A familiar, yet bizzare stop smoking method

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oxygen thief

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Jun 26, 2012
Wellbutrin. What is the, maybe, predominant side effect of Wellbutrin? {{{Agitation}}} I've been on psych meds for 30 years and I feel as good as I ever have right now but it's a long road (thank you). Anyway, I tried Wellbutrin on three occasions with different drugs. Every time I tried it I told my doc, this is a great med, but not for me. I knew I was having issues when everyday on the way to work, I flipped the bird at the first and last driver I saw and everyone in between. I was on it for psych issues, OK, not smoking cessation but this was also marketed as a drug to help get off cigarettes. To say it had the opposite effect on me and many others is an understatement. Even if people don't get agitated, I can't, off hand, remember anyone I know that got off cigarettes while on it. Other than that, it's a 'clean' med that works wonders for many psych problems but, like Bill Hicks said, I smoked through two lighters a day.
Get off my bumper, you jerk!!!!! Speed up idiot! Would you slow down fool?! Use your blinker dumb ...! It's green!!!! {{{HONK}}} Jeez, I arrived at work exhausted. Hi Honey turned into Honey, ......mit. She thought it was her new name! So that's when the idea hit me, Hey, I think I can quit smoking on this. I'll give it a go as soon as run over this ....... in the crosswalk. Dude, the lights GREEN and I'm not falling for that white cane trick!!! I was born at night but not last night, you jerk.
"Phil, how's that Wellbutrin?" Same as the last two times. "Jail?" Probation but I got off light. "How's that?" Oh, you know, I took a blind mans white walking stick away and beat on the guys hood that was next to me at a red light. "Maybe "we" should get you off of that." "We" already did.

oxygen thief

Ultra Member
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Jun 26, 2012
It's one of the most effective add on drugs ever. Few sexual side effects. Usually, no weight gain. It can take people out of a Paxil stupor and make them feel alive again. A friend has taken it for years and is doing great on it. I exaggerated the story obviously but too much agitation. I'm glad it helped you.
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