Friend and I get into argument over e-cigs

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Full Member
Nov 29, 2010
Los Angeles
So my friend said he was going to quit smoking after the new year. I told him that was great, but i wanted him to promise me that if he ever did want to pick up a cigarette again he would at least try my 510 before smoking. So this is where the argument begings. He claims that it is stupid to even vape because we still get the nicotine and that is what is bad for you. I told him that you do still get your nicotine fix but you don't get all that other bad chemicals that they put in a cigarette. He told me I was full of :censored:. So i would like to provide some concrete proof that vaping is a lot more safer then cigarettes. And then I can be like "look you dumb ignorant ......!!!"

Thank you guys :) I hope he is not right. lol
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Full Member
Dec 6, 2010
Fort Collins, CO
I found a bunch of videos on YouTube that talked about how much better these are than analogs as well. I used them to help convince my wife that this was the best way for me to quit smoking analogs. After viewing a number of news reports and medical doctors saying that ecigs are better she came to see the light.

Just search on vaping, electronic cigarettes or e cigarettes and try to avoid the videos that are just commercials.


Ultra Member
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Nov 15, 2010
Cary, NC
You are right. Nicotine is addictive. Even though we blame cigarette addiction on nicotine, there isn't even proof it's the MOST addictive thing in a cigarette for everyone. There are around 4000 chemicals in cigarettes (about 600 of them are ADDED to the things, and it's the burning of the tobacco and these chemicals that makes the rest of them) that are harmful, and about 40 of them cause cancer. None of those cancer-causing chemicals are found in ecigs. Nicotine does not cause cancer. It's a lot like caffeine, in fact -- raises your blood pressure, pulse, etc. It's not bad for you in itself, just highly addictive.

BUT your friend might be beyond reason. If he wants to prove you wrong just as badly, he'll probably do research on his own. And then when he realizes he's wrong, he might not say anything, just get even more angry. Some people you can't help. But here are a few links about the chemicals in cigarettes anyway :)

Cigarette Ingredients - Chemicals in Cigarettes
Chemicals in Cigarettes - Harmful Chemicals in Cigarettes
What's In a Cigarette, 599 Ingredients in a Cigarette

Enjoy :p


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Nov 25, 2009
Detroit MI
i would like to provide some concrete proof that vaping is a lot more safer then cigarettes. And then I can be like "look you dumb ignorant ......!!!"

There are no long term studies showing that vaping is safer than smoking. Only personal testimonials and the fact that e-liquid does not combust and does not contain most of the chemicals found in a lit cigarette.


Full Member
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Oct 13, 2010
Well, your friend is wrong. Here's the pull quote from
this article

Some smokers may worry about trading one addiction for another and be hesitant to use nicotine replacement products. "But nicotine isn't the bad guy. The bad guy is the smoke in tobacco," said Seidman, who also co-edited the book Helping the Hard-Core Smoker: A Clinician's Guide

There is more at this page

and a good interview here

Is vap as safe as not smoking, of course not and people have not been inhaling PG and VG long enough to know what the long term implications are, if any, but to argue that there is any comparison between inhaling burned tobacco and vaping is just silly.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
Nicotine isn't that bad guy here. It's all the other chemicals that are rolled up into tobacco that are. I'm no expert by any means, but how else can I explain the fact that since I started vaping I can RUN up the stairs without getting winded and breaking a sweat? What else can explain the miraculous and ongoing recovery of my singing voice? Why would my doctors be happy that I've quit smoking and taken up vaping? My skin color looks better and my gums are actually pink now because I'm not inhaling carbon monoxide. Wow. Vaping sure sounds stupid to me. I think I'll drip a little more of this Chocolate Eclair flavor while I think about it...


Full Member
Dec 6, 2010
Reading, PA
Like someone said above there isn't really any definitive proof that they are safer, but so far evidence shows its very likely. I would say he may be defensive because he is looking to quit, and your comment about IF he were to relapse made him angry... it could be implied that you don't have confidence in his abilities to stay nicotine free. If he does go back he may be a lot more receptive about it, but right now he's probably not very thrilled at the idea of quitting.

