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Jul 14, 2011
Chicago, IL
Pecans, 10 to 15 whole raw per day. Molasses, 2 tbsp in warm water before bed. Bananas, anytime. Exercise 4-5 hours before bedtime and a hot shower always helps.

That all sounds extremely relaxing... and would probably help a normal person. Unfortunately, I'm deranged. And what I really need is some morphine or something :laugh:


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ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2011
Derbyshire, UK
And I thought this forum was just for e-cigs/pv.

My name is Trilly and I am an insomniac.

I have suffered since I was a kid but not all the time, I would go a month or so sleeping fine and then that would be it for a couple of months, I could manage a full week on about 14 hrs sleep and it would drive everyone in the house up the wall. My mum had me try various perscription meds but all they did was destroy my concentration and have me like a zombie 24/7 so I ditched them and looked at other ways. Diet has been the best thing for me, avoid artificial sweetners and caffeine and keep natural sugars to a minimum and that seems to do the trick for me. I'm now in my 30's and only take sleeping tablets if I get desperate and only if DH is not working the following day (our son has CF and we have to get up in the night with him).
I'm lucky (hear me out on this), my best friend also suffers insomnia and although hers is more or less constant where as mine comes in bouts, since she doesn't live too far away we make the most of it, girly nights watching movies or just chatting, it's great to have company sometimes. I don't know about you guys but it sure gets lonely at 2am when everyone else is asleep.
While a lot of the time I consider it a curse I was actually glad of it when my son was born, I was accustomed to surving on little sleep and being up all night, DH found it hard on the rare occasion he had to get up for a night feed or chest therapy while I just got on with it.
I know other people may have already tried this but I thought I would offer what works for me, watching my diet is the main part but also keeping a good routine, regardless of what time I nod off I make sure I am up and out of bed at 6am every morning, even when I don't have to be up that early (ie, when not at work) I still do, I only nap during the day if I really really can't help it and then I limit myself to an hour maximum.
I'm in the midst of a bad bout at the minute, just over 2 weeks now after a surprising 9 weeks of good (or at least good for me) 6 hours a night, every night, I appreciate that what I suffer is mild compared to some of the posters on here but I just wanted to offer what works for me in case it helps others.
I'm just wondering what we all do to pass the time, as I said I have a friend that comes round sometimes so we can suffer together but if I'm on my own I do anything from getting on top of housework (with the exception of noisy tasks) to writing books (I'm about to publish the first in my series but have written 4 so far), what I can't do is lie in bed clock watching, that just drives me nuts.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
Watching the clock or staying in bed until you feel you're going to jump right out of your own skin!!!

I've gone through several really bad spells but then find some things that help so most of the time is good. Good means, even if I wake during the night, I get back to sleep after getting up for an hour or so. 3 to 4 hours sleep, up for a bit, and then down for 3 or 4 more.

I still have nights I don't sleep at all but so few that it is livable.

And I bet it is nice to have a friend to keep you company!!!


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Mar 1, 2011
ipet: Melatonin is the natural hormone that is regulated by your arcadian rythymn. Your arcadian rythym is when your body gets naturally tired, and naturally wakes up. Melatonin is released when it gets dark outside, and is at full levels when you hit Stage four(deep sleep, past the dream stage) in sleep cycle, (stage 3 is rem). Everyone produces melatonin, and if your an insomniac, your arcadian rythym is off, and your melatonin levels are lacking. I promise, if you try a melatonin, you will get tired. It is the natural hormone produced in your body when it gets dark out, even blind people's bodies sense the light and dark, it's a truly amazing process. Again, I am like you, in when I'm in one of my "no-sleep cycles", nothing will work, not any drug out there. But believe it or not, melatonin hit the spot. It relaxed my mind, and my thoughts.

IF your like me, recreational drugs, do the opposite for me, (to what it would for most pp). I get wide awake.. I realllllly do not reccomend vicodin as a sleep aid. For the 1rst week, yeah it will knock you out, but you build up a tolerance soooo fast, that it doesn't do crap after a week, plus being on an opiate in no fun at all, (in the long run). Flexiril, is good for those nights when my mucsles are all tight from stress, and it takes the neck strains down, and HELPS me relax. Chamomile tea is great. As you said, a natural, healthy diet works wonders for regulating and healing the body. If you stop the pop, the coffee and switch to tea, that will also help tremendously. I hope that you dont use drinking to fall asleep anymore, because obviously that is going to do some harm to your liver, and everything else. :( I feel for ya, but all you can do is try and live as healthy as a lifestyle as possible, and if your already switching to e-cigs, and stopping the drinking, you are on your way. I am a beleiver in ganja use, if it gets pp off of the alcohol and other drugs, though I don't use it often at all, (but used to). I am strongly against the use of nuerotransmitter altering chemicals. Thigns like anti-depressants and sleep-aids that are also anti-depressants. I have studied these drugs in school, and trust me, you do not want to be on them... I cannot stress this enough, and yes, if you are on them, go against your docs orders and find a holistic psychologist that will know exactly what to do with you.. :)
Anyway, health will regulate your body. The mind is not healthy if the body is not healthy, the body and mind are not healthy if the soul is not healthy.... Mind,body, soul medicine; get these three things healthy, and you'll be good to go. :)
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2011
Derbyshire, UK
Hi jj2 & morgythekilla

It's great when Bex is round, last night was another one of those nights so it was a case of what to watch, think we got through 10 episodes of House, season 2 but hey, at least I wasn't lonely and my little boy joined us around 5am too.

