Nic OD or somthing else

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Full Member
Jan 8, 2009
there is no link to mouth cancer and snus. the only thing they could find in is pancratic. at much much lower rates then smoking mind you. even that the result were dirtied up with snus users who also smoked, or continued to do both.

just wanted to clear that up. as far as tobaccoo goes snus is about as safe as it gets ( of course none of it is safe ) american sytle dip and chew ( both that will killer .... ) gets confused with it though


Full Member
Dec 31, 2008
Not long ago, I asked my doctor what might happen were I to quit smoking analogs. At my age (51) and physical condition, he said there would probably be some reactions that would feel kind of like I had the flu (dizzy, nauseous, fever, chills, racing heart, etc).

It's what happens as tar and other nasty chemicals from analog cigarettes make their way out of lungs, arteries and tissues. It's a big change for the old body after all those years of tobacco poisoning. It takes about 6 months for lungs to recover almost to normal after quitting analogs.

Anyhoo, that's what my doc said. Just passing it along for what it's worth.

How long does this usually take to do this?? 1 week? 1 month??


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 22, 2008
thank god its not just me. those symptoms hit me hard,and scared the heck out of me. started getting palpatations and heart racing. felt shaky,cold sweats, and i felt kinda "high", like i was in a fog, lasted well into the next day.... and 2 days later, i still feel some affects. was using 36mg for over a week, with no problems. i still cant figure it out, i wasnt vaping much at the time it hit, or even much before it(came from work, then the chiropractor, then shopping).was thinking maybe i got some on my skin(i did have a bit leak in my shirt pocket).but now im wondering if it could have "built up" or something. anyway, ive been using a bit lower stregnth(and now fighting withdrawal syptoms-im having trouble finding a balance), but i felt like i was going to have a heart attack, and it scared me quite a bit. i really dont want to go back to analogs after being off them for a week or 2....


Full Member
Dec 30, 2008
East Tennessee
thank god its not just me. those symptoms hit me hard,and scared the heck out of me. started getting palpatations and heart racing. felt shaky,cold sweats, and i felt kinda "high", like i was in a fog, lasted well into the next day.... and 2 days later, i still feel some affects. .........................but now im wondering if it could have "built up" or something. anyway, ive been using a bit lower stregnth(and now fighting withdrawal syptoms-im having trouble finding a balance), but i felt like i was going to have a heart attack, and it scared me quite a bit. i really dont want to go back to analogs after being off them for a week or 2....

Yes! Ditto, Jimgman!! So one sits quietly on the couch to listen/feel your heart pound and wonder 'am I having a heart attack? Should I go to the emerg room??'. It IS frightening:(

I still think, and hope, that this is as 'simple' as nicotine OD.....although the symptoms take quite some time to appear and then seem to come and go. That odd timing is what doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't seem to have much of a predictable pattern so how can one deal with it??

Don't know what I'd do without the zero & low nic cartridges, but if puresmoker doesn't get some more CASHjuice in pretty soon, the analogs in my freezer may have to be opened. Man, I'd really hate to do that - haven't had one in 6 weeks or so. I love vaping....more tham smoking.....but don't dare use much higher nicotine liquid right now.....

Do you wonder if maybe this is an allergy or somethin' else? It seems so erratic. I'm having a hard time finding a balance too and it's puzzling because it took over a month to get.... unbalanced. (That's a perfect statement you made - 'hard to find the balance').

Have drastically cut back on the nic in the last week or so and my pounding heart has calmed for the most part. Then of course, as you said, one deals with nicotine withdrawal.......add a few puffs of 4mg or 11mg and worry some more that the problems will start back up. sigh. This is suddenly not as carefree as it was just a few weeks ago.

What are you going to do?
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ECF Guru
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2008
Central NY, USA
Don't know what I'd do without the zero & low nic cartridges, but if puresmoker doesn't get some more CASHjuice in pretty soon, the analogs in my freezer may have to be opened. Man, I'd really hate to do that - haven't had one in 6 weeks or so. I love vaping....more tham smoking.....but don't dare use much higher nicotine liquid right now.....


Have you thought of ordering the 0 nic from somewhere else, at least to hold you over? I mean, I love the PS juice but can only go so long waiting for the restock. Every day I look and it's still not there just brings me a day closer to running out...a chance I'm not willing to take. I use 36mg and have had to order from other companies so I don't run out and go back to smoking more than I already do!

Just offering an option to you running out and turning back to analogs.

Hope things get better for you!



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 4, 2008
Sparta, Greece
-nic high/hit/rush is caused by rapid increase of nic in blood over current tolerance level and that alone
-nic high/hit/rush lasts 2-3 minutes tops
-there are multiple levels of tolerance each taking shorter or longer time to increase and lower
-nic high/hit/rush tolerance level catches up in 2-3 minutes as stated before but takes much longer to lower(slower than nic leaves body)

Based on that it is easy to answer your questions:

Why do I get no nic high/hit/rush?
You vape so often your nic tolerance level never reaches a lower level.
The only maintainable way to achieve nic high/hit/rush time after time is to consume nic far less often. The other way leads to ever increasing nic levels which results in toxication.

How come he/she does not get nic OD by vaping 36mg all day long?
Higher nic tolerance level.