It doesn't mean that you really don't have confidence in him, but to someone trying to quit they don't want to look at IF they go back since that is already admitting defeat. I wouldn't push it.
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Senior Member
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Nov 18, 2010
Shannon, Quebec, Canada
Sounds like your friend is just setting up a classic failure safety net. Someone who tells everyone they are going to quit but in all reality they just want to keep on smoking. I have a friend out it Edmonton who says he's quit every time I talk to him but whenever I see him hes smoking and has some other excuse why it didn't catch that particular time. (for instance "it's cause we're hunting", "couldnt get the Champix RX", "I'm a firefighter so I'll get cancer anyway") I haven't talked with him since I started vaping but I'm sure he would take the same opinion, cause there is a real chance it might actually work.

Not meant to offend anyone at all, I too have tried many ways to quit and a lot of the time I really didn't want to, it was just people kept telling me I should.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 26, 2009
Detroit Rock City
For quite a while now I have been pretty reasonable when encountering people who want to immediately find an issue with vaping or say it's as bad as smoking. I'm starting to lose patience though with people who are uninformed on the subject. For some reason, when it comes to the smoking vs vaping thing far too many people are willing to talk out their ***es at the drop of a hat simply because they've been conditioned for so long to slam cigarettes.


Unregistered Supplier
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Nov 14, 2010
Chicago Area
The position that there is no proof is true, but kind of ridiculous if you ask me. It's like saying there's no proof that bouncing a ball is safe. There's no study that actually proves bouncing a ball is safe, but at some point logic and common sense come into play. Is chewing gum safe? Is there a 3rd part study or FDA stamp of approval for chewing gum? Oh no.... I better stop chewing gum before I get lock-jaw from the chicle and polyisobutlyne.

The fact that these things are called "e-cigs" automatically triggers a connotation of "danger." My PV (Personal Vaporizer) is every bit as safe as my TV (television) although I've been told they can cause blindness if you get to close:)

Good thread. Good luck with your friend.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2010
Czech Republic
Its all really pretty simple. Its very hard to find a more toxic (that's legal and socially acceptable) daily consumable product on the market than the average smoke.

I would like to believe that vaping is 100% safer than smoking, but Doctors say it poses only 1% of the risk of smoking.

I'm not a gambling man, but I'll take my chances with vaping, surely anything is better than smoking.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 18, 2010
Shannon, Quebec, Canada
Remember when cellphones came out? Everyone was afraid that holding one close to your head for too long would cause brain tumors. And why did they think that? Cause they were new and hadn't been studied for long enough... Now everyone has one, and your far more likely to get sick from catching some sort virus off a payphone. They will come around, I'm just glad I stumbled onto these things before I did any more real dammage to my body with analogs (analog cigarettes, not analog phones) lol
i had a very similar argument with my sister a couple days ago, and the only way i got through to her even a little was to just point out how much better im feeling after just one week. its not a study or anything, but she simply could not deny that im doing alot better than most people who go from a pack a day to nothing with a patch or gum...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2010
i had a very similar argument with my sister a couple days ago, and the only way i got through to her even a little was to just point out how much better im feeling after just one week. its not a study or anything, but she simply could not deny that im doing alot better than most people who go from a pack a day to nothing with a patch or gum...

Not to mention your sanity... It's a relief that I can easily transfer to a habit that I can feel good about. If I cut back to 0 nic then all the better. PG/VG is inhaled more often than not by most people, so no worries there. I enjoyed smoking, but it was killing me. Now I enjoy vaping and thus minus the nicotine I will probably do it to my dying days, may they be long in coming.

Vape on! Down with the naysayers.:vapor:


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
My thoughts on nicotine are that it might be better to get some than not to get some.
And for that reason, I am using 12mg strength now, and have no intention of going any lower.

Nicotine is generally recognized as being no worse for you than caffeine.

I'm not saying nicotine is wonderful and fabulous, but you should check out this thread...

The thread linked above discusses many other potential benefits of nicotine as well.
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ECF Guru
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Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
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