5 mini reviews in one - Phidias / SSGGTS+AVS / Alpha Ultra / Reo Mini / Provari

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ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2011
Hi guys - this is a mini review I posted on the Aussie forum, thought it could be of some assistance to those looking at one of these mods.

I was going to do a couple of mini reviews on the new toys, so I might as well procrastinate some more this am before I start doing any work. Pics with a Reo 1000mah + XL dual coil for size comparison. I've got to do this in parts as the forum doesn’t like too many photos all in one ><






Had this for a couple of days now. The maker of the Phidias, is a bit of a math nerd and designed the dimensions of the box around something called the "golden ratio" - Golden ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I have NFI what all of that means other than it feels "just right" in the hand. It really is a joy to hold and fire - these things deserve their cult following (the official ECF thread runs to about 1500 pages).

The feed system is a bit different in that while it is a tilt and shoot kind of style, the button (the little flush mounted disk on the back and as depicted on the inside cover) doesnt really serve to force the liquid up, but merely creates a negative pressure on the bottle. You basically push the button in, tip the mod past the horizontal, and count to about 7 or 8 (although this does depend on pressure). This will then give you about 3-5 draws.

The thing I love most about this mod is the vape. It is my instantly favourite vape out of the 510/Ego/Reo/Prov/Alpha/GG (although I have only just started using this). It is a very warm vape on the 510 LR atty and you can taste the flavour like nothing else I have experimented with so far - it lingers in your mouth and if you have a flavour you love, its The ..... Priced at about $165 (IRC) new, (I bought mine of classified from ECF but if it isnt new its still a virgin), it would be money well spent. It runs a 18650 batt. It isnt VV, but quite frankly I couldnt care less such is how good this little box is. I currently rate it for a daily a few spots above the Reo mini.






**Ive only been using this for one night**. Engineering wise, this thing is an absolute work of art. Imeo, who makes this all on his own, is a bloody genius. I was concerned about the complexity of the whole thing when I was looking at them, in particular the UFS (I mean look at the thing disassembled above), but it only took a once through on Imeo's video walkthrough and I understand it well.

The battery side of things is telescopic which means you can shove in a whole assortment of batteries - you either lengthen or close the thread as per the length of the battery. Pictured above is with an 18650 installed. With an 18490 the middle tube disappears completely. It is a HEAVY piece of bronze and stainless steel but the thing feels bulletproof in hand.

The AVS has 2 adjustments you can do on the fly - juiceflow and airflow. These are easy to adjust but I havent got the hang of it yet. I suspect it is a mod that you have to learn and really try different atty's to see what does it for you. A couple of things I have discovered through trial and error overnight - you cant vape it lying down - I mean proper past the horizontal (unless you like to drink your juice) but that's a bit of a no brainer once you understand how the tank works. Also, I think you need to keep it stood upright unless you close the juice and air ring, otherwise it will flood the atty - will experiment a bit with this. Having said that - it is a breeze to fix a flooded atty : open the air ring all the way, close the juice ring, and blow the excess juice out of the mouthpiece. Took me about 20 seconds to get it back up and running.

So far I find the vape very cool (perhaps too cool for me - will reserve judgement on that), and it is definitely the smoothest of the vapes Ive had to date. I find you need to draw on this a fair bit longer to get your fill but variety is the spice of life yeah? So far, loving it.

Alpha Ultra




I like this mod, it is small, the switch is very cool, and it is very well engineered. It is hard to compare it with anything as it is just **different**. The Alpha Ultra has a unique tank called a RES, although describing it as a tank isnt really right - it is like a big ceramic cart which holds about 2ml of juice, although somewhere here (sorry I cant remember who and cbf looking atm), reported that you need to top it up around the 1ml mark.

I havent used this enough to pass judgement on the usability of it yet but when I did fire it up it vaped real nice. Runs a 14500 battery. I doubt I would use it as a night on the town mod due to the the limited capacity of the RES, however I would use it in place of an Ego any day of the week. The good thing about this little guy is that it is a breeze to fill - simply pop off your drip tip and squirt down the atty. Leave for a couple of mins and youre gtg. I made a bit of a half arsed go at running a carto through it (which works), but I didnt use it enough to work out if I was vaping through the RES system or simply only through the carto (as I filled the carto as well). If the RES system doesnt grow on me, I think I will use it as a stealthy out and about battery mod only with the standard carto adaptor. Nice little mod.

Reo Mini



A lot as been said about these guys so I wont flog the horse. I like this mod a lot. Its sturdy, vapes well, and small - see for example the size comparison to the Phidias. While I think the Phidias creams it for vaper, this will remain I suspect as my "going out in-the-pocket" mod due to its size and durability, whereas the Phidias will be my on-the-desk / take home at night mod. You really cant go wrong with one of these. Runs a 14500 battery.