I can tell from personal experience that nic high in its extreme form isn't very pleasurable feeling. It is like being drunk for couple of minutes. I did this by lowering nic intake(and therefor nic tolerance) to about fifth for a couple of days and smoked a cig. I wouldn't try this with e-cigs since there is a reason to believe e-liquids have less freebase nic making them less efficient nic high producers. Take it from one who managed to OD puffing 11mg juice. Hearth rate monitor is essential. Apart from that ruyan devices achieve faster nic delivery as nearby all vapor gets absorbed almost immediately, making it behave more like freebase nic. Anyway, it is a nice little experiment answering the question: "Why are cigarettes addictive?" in a very concrete way :)

As far as tobacco additives go, tobacco without additives is like coffee without cream and sugar. Why is it that you want them to be more?

There is no evidence showing nic decomposes when going through atomizer. I looked into this some time ago and found only one n which they had some sort of oven at ~300C in which they injected nic vapor and got rid of 30% of nic. Seriously, this is pretty far from e-cig atomizer scenario to be even plausible. Sounds like a myth.

Carbon dioxide contributing to nic high is a myth too. Should one smoke two cigs at 15 minute intervals, one should get high smoking second cig as well but don't which proves carbon dioxide does not contribute to nic high. Plenty of other biased opinions among ex-smokers as well. Ask someone who smokes 20 a day if you really want to know... Time goldens memories.

You can lower nic intake of too high e-liquid by not inhaling vapor. Refusal of practicing this kind of act is a sign of not being addicted to nic but the act of smoking. After all, you get all the same chemicals just less. Fascinating isn't it?

Dr Laugesen's estimate might hold for something like 4mg or even 9mg if taking short inhalations mentioned in ruyan cartridge paper. No way could his estimate be even close to how and how high juices we are using. His "official" estimate of 12-24mg 2ml per day seems to fit well.


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
... Dr Laugesen's estimate might hold for something like 4mg or even 9mg if taking short inhalations mentioned in ruyan cartridge paper. No way could his estimate be even close to how and how high juices we are using. His "official" estimate of 12-24mg 2ml per day seems to fit well.

Where did you see this estimate Jigtg and what is it? Is it the amount an average smoker would need to replace cigarette nicotine or something?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 4, 2008
Sparta, Greece


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 22, 2008
glad you understand mimi...for now i am going to order some lower(like 11mg) stuff to dilute the 36 i still have, and hopefully work my nic level and tolerance down so i am not dealing with deadly levels. but the fear still remains, if i use half the stregnth, what if i smoke twice as much without realizing it? how do i monitor intake? how much is being absorbed into my body from bottle to cart to lungs to blood....i really hope i dont have to go through that again...i seriously was starting to see my life flash before my eyes, and considered that i might not make it through the day alive. i actually thought it could have been a clot that moved to my lungs or heart.and...since steve is fresh out of liquid, where am i gonna get some from, lol.....


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 13, 2008
Yes, you are definitely a wussy, that´s for sure. Tough guys over here vape 36 and use the same as hand lotion, too. Some put it on their tongues/gums, eyelids and at least one straight in the eye. On the other hand, you will have definitely lower chance of being carried feet firts in an ER... Your choice.

I vape 8 mg;)
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ECF Guru
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2008
Central NY, USA
Good LORD people......I didn't think they made cigarettes with 36mg of nicotine, why in the world would you put that much nic in your body when you've been given a chance to lower it. I thought I'd try the 4mg and go to o from there. Sounds like I am one of the few on this site!! Just call me 2 cardi's or wussy :)

Because that's what some people need to stay off the analogs. I used to smoke almost 3 packs of cigs a day. I use the 36mg and still smoke....a lot less than I was but still have the strong cravings. Nicotine effects everyone differently.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 22, 2008
LOL that was funny. i started with 16mg stuff but was having pretty bad withdrawal symptoms, then i read stuff to the extent of vapor giving 5 times less nic than cigs(noone knows for sure how much we are getting-someone needs to test blood levels or something), so i got 36 mg. was fine on it for a week. i think something happened, like maybe i got too much in my mouth(direct ingestion may be the worst), or leak onto skin....but now i am scared and figure withdrawal is better than od.just ordered some medium stuff from jane to dilute my 36(medium is 11 ish i hope?...noone seems to know her stregnths for sure, lol)


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
Katink gave some good advice earlier to someone. Try at first to get close to your usual dose, so if you smoked 20x full strength 1mg cigs a day you would need 20mg of nic - that's 2ml of 10mg. Once you have tried it then adjust the strength up or down gradually as desired. That way you aren't starting with massive doses for your level of tolerance but are still getting enough to wean you off the tobacco.


Full Member
Dec 30, 2008
East Tennessee
...for now i am going to order some lower(like 11mg) stuff to dilute the 36 i still have, and hopefully work my nic level and tolerance down so i am not dealing with deadly levels. but the fear still remains, if i use half the stregnth, what if i smoke twice as much without realizing it? how do i monitor intake? how much is being absorbed into my body from bottle to cart to lungs to blood....i really hope i dont have to go through that again.......

Ah! You've helped me 'see' what I've done wrong the past 4 weeks.

BEc (before e-cig) = did not smoke inside. Took outside smoke breaks every hour or so or sometimes longer in between...

AEc (after e-cig) = Well, now I can vape anywhere! No more outside breaks.....So, vaped while watching tv, while on the computer, while talking on the phone, in the car, visiting friends, while doing housework, cooking...etc. You get the idea. That's why I OD'd......not enough breaks. It wasn't just the strength of the nic liquid...I was vaping way too often.

Let this be a lesson to you noobs.....just because you can vape just about anywhere doesn't mean you should!!!:) Try to treat it like an analog and take breaks. Don't get me wrong, I liked smoking but I luv vaping! It's too easy to over-do it......


[OR BEv = before e-vaping; BEf = before e-fogging....hmmmm]
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