3 Features Your First E Cig Battery Must Have

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Dec 29, 2013
Belle Rive, Illinois, United States
Everything you Need to Know in Order to make Your First E Cig Battery PurchaseSo you’ve made the decision to transition from smoking cigarettes to vaping with an e cig, congratulations on making the first step towards a longer, healthier, and better smelling, life! While many people consider vaping merely a means to a smoke free end, a lot of people get immersed in the rabbit-hole and passionately consider vaping their daily hobby, and it all starts with your first e cig battery.Regardless of your motivations to start vaping, I know that it’s pretty tempting to get a cheap cig-a-like from a gas station, or big box store, but don’t do it!

Trust me, you’ll have better success staving off those pesky cigarette cravings by investing in a higher quality battery. Sure, there are some.decent cig-a-like kits.out there, but in the long run, you’ll be much happier if you decide to invest in a better quality, and more versatile, battery to start.Your first e cig battery will be the very foundation of your set up, so when shopping around, it’s important to think about what you’re looking for; it’s kind of like dating. Don’t settle for a one night stand, pick a battery that’s good enough to keep you from hitting up those nasty cancer-sticks for a booty-call that you’ll only regret later. So ask yourself, what’s important to you? Is it battery life? Portability? Ease of use? Customize-able settings? In addition to your personal preferences, these are three things that your first battery must have:

1..510 and Ego ThreadingThe most common headers (the things you attach to your battery that produce vapor) either utilize 510 or ego threading. Your first battery should have both 510 and ego threading. There are so many different options out there so you need the ability to shop around. If you have both of the most common threading types, you’ll have more options than a drunk frat boy visiting an all-girls school because you’ll have the largest selection available to you when choosing your header.

2. Variable Voltage Settings What tastes great to me might not taste so good to you, and that’s okay! With a variable voltage device, you can dial in the heat for the best possible flavor. If you want a hotter vape, you can turn that sucker up, or if you want a cooler vape you can turn it down. .It’s also important because there are a lot of different headers out there with different electrical resistances. So to keep your taste-buds happy and to keep the flavor and heat consistent, you need to be able to adjust your voltage.

3. Size MattersTrust me, I know from personal experience that the worst thing when trying to switch to vaping from smoking is your battery dying on you! Your cigarette-addicted brain is screaming at you and your battery just can’t get it up (how embarrassing). Cravings won’t wait, neither should you. Battery capacity is measured in mAh (milliamps per hour). I currently have an Innokin MVP 2 that’s powered by a 2600 mAh battery. It’s square shaped, smaller than a pack of cigarettes, and lasts me for about 2 days between charges. If you choose a smaller battery, that’s totally fine! Just make sure that you.buy at least two,.so you always have a charged spare.Remember, you don’t have to break the bank to get a good battery (or two…or three) with all of these features!.Ego type batteries.with the twist (twist is important because it means it’s variable voltage) feature are the most common starter batteries for beginners; it’s what I started with (and I loved it).

Ego twist batteries.come in various brands and sizes. They range from the mini 650 mAh.(around 3.85 inches long).all the way to.1300 mAh (around 4.5 inches long). Depending on the battery size you choose, prices range from 15-30 USD per battery. The most popular brands for ego type batteries are Joye, Kanger, and Vision..There’s no shame in getting an off brand, there are some good ones out there! Just remember, not all batteries are created equal, and you might not like the quality of an off brand battery, so shop wisely.If you’re willing to splurge a little…

You should definitely consider an.Innokin MVP 2.for around 40-60 USD. The.MVP 2.has variable voltage.and.variable wattage settings, it can check the electrical resistance of your headers, and it has both 510 and ego threading. You can vape it while it’s charging, or even use it to charge your cell phone in an emergency! It’s a great beginner battery that has most of the features you’ll need if vaping becomes your hobby (or obsession) like it did for me and for countless others.So there you have it, once you choose your battery, the header for your battery, and your e juice, you’ll be one step closer to your smoke-free, and hopefully extended, life!Battery

Safety PSA: Always be careful when charging any battery, regardless of style or brand. You should never leave a battery unattended, or use a charger that wasn’t manufactured specifically for your battery type. Always remove the battery from the charger once the charging cycle is complete, and never charge your batteries over night. Your battery will not last you forever. But with a little TLC, you can greatly extend it’s working life-span. If you’re good to your battery, it’ll be good to you!Have fun and vape on!



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 16, 2012
If its a first battery and you are trying to quit smoking...

1. Adjustability - You should be able to adjust the device to get a satisfying hit.

2. Accuracy - The device should be accurate to what you set it at.

3. Consistancy - The device should give you a consistant hit throughout the life of the battery.

Cigarettes are very consistant, come in different brands/strengths, and are extremely easy to use. Your first device should be as close to all of those things as possible in order to increase the chance of successfully quit smoking.


Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
Consistency and adjustibility were the keys things to get me off cigs. I started with a generic, 650 mAh, variable volt (5 clicks to next setting), passthrough, ego style battery and bottom coil clearo. Looking back at that kit, I think it sucked, but it was good enough to get me off cigs and at $15 it was a no brainer to try it. I pumped up the volts to vape through bigger cravings, and the passthrough feature let me get away with only having one device. While I would never recommend only having one device, if you can only have one due to budget or something, it should be a passthrough, vape while charging, device.


Vaping Master
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May 5, 2013
Grayson, Georgia
Personally I think variable wattage/voltage is overkill for a newbie. Heck, it's overkill for me (but that's another story).

Anyway, I think you've left out the most important thing. E-juice!! Finding one you 1) like and 2) is high enough in nicotine to control your cravings.

Agree. The Juice.... The single most important factor in quitting.

This thread though is about 3 features your ecig battery must have. I didnt have a VV ecig battery...vaped on those for a long time.......didnt know any better and loved it. Got me off cigs the first day...(but the juice was what did it...cause it was kinda sorta close to what I was smoking)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2014
These too-

Perseverance- To work your way thru the crap until you find something good.

Willingness to spend- Pretty much makes a big difference when you Decide to spend what it takes to get quality products. Helps you lessen the need for step 1.

I'll have to quote this to the wifey today... shopping again...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2014
Florida, USA
I think passthrough is one of the most imortant features for the noob. Possibly more than vv (which could be the next phase, and an upgrade).

Variable voltage is nice, don't get me wrong... But accessability trumps bells and whistles, any day of the week.

Having that 350-650mah battery crap out on you when you are niccing is a bad thing... Being able to charge and vape when you need it, priceless.
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