With the Reo, as still a bit of a greenhorn (fark that sounds ghey), there isnt a whole lot I can add to this baby but I'll give my own personal impressions. Firstly, this is The Mod anyone looking to graduate from 510's should go to (imho). What cant you like about this mod. It is like holding a bazooka shell with a microchip in your hand. The beauty about the Provari is that you can stick pretty much any cart / carto / tank on it (except a maptank because they suck ballz and some dual coils make it chuck a spaz), dial in your voltage, and youre sweet as a nut.

Holds either a 18490/18500(?) batt or an 18650 as pictured with or without the optional extension cap. Personally, I like the Prov without the extension cap - it just takes some of the weight and bulk out of it and I prefer the way it feels in the hand. Im not sure how much longer an 18650 buys you over an 18490.

The only thing holding the Provari back for me at the moment from making it my daily is because (a I have lots of new toys), and (b) the juice capacity of the little Boge carto which is my favourite by far, although Im going to start using the G4 clearos some more to see how they go, just doesnt cut it as I am lazy and cbf filling it up all the time (when I have the other gear on hand). As some of you would know, my attempt to use a map tank ended poorly, and to be honest, I need my mods and whatever I shove on the end of them, to be able to withstand getting chucked in the gymbag at the end of the day and tossed around a bit. I do expect this to change with the soon to be released iAtty from GG though :)

Hope this helps - last pick - a bit of a side by side size comparison.

From left to right :

SSGGTS+AVS / Provari + Boge + cherry vape tip (<3 these btw) / 1000mah Ego + XL Duel Coil + cherry / 510 mega + XL Dual Coil / Sparkplug (I left this one out of the review as I havent used it yet) / Alpha Ultra + Boge + SuperT tip / Phidias + 510 LR atty + cherry / Reo Mini + 306LR atty



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2010
Fantastic reviews - perfect length for each device. The Reo Woodvil gives a nice, plumey vape on par with the Phidias if you have a little more space on your vape gear shelf.

I'm thinking (and thinking) about the GGTS but I worry about it being slippery and prone to easy nicking. Have you had time to judge that yet?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2011
I will be watching closely for the mini woody's come 16/06 :)

Re the GGTS - I dont find it slippery at all (compared to my provari for example - hence the rubber band mod). Nicking? - Do you mean scratching? If so, no I havent noticed that yet, although Im sure you could polish it up real nice if it got a bit banged up. Thanks for your kind words :)



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 6, 2010
Silicon Valley, California
Nice review but you should add a REO GRAND to that collection. I also found the MINI to be lacking in vapor production. The GRAND at 6v or even 3.7 w/an 18650 easily beats the Phid.

...And the Woodvil to show REO's Wood mod line.:) Good review an great pics. Wish my pics would come out that good.

Ay Dee Jay

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Nice work. I am envious! I just got a ProVari a week or so ago and I'm lovin' it. I still whip out my 3.7V MadVapes 14500 mod with a 306LR pretty regularly too. I'm curious about your experiences with the ProVari spazzing on dual coil cartos. I just tried them for the first time and I had my voltage cranked up to 5.5...I didn't actually fire it at all, and the ProVari kept throwing E4 errors. I turned it down to 3.8V and it's doing pretty well. My current DC carto shows 1.7 ohms. I've heard you can crank them to 5V or possibly higher because the power is distributed over the two coils, but the ProVari probably doesn't like that and I'm ok with 3.8 for now. I really like 5.5V on a 3.0 ohm 510 atty or Boge carto. Going to try out some CE2 ~2.8 ohm clearomizers next!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2011
Thanks :)

The dual coils I have tried (Stainless XL's), which I think were Smoke Tech (but I could be wrong) - I buy alot of cartos, just throw an error code = no vaping for you. Error E1 IRC. I havent tried CE2's yet as that are in the sin bin for me, but the clear single coil G4's work OK, but are a bit cool for me. - Boge's are def my favourite, although I really want to try some IKV's.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 23, 2011
sin bin for me

Are you yellow-carding these CE2's :) :) RWC soon!!!!!

Great, great reviews, just came back for another look - so though I'd share some appreciation

BTW, somebody asked if you had any more room on your vape shelf for another Mod

If those were in my hands, I wouldn't be worried about my shelf, rather my wallet!!!! Awesome collection, though, really. I'm a bit jealous :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2011
Yes Im afraid the CE2's have been yellow carded, but as you would know, this whole vaping caper is a very personal thing. When I first tried them I thought they were the best thing since, well you know what, but I need my mods to be able to be chucked in my work bag / gym bag whatever, and come out the other end without leaking my Juice ..... (big plug there for best juice on the market direct from Aust :), all over the place. Then you have the cracking and general fragility and they are not for me.

But thanks for the kind comments - and there is always room on the shelf :)
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