Anyone planning to stop vaping eventually?

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ECF Veteran
May 22, 2012
That is super !

How are you doing so far ?
I am down to around 3-5mg, use a lot of 0mg...but...Kind of afraid to even go completely 0mg...much less just stop.
(I never intended to stop smoking cigarettes anyway - I just did)

Yea, this ! Me too !

Yeah, I didn't really think e-cigs would work for me to stop smoking, until I tried one.

I've been vaping for 2 years and have just had enough of ordering and waiting for mail. I mostly have been DIY'ing lately, but there always seems to be something you need to order.

Also, on Saturday I went out and forgot to grab my juice/battery bag on my way out.

Halfway to where I was going I realized I was running low on juice and usually I vape more when I drive, just like I smoked more when I drove. I started to freak out, but just went on and did what I wanted to do and tried to just ignore that I was running low.

Anyway, I decided I don't want to go around having to remember to grab my "vape bag" every time I want to go somewhere.

My 43rd birthday is next Tuesday so I decided I was done with vaping as my gift to myself.


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Nor do I plan to stop drinking coffee, eating red meat, or consuming an occasional adult beverage. You see, like vaping, I enjoy these things. Might they entail a small risk of shorting my life? Indeed, that possibility exists, but that risk is nowhere comparable to smoking, .

That sums it up for me ! ++++++++:)
The quick answer is no. The longer answer is I enjoy all the aspects of vaping that I'm into, diy juice, rebuilding my Kayfun, it's a hobby. When I first started smoking analogs 34 years ago, I enjoyed them...for awhile. Then as the ugly side effects started showing up, it lost it's appeal, but I couldn't quit. I got to the point where I didn't even like the taste of a Marlboro, but I couldn't quit. I like the different flavors, I like the challenge of trying to figure out why my pv quit firing.
Besides, I have too many toys and enough nic for a couple of years...why stop?


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Jul 14, 2011
Dallas, Tx
I've been vaping at 0nic for awhile. Probably not a full year, but getting close to it. I didn't really keep track of when I dropped to zero nic.

If I vape the rest of my life, I'm far better off than before, because I had expected to smoke the rest of my life. I smoked heavy, and prior to vaping, I didn't think I could quit. When I started vaping, I didn't expect it to work. It was just another attempt to quit.

After I'd been off the cigs for awhile, I started cutting down on my nic, a little at a time. I'd take the last of my 24mg, some 18mg, mix them half/half and use that as an "in between" step on my way to 18. Then after a couple of months, I'd do it again, mixing 18 with 12. When I started going under 6mg, I vaped at 3mg for a long time. I was very nervous about the idea of 0nic. I'd been using nicotine for most of my life. The guy at the local vape shop told me "If you're at 3mg, you can go to 0, you won't notice. You're barely getting any nic as it is". So I tried it, and he was right.

When I went to 0, I thought I'd vape without nic for a bit, and that once I was used to not having nic, it would be easy to just set the thing aside. After all, at that point, I'm done with the addiction, right? Well, I'm not addicted to nic, and I don't get the jitters and such if I don't vape, but the habit is still very strong. I'm still much happier if I can vape. The same triggers that used to make me want a cig (like right after a meal, or if I go out drinking) still make me want to vape.

Most of the reasons I had to quit cigarettes don't apply to vaping. It doesn't have the same health implications, it doesn't smell so bad, and I can vape in a lot of places I wouldn't be able to smoke.

But there are a couple of things that make me think it would be nice to quit.

Cost, for one. Vaping is much, much cheaper for me than smoking was. Even so, I have a Provari, an MVP2, a lavatube, a buzz pro, a bunch of ego types, etc. And I buy juice and coils for my protanks. Something new is always coming out, and I'm always being tempted. It would be nice to save the money.

And it would be nice to not have the habit. To not have to remember to bring my PV, or extra batteries, extra juice.

Ideally, I think I'd like to be able to vape on occassion, but not do it most of the time. However, I think that if I tried that, nothing would change. If I want to quit, I'll just have to quit.

I think about this a fair amount. I haven't made a real attempt to quit vaping so far. The longest I went was 24 hours due to some dental work. I made it through that OK, but I wasn't happy about it. Of course, after a bunch of dental work, I doubt anything was going to make me happy.

I have a river trip (tubes and canoes) planned in August. I may decide, at least the first day, to take no PV with me on the water, and see how that goes. If it's not too bad, that may encourage me to really try and quit.


