24mg doesn't seem like much at all. Am I alone on this?

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Full Member
Nov 20, 2009
I wasn't a very big smoker beforehand so I didn't think I'd need much but I figured I'd start high and work my way down to something that could satisfy my cravings in a few hits, and could give me a little head buzz if I keep puffing (if I need it.) Anyway I've gone through about 6mL of 24mg and I have yet to even "feel" the nicotine. Although I haven't wanted an analog for about a week, which is good, sometimes I really need the nicotine to calm me down. Last night I got into an argument with a friend and afterward I found myself vapeing my 510 as hard as I could until the cutoff kicked in and I still didn't feel satisfied so I broke down and found an analog in my car and although it was disgusting (first one in a week, tasted awful) I got a nice head buzz not even halfway through it.

A lot of places only sell up to 24mg so either I'm vapeing wrong or the doseages don't quite convert from normal cigs. In the meantime though who sells some good higher doseage juices?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2009
I've been doing 24mg since I started, I'm not sure what I expected to 'feel' with it, just as a heavy smoker thought this was good enough.
It seems to suit me but my goal was to drop in strength in time.

I'm sure there are others that sell higher nic, but have you tried
Rocky Mountain Vapor, they carry some 35Ml- 36MG and still have some flavors in stock last I checked.

good luck


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
Switch to manual batteries so there is no cutoff! You can draw till your heart flutters!

There is still a cutoff, but it's a long one. Like 10-15 seconds.

To the OP, 24mg wasn't enough for me. I'm happily vaping 36mg, because 24 would not keep me off analogs. There are places that sell it. I buy from wordupecig.com. 36mg in 50ml bottles...


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ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2009
Lakewood,California - u$a
i've been vaping for about 8 months...I normally use 36mg liquid ,but have vaped 50mg straight (no flavor) I've used several commercial pv's and I build mods. Most have no cutoff at all,some are 3.7 volt, some 4.5 v ,
some 6 volt models,
but I have yet to feel any "buzz" or "head rush" period.
On a positive note...I no longer smoke cigarettes!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2009
Iowa, USA
How much each person needs the nicotine vs something else from cigs really seems to vary. While there's some good guidelines, there's also heavy smokers who prefer low nic, and then a few like me. I was a half pack a day Capri (skinny lights) smoker, as a result of a partially successful attempt to quit a few years back. These are about the wimpiest cigs out there. The e-cig didn't work for me for months of trial and error and reading the forums for ideas, a couple mods, and I can't remember what else. What finally worked was spiking up the juice with some 60 mg/mL from Eastmall, to about 48. That finally got me off analogs totally for the last month. In the morning, and when otherwise cranky, I also spike the cart with an extra drop or two of the 60, just for that extra kick. Never gotten the buzz of a smoke, but it does kill the craving, big time.

So, eastmall, 60 mg/mL, PG or VG, $30/30mL, if you need to kick it up. Worked for me anyway.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 14, 2009
I wasn't a very big smoker beforehand so I didn't think I'd need much but I figured I'd start high and work my way down to something that could satisfy my cravings in a few hits, and could give me a little head buzz if I keep puffing (if I need it.) Anyway I've gone through about 6mL of 24mg and I have yet to even "feel" the nicotine. Although I haven't wanted an analog for about a week, which is good, sometimes I really need the nicotine to calm me down. Last night I got into an argument with a friend and afterward I found myself vapeing my 510 as hard as I could until the cutoff kicked in and I still didn't feel satisfied so I broke down and found an analog in my car and although it was disgusting (first one in a week, tasted awful) I got a nice head buzz not even halfway through it.

A lot of places only sell up to 24mg so either I'm vapeing wrong or the doseages don't quite convert from normal cigs. In the meantime though who sells some good higher doseage juices?

Myfreedomsmokes sells liquid up to 48mg for flavored and 60mg unflavored. I had the same problem as you; 24mg just didn't seem to do it... I've been vaping 36-42mg lately and while the throat hit does seem better, I still don't get the cig head rush. Must be all the other chemical crap in cigs that does it... /shrug


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Mar 2, 2009
Richmond Virginia, USA
Xpinchx, I have a solution, but it will involve latex gloves :D.
Order yourself some 60MG mixing liquid. Now, in order to convert your 24MG into 36MG mix it with the 60MG at a ratio of 2 parts 24MG to 1 part 60MG. 24+24+60=108 and 108/3=36
The DIY Liquid section will teach you how to do this safely, there are even spread sheet templates for figuring out all the ratios to customize almost any juice at any strength you need. You can even drop your nic level more gradually by using smaller increments, e.g. if you mix the same juices above at 3 to 1 you'll get 33MG liquid. I've never regretted learning how to mix.

i think part of that buzz is from lack of oxygen to the brain.

