Anyone Heard of / Used One-On-One Flavors?

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Jan 8, 2013
Alberta, Canada
I've been testing the juicy fruit every day since I made it, and for the first coupe of days it tasted like juicy fruit, but had that powdery taste like when you first put the stick in your mouth and I didn't like the taste. After a couple of days that powder taste is gone and I am loving juicy fruit at 8%.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2013
Tampa, FL
I'm pretty much sold on the Crunch Berries flavor :). It's pretty much identical to the flavor of the dry cereal and I've been vaping it pretty heavily the past few weeks. I wasn't a huge fan of the Rainbow Sherbet, but I've never been a fan of the ice cream, so that's probably why :).

I mix the Crunch Berries between 8% and 10% now, which is a happy medium. That works whether I'm dripping, vaping it in the Kayfun or just a standard tank like the Protank.

I may have to revist the Crunch Berry. I made some a while back and I wasn't impressed. It smelled like MBV's Razzleberry Pie to me. 'Course, I mixed it @ 5% with 3% Malted Milk and 1% Marshmallow plus 1 drop sweetener per 5ml. Those percentages worked really well with the plain Cap'n Crunch, which I tried first, so I just assumed (silly me!) that that percentage would be "universal". Now I know better!

Thanks for the tip Tactical, I'll give 'er another go! And oh yea...that Rainbow Sherbet? I'm still looking for the rainbow...all I got out of it was a creamy lemony something or another. Not bad, necessarily, just not good, or rather, not good enough to write home about. Of the 4 flavors that I purchased from OoO the Cap'n gets the highest marks.


Vaping Master
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Sep 21, 2011
Roe Dylin
ok so I got my replacement sweet tarts today, and it looks identical to the one I received last week, and smells exactly the same. the color is a brownish yellow and does not look like the neon color that tactical described. can anyone else chime in and describe how yours looks and smells? Is it a brownish yellow? Does it smell like sweet tart candy?


My sweet tarts is straight up identical to the candy. Sorry yours is bad. I hope this one doesn't change!

Edit. Glad they fixed it for you!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2011
Roe Dylin
hey folks. I did my huge mixing spree today. About 30 flavors I didn't get all of them I think I have about 40. I just bought A new labeler so i am starting to use up all my old labels. I did find something significantly difficult when mixing oooo flavors. Where on earth did they find those bottles. I'm working lady who doesn't have large nails. I was finding it rather difficult to pull offThe Dropper cap from the bottles. I measure all my flavoring with syringes. In order 2get an accurate measurement I have to use a syringe therefore I have to get that little cap off. It was so difficult I was even using a paring knife to loosen some of the caps even that wasn't working. I'm not sure if I was just being a wuss or notso like I was doing battle with some of these flavors to try and get these caps off. I don't know if any of you feel the same way but holy moly some of them were hard to get off. Overall I love their flavorings and my husband loves them too. I just wish it was easier on my nails to get these caps off. my husband already stole the Apple Jacks and the Snickers from the steeping shelf I hope he puts them back so we at least get a one-week step on them. I'm trying to hide the rainbow sherbert and the sweet tarts so they get a good one week Step. The flavor smells so good out of all the ones I mixed today. I'm really looking forward to next week. But I know it's going to take a little while for him to try them all.

Glad to hear you're enjoying the flavors Baku. The rainbow sherbet and sweettarts don't need much if a steep. After a couple days the rainbow sherbet gets pink and it's ready to go. I actually vape it fresh sometimes. Same with sweettart except they one only gets a very faint yellow.
I'm looking forward to your ideas on the others you ordered.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2011
Roe Dylin
Got my first actual order in last night.

Crunch Berries
Red Starburst
Pink Starburst

Crunch Berries smells something like an RY4. Mixed it at 10% and that guy is steeping. Didn't taste all that close right away. Any recommended steep times/8-minute cycles in a UC?

Made the Pink Starburst at 10% but it was pretty weak right off the bat. Made a new batch at 15% and it was nice, but still a bit weak, so letting that one sit for a bit.

Now, Red Starburst. Oh boy. This stuff is amazing right away. Mixed at 15% with:
1% Smooth
1% Menthol
1% Koolada
It tastes great. Think I'm going to add some TFA Sour to my next batch to give it that tangy zing.
It's a bit floral right now, but far more than just vapeable. Can't wait to see what this turns into.

All in all, a great, small first order from OOO. :D

I'm glad you're enjoying the red starburst. I've been wondering about it. Has the floral taste diminished at all? Maybe at 10% would be better?


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May 24, 2013
Elgin, IL, USA
I'm glad you're enjoying the red starburst. I've been wondering about it. Has the floral taste diminished at all? Maybe at 10% would be better?