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
^^^ this ^^^

It is the habit that I'm most afraid of quitting. What would replace the habit of smoking then vaping? Probably eating.
I would end up with a very unhealthy weight gain. The health would truly suffer with high cholesterol or heart issues, maybe diabetes. A chance I'm not willing to find out.

One of the reasons I went back to smoking (besides thinking about a cigarette EVERY damn minute) was my weight gain. Even watching every calorie and exercising. The weight just kept increasing. Back to cigs after 9 months. Lost every pound I had gained. Vaping? Minimal weight gain and working on cutting the junk food out again. :)

Food just tastes tooooooo good, now that I can taste it again. :lol:

I digress, I'm afraid to give up something that allows me to keep my hands busy and satisfies the habit of inhaling a reduced harm alternative to smoking.


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Jul 1, 2013
Scranton, PA
Short answer: Nope.

Long answer: I loved to smoke. It's not just about the nicotine for me. I loved the smell of a freshly opened pack of cigarettes, the smell of lighter fluid and the feel of that first hit in the morning. Vaping is a different set of scents. Love the weight and feel of my mods. On top of that all of the awesome flavors!! Plus, it's a better choice than smoking tobacco and I don't wind up smelling like an ashtray.


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ECF Veteran
May 22, 2012
Everything is going fine. I have been carrying my rig just in case, but haven't felt stressed enough to need it.

No withdrawals or anything, no problem sleeping, so far so good.

It's been a week now and zero problems. I stopped carrying my ProVari and supplies to work after a couple of days when it became apparent that I didn't need it.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2013
Maryville TN
It was always the plan to eventually Stop

When I first started with cigalikes I was on my ways
but a bad case of vapors tongue lead me to liquids and cleros and the journey began

It was a great wild ride for the last year and a half

Ive gone from 12 to 18 mg then back to 12 mg

now I have got it to split time between 8 and 6 mg

by the end of the year 6mg should be the highest

its not fast but I am getting there

As much as I love vaping I just don't want to be addicted to anything
As much as I love it and as much is it is a million times better then smoking( both health wise and smell and enjoyment wise)

even the addiction is not as strong but it is an addiction non the less


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Jul 13, 2012
Twin Lakes, WI
I don't really have an answer for this. In the immediate future? No. I've been quit smoking for 2 years now, I don't need the nicotine any more in my juice, but I like to vape. It keeps me occupied. I smoked for over 30 years, so it's a habit, but a better one than it was with cigs. But.... if the FDA over regulates it and taxes it so hard that it gets overly expensive, then I may consider just quitting altogether.


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Oct 24, 2013
Rockaway NJ
Maybe, but probably not.
I stared Vaping to see if I could quit smoking, I timed it so I smoked my last cig the same day I got my first ecig(Halo Triton)
Ever since the first tank full I knew I would never even want to smoke a cig, and that was months ago.
It made it so easy to quit for me, I hated the taste of cigs, I got lucky and liked some flavors right off the bat.

Now I am into mods, building my coils, and going to start doing patina and torching, I torched 1 mod so far and it is awesome.
I love the flavor of juices, I can vape any flavor I can think about, I can build my coil to blow stupid amounts of vapor, or build it higher and blow less clouds, I have 4 attys atm and 4 mods, dual coil builds ranging from .2ohms to 1.2 ohms.

And I heard someone say something about increased memory, I can attest to that, my wife yells at me alot less now because I actually remember to take out the garbage, put dirty clothes in the hamper, and the other 900 things women complain about men forgetting to do lol.
I can also exercise now without getting winded at all, and have lost some weight because I am more active.
Food tastes better, so I eat better
I smell better, my car smells better.
my teeth look better, my skin looks better
But best of all, I can play with my daughter and or nephews for hrs now and not be a wheezing, out of breath pile of stink but.

So no I probably wont stop vaping


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ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
My goal is to stop vaping some day, only because I have a blood clotting disorder and I worry about the nicotene. I had pulmonary embolism a few years ago, that's when they found out I have a genetic mutation that causes blood clots, and although straight nicotene only has a fraction of the hematologic effects of cigarettes, I figure I would be better off without it, especially since it hasn't been studied in people with this disorder. Nicotene may be more dangerous to me than it is to people without this disorder. I'd like to at least get to 0 nic some day and maybe vape that.

But I am kind of an exception, with this unusual concern. But 5 percent of caucasians have this genetic mutation and you don't know until you throw a clot. (The incidence of the mutation is lower in other races)
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