I agree with you mongythkilla, lifestyle is the best thing for helping me and between us, I'm hoping that switching to vaping will help in the long run too.

I will admit I have used ganja in the past (many yrs ago and only for a short time) but to be honest, it did nothing for me, zip, zilch, nadda thing but that was when I was in my teens and desperate (and part of the whole peer pressure thing). Alcohol isa definately not the answer for so many reasons, firstly my mother was an alcoholic, she's been dry for almost 5 yrs now but I know I'm the same as her when I've had a drink so other than the odd glass of wine with a meal I steer clear, round about the time after my ganja experiance I did drink heavily and would quite happily drink to the point that I'd pass out, all it took for me was one person to say 'You're just like your mother when your drunk' and that was it, I didn't touch another drop till I went for a christmas party and then I had one glass with my meal, never again will I embarress myself.

I know people in the past have suggest a good workout earlier in the day would work, hasn't for me but has anyone else tried it?


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Nov 9, 2010
This is my first post and sorry for not having read the whole thread. I shall do so tomorrow once I get sleep.

Insomnia has been an issue since I was born, pretty much. I've always had a difficult time sleeping especially because of my ADHD. Smoking cigarettes made it worse, but I dealt with it. Suddenly, on the morning of my 21st birthday, I had a seizure. There was no real diagnosis and they ruled out epilepsy. After having two more seizures, all in the morning, my doctor finally said the closest thing to a diagnosis is that my insomnia and sleeplessness is most likely the cause of my seizures, along with low blood pressure. Ironically, my doctor told me to drink coffee (which I do already. I'm an addict and fully aware of it LOL) . If I quit coffee, I still have insomnia but the difference is that I'm a very scary monster without my life-drink.

I've recently been able to sleep. My secret? Yoga. It has changed my life completely. Although I am still battling insomnia, it's getting much better. I just started doing yoga, but I'm so much in love with it that I'm on my journey to be a teacher!

For those who suffer with insomnia, I feel for you.


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Nov 28, 2011
Seattle, WA
insomnia....yep....always have had trouble sleeping more than a few hrs at a time, lucky if I get 4 hrs in a night. as a kid I quickly learned my parents got mad if I left bed & made noise so I hid books & flashlight in bed for those long quiet nights awake in the wee hours. still keep books in/on the bed now...30+ years later. it is kind of fun if I do manage to doze off while reading, influences my dreams...not that I always remember them.
tried most "cures" including hot bathes, warm milk, drugs (prescription & non-)....prescription drugs were the worst. I guess they led to me being "awake & functioning" with NO MEMORY of it....been told I drove, went places, did/said things when the last thing I remembered was taking my pill & going to bed....usually waking up there too. took a roomie to notice something was "off" with my behavior some nights & I immediately quit taking the damn pills. this happened with 3 different sleep meds, 2 were benzodiazapam-type pills I found out later. now I research meds before filling the prescription.
any how, just stumbled across this thread....thought I'd check it out (430am now). going to bed again...probably to read, hopefully to nap :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2011
I am new to the WWB family but this is the thread I will probably be spending most of my time (notice the time I'm posting this hehehehe)
I hope to someday free myself of the aversion of waking up early lol I love staying up late at night but I have been trying lately to not stay up all night and crash in the morning/afternoon:facepalm:
I'm always looking for healthy tips and love some of the information in this thread and hope to provide more as the time goes on:) Here is a webmd article on feeling more alert/energized during the day (my biggest problem!)
How to Stay Awake Naturally


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2012
I am new to the WWB family but this is the thread I will probably be spending most of my time (notice the time I'm posting this hehehehe)
I hope to someday free myself of the aversion of waking up early lol I love staying up late at night but I have been trying lately to not stay up all night and crash in the morning/afternoon:facepalm:
I'm always looking for healthy tips and love some of the information in this thread and hope to provide more as the time goes on:) Here is a webmd article on feeling more alert/energized during the day (my biggest problem!)
How to Stay Awake Naturally

I'm not really an insomniac but I stay up a lot later than my favorite thread on this board or my husband seems to like.

When I wake up or can't sleep I just get up and do housework or something. It's tragically boring. I should be practicing pole-dancing or something.
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