It hasn't. Been smelling every day, and tried a couple drops two nights ago.
Perhaps you're right. I'll try it at 10% this weekend, and see how it goes. :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2011
Roe Dylin
has anyone tried the Mtn Dew from OoO? Tactical?
im typically a huge Mtn Dew fan. ive been jamming on the TPA Mtn Dew for a while but i think i need to tweak my mix as its not as good as some store bought Mtn Dew. i wonder if the OoO Mtn Dew will be an easy fix so i dont have to tweak the TPA. then again i have a ton of TPA Mtn Dew so on second thought.. :/ lol

It hasn't. Been smelling every day, and tried a couple drops two nights ago.
Perhaps you're right. I'll try it at 10% this weekend, and see how it goes. :)

thats the problem i had with the gummy bears. it smelled great, but once i tasted it, the medicineyness knocked me down. even after a healthy steep, it didnt improve much at all. i only did the mix at 5% so theres not much room for me to decrease the % but i will try 2 or 3% on this. if i can get it right, i will go for the red starburst because i believe the floral aspect you mention is the same as what im interpreting as medicine in the GB. but for now i think i might just get my mainstay, the rainbow sherbet. idk still havent decided yet as im waiting on the FaceBook discount code. i used it last time but i cant remember it.
im waiting on OoO to message it to me but does anyone happen to have it?

speaking of RS, i guess id have to agree with the earlier post that said he was still looking for the rainbow. i never realized it until i read that post, but yeah the raspberry is a tad lacking. but i honestly like the flavor so much it doesnt bother me in the slightest. i still get the orange and the lemon and the creaminess with a *tad* of raspberry. this is in my igo-L dripper with a cotton wicked micro coil.

Jonathan Tittle

Unregistered Supplier
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Sep 7, 2013
Johnson City, TN, USA
has anyone tried the Mtn Dew from OoO? Tactical?

Actually about to mix Mtn. Dew up right now, so I'll report back with a fresh-mixed opinion. After that, I'll give it 7 days to work it's magic and we'll go from there :). I'll be starting at 10% since this one looks to be Triacetin based (it's cloudy).

Gummi Bear, at 10%, is good for me. I used a 60/40 blend of PG/VG, 12mg Nic and let it go 48 hours cap off, 5 days cap on and it was as good as I expected. It's not an ADV for me, just because I only eat the candy sparingly (use to eat a TON of them as a child - probably why I don't eat many of them now), but it's good for a switch up here and there. It is something I keep on hand for that specific reason, but too much of it can give me a headache (applies to TFA and other vendors too, not just OOO).

As for RS - I'm not a huge fan of it. I like lemon, but I mainly use it for cooking. In a vape, I prefer a sweeter lemon and I don't personally like to use sweetener in my blends, so I miss out on a bit there.

Jonathan Tittle

Unregistered Supplier
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Sep 7, 2013
Johnson City, TN, USA
Initial impressions on Mtn. Dew, it's not exact, but it's not bad. It does carry that "Triacetin" taste, so I know it's in there when I vape it, much like when I vape Gummy Bear. To me, 10% wasn't strong enough, so for me, 12% is likely where I'd mix. For those that prefer lighter flavors and for those that haven't been vaping about 30-40 flavors today (no joke), between 8-12% should be a viable mixing range.

Honestly, it needs a sour flavor blended in at 2-3% to give it that edge that triacetin tends to remove (since it's used to smooth flavors).


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May 24, 2013
Elgin, IL, USA
too much of it can give me a headache (applies to TFA and other vendors too, not just OOO).

Not to delve off-topic, so sorry in advance, but I'm not the only one that Gummy Bear (regardless of vendor) does this to?!
I thought it was just me getting headaches from it!

Jonathan Tittle

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2013
Johnson City, TN, USA
Not to delve off-topic, so sorry in advance, but I'm not the only one that Gummy Bear (regardless of vendor) does this to?!
I thought it was just me getting headaches from it!

I think it's the triacetin to be honest. I don't vape flavors with it often and when I do, I can only do it in rotation. I don't get sick or come down with a heavy migraine, but it does give me enough of a headache to stop vaping and move to something else. It's more of a few drops being dripped, vape a few puffs, switch.

Jonathan Tittle

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2013
Johnson City, TN, USA
Tried the cinnamon with caramel, mixed at 8%, I really like the flavour but it's not strong enough. Mixed another batch at 10% tonight, really hoping that brings the flavour out to where I want it.

The ranges I've found to work best on both of the cinnamon roll flavors is 12% up to 15% if you really want it strong. I did a mix at 10% and it was good, but 12% is really the sweet spot for me.

That said, both of the flavors really benefit from a 2-4 week steep/age. So you may want to try that out too!


Ultra Member
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Nov 13, 2013
I bought 4 flavors...Toasted Marshmallow, Butter Pecan Ice Cream, Big Red and Pina Colada. Made 3 ml samples at 10% concentration. 40/60 at 12 mg nicotine.

The Toasted Marshmallow, Butter Pecan Ice tasted pretty much identical but were yummy as the Big Red. The Pina Colada was quite strong at 10% and will make another sample this weekend and reduce it down to 5-7%.

Been reading this thread to which flavors members like the best....Thanks to all for your comments.
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