Busardo and Dimitris discuss the attack on nicotine vaping

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Jan 15, 2013
United States
Very interesting, in my opinion. They are at FlavourArt.

The video was redone and back up. If you'd like to view it, go to pbusardo's youtube channel. I'm not going to link it here, because there are a few curse words sprinkled in there and I don't want to break any forum rules.

It is called:
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Jan 15, 2013
United States
They all seem to feel strongly that nic in the U.S. should be capped at 20mg. They believe that will solve most of the issues with teens wanting to vape, because the huge nic rush won't be there that they are getting from high mg nic salts in juul.


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Dec 8, 2013
Montreal, Canada

Simply, they need the US market to stay in business, selling only in Canada isnt an option. They will have to close their new factory short-medium term. We are seing the train wreck of the vape industry in slow motion before our eyes. BT is going to pickup the piece after the dust settle.


ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
Well. I hope they continue to produce and sell flavorings.. I had no idea they did ejuices

I expect they sell most of their products to ejuice manufacturers. They get the same flavors we do, just in far larger quantities. If ejuice makers go out of business there may not be enough of use DIYers to justify not only plant expansion but their business itself.


Moved On
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Sep 12, 2014
joshua tree, ca
Simply, they need the US market to stay in business, selling only in Canada isnt an option. They will have to close their new factory short-medium term. We are seing the train wreck of the vape industry in slow motion before our eyes. BT is going to pickup the piece after the dust settle.
There is no restrictions on selling flavoring. The DIY market will increase.


Vaping Master
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Jul 25, 2013
I expect they sell most of their products to ejuice manufacturers. They get the same flavors we do, just in far larger quantities. If ejuice makers go out of business there may not be enough of use DIYers to justify not only plant expansion but their business itself.
It's not even close. The DIY market is not even 5% of the overall market. Although, I doubt their business is in danger of closing. They don't sell ejuice in North America, but they're one of the largest ejuice vendors in Europe. They would still sell flavors to the rest of the world as well, out of their main manufacturing facility in Italy. Flavorart North America will be no more, though.


Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
It's not even close. The DIY market is not even 5% of the overall market. Although, I doubt their business is in danger of closing. They don't sell ejuice in North America, but they're one of the largest ejuice vendors in Europe. They would still sell flavors to the rest of the world as well, out of their main manufacturing facility in Italy. Flavorart North America will be no more, though.
I would imagine we could order flavorings from Italy but it would be expensive


Vaping Master
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Jul 25, 2013
It looks like they removed the video from youtube. Anyone heard why?
They were really angry, and going off against the large eliquid manufacturers who did next to nothing in supporting advocacy and public relations. And they really went off on Juul. Their main point was that it shouldn't be the vape shop owners and consumers to bear the burden of the fight, but the manufacturers who should come together and fight for their industry.

Maybe they said some things they regretted, or they construed as counter-productive, in reflection.


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Dec 24, 2013
High Desert, CA
It looks like they removed the video from youtube. Anyone heard why?

The amount of F bombs dropped in that video, especially by the Flavorart guy was probably egregious enough to warrant that. Certainly enough to demonetize. I would bet that that was reason enough for the non-vaping review staff at YT to justify it's removal.

I'm really quite surprised ECF moderators allowed the link to remain up since it was in contravention of ECF posting standards.


Ultra Member
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Jan 15, 2013
United States
The amount of F bombs dropped in that video, especially by the Flavorart guy was probably egregious enough to warrant that. Certainly enough to demonetize. I would bet that that was reason enough for the non-vaping review staff at YT to justify it's removal.

I'm really quite surprised ECF moderators allowed the link to remain up since it was in contravention of ECF posting standards.
Oh heck, I didn't even think of that. Just thought it was informative given the current climate. Sorry if it offended anyone.


Resting In Peace
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Jul 23, 2013
Bordertown of ProVariland and REOville
Video was removed by the user, my take was it was an 1-1/2 hour angry frustrated rant. Dimitris kept saying that there needs to be a strong public relations push back from the industry. With all the F bombs and anger, it really wasn't a good look in my eye. Dimitris also repeatedly bashed on JUUL labs and kept saying we need a 20 mg/ml limit here like the TPD has. I think it was wise of them to toss that one down the memory hole...


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Jan 15, 2013
United States
I don't even remember the f bombs. What I remember is the jist of what they said. In my opinion, Dimitris didn't bash Juul, he said the facts of the high nic they are using in their pods, etc. It was important to mention, since we didn't have a teen issue until Juul started doing this. The UK doesn't have a problem with teen use, but we do. Why? The only difference appears to be that they have a cap on nic level. I call that problem-solving. Their stance was that perhaps when the government/media asks us how to curb teen use, that may be one of the solutions.
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