my mods so the cost gets spread out acquiring supplies and tools, and still comes in a bit cheaper than buying a mod.
You can make your own mods? You mean like building boxes and what not? And ok that makes sense. Buying in bulk would cut down on price. Who do you usually order from?


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Apr 26, 2014
Eastern, PA, USA
You can make your own mods? You mean like building boxes and what not? And ok that makes sense. Buying in bulk would cut down on price. Who do you usually order from?

Yep, bottom feed mechanical mods.

I order Keystone Vapor (hallelujah, nate's nectar, PWT), dbLiquids: Zensational Tea, Whit E Octopus: Pilar, Alpha: Hoops.


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Nov 18, 2013
Yorktown, Virginia, United States
Yep, bottom feed mechanical mods.

I order Keystone Vapor (hallelujah, nate's nectar, PWT), dbLiquids: Zensational Tea, Whit E Octopus: Pilar, Alpha: Hoops.
Some of those are new so I might have to check it out. I'm glad I went diy. We will see how my first batch comes out. But besides just saving money it's nice to know I can ramp up the flavor on my juices and such. I wish I had bought nic concentrate so I could adjust nicotine too but I didn't feel like dealing with gloves and all that jazz.

Dave T

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May 29, 2015
I used to smoke half a pack a day and now I'm quit. I'm vaping 12mg now. I used to do 24. Granted I do sub ohm now. My main question is do you ex smokers ever plan on cutting down to zero nic if you haven't already. Do you ever plan on quitting altogether? Vaping for me has become a hobby and here's second part of my question. Do you consider vaping a successful quit of smoking? Many say not enough studies to say whether it's safe. But I think it's like saying if you smoke it's like souping up sports cars and street racing. Sure it's fun but super dangerous. Vaping is like souping up your car but instead going to car shows and drives. Much safer and a healthy hobby.
No no way would I ever return to smoking and I doubt very much if I would stop vaping, I not only quit but I have gained a new hobby alternative
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Mar 20, 2015
This is a subject I spend some time thinking on.

When I stagger across the finish line I don't really see myself as a vapor.

Today I plan to do alot of vaping.

So somewhere between those points I see stopping.

The hobby part is very important to me. I love building and someone has to test the stuff right?? Also fixing stuff for other people keeps me busy. But thats ending with the gear coming out. A vape repair guy is about as useful as harness maker. Afew months ago seems a different world. You can literally walk into a shop now and for under a 100$ (well under) buy any number of mod/tank combo's that work flawlessly. I'm sitting here surrounded by modz and tanks and RDA's and wire and wick and.............and I can build some kewl stuff. And ya know what I keep reaching for?? Little iStick with a STM!!!

So once the hobby is gone I'll kinda lose interest. And I'll go on for abit. But slowly I'll vape less and less. Then I'll kinda stop. Not all at once, it will kinda just fade away. Then I will be in the great unknown. Cause I quit smoking before, once for a couple years. And one day as if in a dream I was smoking again. I recall one time I'd quit smoking and after abit a flood came and took everything I owned. I stood on the high ground next to a reporter and watched the destruction. I bummed a smoke off him. Time passed, house was rebuilt and the stress was long gone. And there I was smoking. Why was I smoking because of stress when I wasn't under any stress?? Because I'm a ..... is why. I smoked because of stress. If I had no stress I smoked out of boredom. If I was sad I smoked. I only smoked on days that ended in Y.

So for now I vape. Remember if you have one foot in yesterday and one foot in tomorrow your ...... on today.

Teal Deer- I have no idea.


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Jan 24, 2014
I smoked because of stress. If I had no stress I smoked out of boredom. If I was sad I smoked. I only smoked on days that ended in Y.

This is precisely why I doubt I'll ever stop vaping -- I smoked for 39 of my 54 yrs; habits like that don't just vanish, they have to be replaced by something. I could foresee using 0mg easier than I could foresee not vaping, but given the 2 types of dementia in my gene pool, 0mg seems like a pretty dumb idea, if there is ANY chance that nicotine could help me keep my marbles where they belong.

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