Time out for Science:
Right you are. Give that man an e-cigar! Analog smoke has loads of CO (carbon monoxide) in it. What makes CO so deadly, as in "don't-run-your-car-in-a-closed-garage deadly" is that it binds to hemoglobin in the blood more efficiently than oxygen does. Hemoglobin is the body's oxygen transport molecule. The oxygen can pop in and pop out readily. It also transports CO2 just as readily. Carbon monoxide locks itself in so tight it not only reduces the overall oxygen carrying capacity of your blood, it interferes with the removal of waste CO2. The buzz is your brain crying for help because the system is out of balance. The real "hit" of nicotine is not the buzz but the enhanced alertness. The lifting of the fog. The sharpening of focus. Nicotine excites the cholinergic receptors in your brain, basically it mimics acetylcholine and ramps up your mental processing speed and heart rate, basically your "fight or flight" response. Yes, that's right. Nicotine is a performance enhancing drug. Think about it. Back before Mission Control went smoke-free, we were putting men on the Moon. For generations smokers have been sacrificing their individual lives for the advancement of mankind.
.....I feel a rant coming on, I better put away the soap box and go to bed.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 26, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
How much each person needs the nicotine vs something else from cigs really seems to vary. While there's some good guidelines, there's also heavy smokers who prefer low nic, and then a few like me. I was a half pack a day Capri (skinny lights) smoker, as a result of a partially successful attempt to quit a few years back. These are about the wimpiest cigs out there. The e-cig didn't work for me for months of trial and error and reading the forums for ideas, a couple mods, and I can't remember what else. What finally worked was spiking up the juice with some 60 mg/mL from Eastmall, to about 48. That finally got me off analogs totally for the last month. In the morning, and when otherwise cranky, I also spike the cart with an extra drop or two of the 60, just for that extra kick. Never gotten the buzz of a smoke, but it does kill the craving, big time.

So, eastmall, 60 mg/mL, PG or VG, $30/30mL, if you need to kick it up. Worked for me anyway.

I was one of those "heavy(ish) smokers". I honestly find 12mg to be perfect for me...24 actually did give me a head buzz....but not the same as a "cigarette head buzz". I went from smoking 1-2 packs a day to immediately vaping 12mg. I occasionally use 24mg...mostly when drinking or when in high stress and i still get a head buzz from it.


New Member
Nov 30, 2009
I completely relate to your frustration...

I started out vaping this past summer, after spending a bunch of money on hardware and juices, I assumed I'd be all set. I bought a 901 knockoff, and some 18 mg juice. I couldn't figure out if it was the e-cig or the nic amount that wasn't satisfying...so I bought a 401. Better...but, not satisfying. So, I purchased a 510 and some 38 mg juice, and mixed it with VG, and some of the 18 mg juice to boost it up to about 25 mg.

Then I said to hell with it, after getting a 'cloudy' feeling in my lungs, and went back to analogs. Obviously, not a smart move, but c'est la vie. (In hindsight, the 'cloudy' feeling may have very well been my lungs clearing up some, which is a good thing...but, I was getting weak in my analog quit attempt.)

I'm two days back into vaping, without analogs...using my 510...and, I'm going straight with the 38 mg nic juice. I guess it's 'comparable' to using the patch, as far as 'satisfaction' goes...I'm still craving analogs...but, atleast I get pacified inhaling/exhaling vape instead of just putting a patch on my arm.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 3, 2009
We know that analogs have tons of other things in them besides nicotine, lie MAOI'S, enhancers, etc...all which affect body chemistry and assist in the 'buzz', along with the O2 starvation mentioned in previous posts.

Figure that the analog has over 4000 chemicals in them...how many of those do you think are effecting your body in some way to contribute to that buzz?

and with the PV, we are using 1 of those chemicals, so you really can't expect to get the same 'buzz' results from a PV that you got from an analog, we have just been trained that nicotine was the buzz giver...which we now know it is not.


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Aug 27, 2009
Southern California
nicotine is known to prevent apostasis (self-programed suicide) of deformed and malfunctioning cells. Nicotine has also been identified as culpable in pancreatic cancer (swedish snu research) and it's role in heart disease is indisputable.

24mg/ml was considered xxxhigh, for mixing only
then 36mg/ml was brought on the scene - also, xxxxhigh, for mixing only

toxic dose is 60mg/ml, 10mg/ml for a child - i.e., 1ml of 60mg on the skin, (1/6th a mil for a child) death is usually quick, from paralysis of the muscles that you breathe with, along with convulsions.

with the appearance of higher doses on the scene, claiming to be USA-made, non-chinese, etc, from mystery labs, is the increased chance that this nicotine could have been produced in labs on the same equipment that produces other toxic chemicals. 3.6% means that only 3.6 percent of the ingredients in that bottle are nicotine - the rest is ?????????.

vape above 24mg at your own risk, but don't kid yourself thinking it's absolutely safe to do so just because it's being offered by some guy on a street corner with no business license or phone number.

