Perfect set up for someone about to make the switch for the first time?

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ECF Guru
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Jan 22, 2015
West Virginia, USA
One of my biggest regrets is that I didn't spend the extra 10 or 20 dollars to get better equipment to start. I ended up wasting more money. I agree on the adjustable air flow for the tanks. I am familiar with the Aspire ET-S is comparable to the protank and a little cheaper. The 50W iStick is only $15 more than the 30W. (remember to get a 510 to ego adapter $5, if you go inexpensive tanks) I'd recommend the 50W and a Nautilus Mini.

If it doesn't work they are easy to get rid of, or have as a back up.


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Apr 28, 2009
Georgia, USA
If you end up getting the ProTanks be sure to spend an extra couple of bucks and order the air flow controls valves to go with them. It's a big improvement over a PT without it.

I'll second the AFC base (v1) for the Protank. I even drill out the holes on mine to 1.4mm. And an iStick 30 to put it on... perfect starter kit IMO.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Aug 13, 2011
    One of my biggest regrets is that I didn't spend the extra 10 or 20 dollars to get better equipment to start. I ended up wasting more money. I agree on the adjustable air flow for the tanks. I am familiar with the Aspire ET-S is comparable to the protank and a little cheaper. The 50W iStick is only $15 more than the 30W. (remember to get a 510 to ego adapter $5, if you go inexpensive tanks) I'd recommend the 50W and a Nautilus Mini.

    If it doesn't work they are easy to get rid of, or have as a back up.

    I don't regret a single one of those "mistakes". I learned something from every one of them.
    I will say, that because of those mistakes, I now know how to get my preferred vape from just about anything that you would care to hand me.

    IMO there isn't, and never will be, a "Perfect set up for someone about to make the switch for the first time" because what was perfect for me probably wouldn't be perfect for you.
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    Account closed on request
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 25, 2012
    Washington State
    I have to agree with TJ, there really isn't a perfect one size fits all answer to a newbie's set up. I just went through this with my hubby, I have a 30 watt istick and a aerotank setting here for him, I also have rda's, disposable attys, and gennys, any of which he is more than welcome to try.

    So what is it he likes? An old 808 V4L Zeus auto battery with a carto, lol go figure. But he likes and he is the one using it.

    Mike 586

    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Dec 6, 2014
    I don't regret a single one of those "mistakes". I learned something from every one of them.
    I will say, that because of those mistakes, I now know how to get my preferred vape from just about anything that you would care to hand me.

    IMO there isn't, and never will be, a "Perfect set up for someone about to make the switch for the first time" because what was perfect for me probably wouldn't be perfect for you.

    I kind of have to agree with that. There's a natural progression to learning about vaping and trying to skip steps means some knowledge and experience will never be gained. Sure it costs money, but just about every single person I've ever heard say "I wouldn't have bought x had I known" and that's the thing. They didn't know and needed to learn.

    There's just no substitute for knowledge gained from practical experience.

    Personally I'd suggest to any beginner something around 20W and protanks, vivi novas or other clearos to start and let them progress from there. 20W is more than enough headroom to get into single coil RTAs like Kayfuns, even Lemos, or even #30 dual coil builds, etc.but limited enough that they won't instantly pop coils if they accidentally max out the device minimizing the trouble their inexperience can get them into.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Mar 10, 2015
    I just started a week ago Monday with an MVP 20w and protank 3 and it was a near perfect set up for me. I haven't had a cigarette since yesterday morning! Sure the protanks leak and the button on the MVP sometimes feels weirdly placed but I love them - and I went ahead and bought an iStick 30 and a Nautilus tank as back ups! :)


    Senior Member
    Verified Member
    Jan 27, 2015
    UK, South Yorkshire
    Thanks for all your input guys, I try to promote vaping to as many of my collegues and friends as possible. I havent touched a cigarette since the new year and this is my second time in trying!

    The lady in question is a moderate smoker and hasnt got the slightest clue about vaping but her and her other half have been talking about starting. They worth going to buy an ego style "thing" from there local garage "gas station" and i talked them into asomething a little more robust as i know when i had one of those it put me off.

    Now it looks like theyve settled on an iStick mini (no amount of persuasion could push them to a 20w) as they like the size and a protank mini 3 (did talk them into the airflow attachment tho.

    I feel everyone who we convert away from analogs we should get a pin to wear lol!


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 12, 2012
    Lawrence KS
    If you end up getting the ProTanks be sure to spend an extra couple of bucks and order the air flow controls valves to go with them. It's a big improvement over a PT without it.

    I second this. My PT2 tanks were sitting around unused until I started using the air flow control bases. Now they are back in use daily.


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 6, 2014
    It depends on what they want in my opinion. For my dad when I was looking for his setup, he hated a lot of things, including a protank.
    I was graciously given a mod to give him and it was the Joytech eGrip, that is the one setup that is keeping him off cigarettes for a week now. Plus none of the "goofy" flavors as he calls it. He loves unflavored nic base just as much as I do. It's perfect for him and he loves it. The previous setups or so I had him try he hated, he just could not like them no matter how hard he tried.

    The eGrip is great though, built in tank, not terrible airflow, easy to refill, enough capacity to last a while and small

    Here it is compared to a Reo

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