New York to Ban Flavored E-Cigarettes Immediately

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Senior Member
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Sep 1, 2017
Toronto, Canada
New York Moves to Ban Flavored E-Cigarettes by Emergency Order

Under the plan outlined by Mr. Cuomo on Sunday, the state’s Public Health and Health Planning Council, a little-known regulatory body, would be convened by the health commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker. The council would then issue an emergency regulation to ban the sale of flavored e-cigarettes, rules that would take effect immediately.
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Sep 1, 2017
Toronto, Canada
There’s talk of banning vaping in N.J. What can be done?

New Jersey legislative leaders are talking about becoming the first state to ban the sale of vaping products.

State Senate President Stephen Sweeney has called for legislation see a phased-in ban on electronic smoking devices, including nicotine cartridges and containers, as well as all other vapor products.


Vaping Master
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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
That's a shame but it doesn't have to be the end of the vaping world as we know it. I have been vaping unflavored DIY liquid for the last seven years because that's what I like, not because I had no other choice.

I think I could live with that now, but I doubt I could have made it that way when I first started vaping. Sad times.


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Sep 1, 2017
Toronto, Canada
State lawmakers see momentum for vaping crackdown after Trump ban

From Utah to New Jersey, long-stalled state plans to curb teen vaping got a huge boost from President Donald Trump’s plan to remove flavored e-cigarettes from the market. And some states want to go further than the White House.

State lawmakers believe the surprise ban Trump announced this week, amid an outbreak of a mysterious vaping-related illness that’s sickened hundreds and killed at least six, provides much-needed momentum to legislation cracking down on the young but rapidly growing e-cigarette industry. They see an opening to move ahead with hefty new taxes, their own bans on flavored vapes and possibly outlawing vaping products altogether.
Republican state Rep. Paul Ray said state data found 30 percent of high schoolers in some counties have recently vaped, slightly higher than the national rate. He plans to introduce a flavor ban when the legislature returns in January.

Ray, who said he doesn’t “have a lot of trust and faith in the federal government,” said a state law would protect Utah if a future administration ever decides to relax e-cigarette rules.
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Georgia Boy

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Jun 28, 2019
Atlanta Georgia
Don't get me started, oops too late.

Cuomo another idiot on the bandwagon. NY took in over $1.1 billion in Tobacco Revenue in 2018 and big tobacco's one of his biggest donors, he's gotta protect that and screw the people who will die. Another FatCat with no brain and no heart, just a big fat wallet that says donate here! I wouldn't pee on him if he was on fire.


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Dec 14, 2013
That's all right then. :thumbs:
Well, no, it isn't.

Although I understand where @yzer is coming from because I vape more unflavored than anything else, and have for a number of years; I like it too.

Yet I fully recognize how important it is for someone trying to switch from cigarettes to find one or more flavors that make vaping more appealing than smoking to that person. Far fewer people will be successful switching if only tobacco flavors and/or unflavored liquid is available.

I suppose we might conclude that's exactly what they want.


Super Member
Aug 29, 2019
Blue Ridge Mtns.
Think NY's does, but don't recall where I read that.
That's what's going to be bad. When states start saying that online sales can't be shipped to your address. I'm sure though some smart people will figure a way around such things after all where there's a will there's a way.


Ultra Member
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  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    New York state bans flavored e-cigarettes
    Cuomo said state Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker will hold a meeting with the Public Health and Health Planning Council this coming week that will formally ban the flavored use of nicotine that is also known as vaping.

    New York's ban also only targets vaping that includes nicotine.

    After the state health planning council votes, stores would have a two-week grace period to get the flavored e-cigarette products off the shelves before facing possible fines.
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    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    I don't particularly care for unflavored juice at all actually. I think I would dislike it EVEN more if it was FOISTED upon me, also. That would just make me righteously angry.

    New York sucks so hard. It just does. It just HAS to be the first, the worst, the blah blah blah etc. If something bad has to happen, New York just has to make it so.

    Like, 9/11. I'm not blaming New York exactly but there is something about the twin towers that well... I don't think the terrorists liked New York either, either that or they knew that like, the New Yorkers would like, brand together and we'd never hear the end of it. I mean no offense but the BEST thing about my 9/11 this year is no one mentioned the terrorism at ALL.

    The righteous of New York are like the righteous Jews of religion... It's like OKAY WE GET IT SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENED but NO we don't we don't need to define ourselves by it for the rest of the generations of our tribe.

    Now NY is genociding flavors. It's like they HAVE to have bad stuff happen 24-7 all the time and then they tax anyone who is upset. You could not pay me enough to live there.

    Well, that's not true. But it would have to be enough so that couriers tended to my every need, including gentlemen in loincloths like, waving palm trees over me while someone... IDK fed me grapes whilst singing my favorite tunes (in tune.) I'm trying to think of something great, since it's New York, but no it would definitely have to be out of season CHERRIES.

    New York, you should be ashamed of yourself. You are a massive FAIL as a state, and I'm kind of hating you right now. Not the saddened, tragic people trapped in your grip YOU as a state.

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    Georgia Boy

    Super Member
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    Jun 28, 2019
    Atlanta Georgia
    There will be less money to donate to these Politicians, I assume with less taxes from Cigarettes. They have to get that revenue back up, which flavor ban may help. That also means everyone should beware not just vapers.

    I hear Cuomo is bringing back the horse and buggy, as Car Crashes kill around ten 16 & 17 yrs olds a day in New York #ivapeivote
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