If you need a 'buzz' then hyperventilate for 20 seconds after vaping.


Brewster 59

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2009
North Bay San Francisco
i've been vaping for about 8 months...I normally use 36mg liquid ,but have vaped 50mg straight (no flavor) I've used several commercial pv's and I build mods. Most have no cutoff at all,some are 3.7 volt, some 4.5 v ,
some 6 volt models,
but I have yet to feel any "buzz" or "head rush" period.
On a positive note...I no longer smoke cigarettes!

You guys want a nic buzz try some Thunder Wintergreen snus I guarantee you will git a nic buzz from that stuff.


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Nov 22, 2009
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
nicotine is known to prevent apostasis (self-programed suicide) of deformed and malfunctioning cells. Nicotine has also been identified as culpable in pancreatic cancer (swedish snu research) and it's role in heart disease is indisputable.

24mg/ml was considered xxxhigh, for mixing only
then 36mg/ml was brought on the scene - also, xxxxhigh, for mixing only

toxic dose is 60mg/ml, 10mg/ml for a child - i.e., 1ml of 60mg on the skin, (1/6th a mil for a child) death is usually quick, from paralysis of the muscles that you breathe with, along with convulsions.

with the appearance of higher doses on the scene, claiming to be USA-made, non-chinese, etc, from mystery labs, is the increased chance that this nicotine could have been produced in labs on the same equipment that produces other toxic chemicals. 3.6% means that only 3.6 percent of the ingredients in that bottle are nicotine - the rest is ?????????.

vape above 24mg at your own risk, but don't kid yourself thinking it's absolutely safe to do so just because it's being offered by some guy on a street corner with no business license or phone number.

If you need a 'buzz' then hyperventilate for 20 seconds after vaping.


I can tell you right now, for a lot of people 24mg just isn't gonna cut it. I don't get a "buzz" from analogs and I don't get a buzz from my e-cigs. I vape 36mg because it's the weakest I can vape while keeping me from craving an analog so bad that I would rip someones head off if I thought there was a cigarette in their neck.

I have a lot of 24mg flavored stuff that I bought just to try out, but there is no way I can vape that and only that. When I try different flavors I find myself vaping them a hardcore and still picking up my passthrough with 36mg for a few good drags.

Don't come in here preaching about how you *know* your 24mg is safe but my 36mg might be the devil. We need what we need. I'll take this over analogs any day.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2009
Iowa, USA
toxic dose is 60mg/ml, 10mg/ml for a child - i.e., 1ml of 60mg on the skin, (1/6th a mil for a child) death is usually quick, from paralysis of the muscles that you breathe with, along with convulsions.

Safety (MSDS) data for nicotine

LD50 is 50mg/kg. For me, about 100 kilos, that's 5000 mg, or 5 grams pure nicotine, or 100 mL of 50 mg/mL. For a 22 pound child, or 10 kilo, that's 500 mg, or 10 mL at 50 mg/mL. Ever try to drink 10 mL of this stuff? Or spill that much on yourself and let it soak a good long while? You'd be way sick first.

I don't know where these numbers come from, but similar ones are used elsewhere, indicating one drop will kill you. Just not true, based on the MSDS.


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Jan 30, 2009
Des Moines, IA
The longer I'm around, the more I realize that the mechanism of addiction(s) varies from person to person. As others have noted, some folks who were heavy smokers seem quite content at fairly modest nicotine concentrations with their vaping. Others who were what I would consider light smokers seem to require higher nicotine concentrations. There doesn't appear to be too much rhyme or reason to it all.

So here are a few suggestions I have:

First, I find that some liquids have a higher "kick" than others at the same nicotine concentrations. For example, don't ask me why, but I find that I get an awesome kick with Midwest Vapor's 26 mg vortex liquids. I also find that the addition of menthol crystals or drops to liquids can provide more of a throat hit.

Second, consider sticking at your present nicotine concentration and occasionally spiking your e-cig with a higher nicotine solution when the craving hits. People often find that they don't have to vape at 36 mg constantly in order to be satisfied . . . it may be enough to vape at a lower concentration and then add a few drops of the 36 mg when you feel a strong craving.

Third, I found that vaping at 3.7 volts and higher was more satisfying to me and I therefore vaped less. More voltage seems to provide more vapor and more "weight."

Frankly, for me, I felt I needed "more," but I wasn't really clear on what I needed more of. At first, I was convinced it was the nicotine, but once I picked up a higher voltage device, it became clear to me that the nicotine was only part of the equation.
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