At 18mg, I can't stop vaping, no buzz - at 24 mg, nice buzz and don't have to vape - am I the only one?

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Mar 15, 2012
Lenexa, KS, US
I saw a new doctor this year and during our talk he brought up smoking. I was honest, haven't smoke in more than a year but I am using an electronic cigarette. He said good. Also said that nicotine is one of the only drugs that acts as both a stimulant and a relaxant - improves focus and relieves anxiety, and sees no problem with continued vaping. He didn't want to see me continuing on the highest nic levels, but reduce as comfort allows.
I like my new doc!
Those of us that were daily smokers dont vape for a buzz..We vape to quit smoking..So by wanting a buzz off of it is exactly what is gonna take it from us and try to make it so we need a script to get or take buying them off the internet..If your looking for a buzz have a couple of beers or a glass of wine..That is not the purpose of vaping..We vape to save our lives and be around for our kids not for the *buzz* that i dont understand you saying you get and ive never had from vaping..


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Jun 8, 2013
Hanover, Pa
I totally understand what this man wants. I have smoked everything in my lifetime that would light up. Some legal some not. Smoked cigs at 16, later then cigars and finally a pipe. ( Not mentioning in my earlier years the illegal stuff). For the past maybe 4 or 5 yrs I adapted smoking a pipe, but not during the day. I got in the habit of coming home from a long days work and the first thing I would do would be sit in my recliner and light up a pipe and suck it as hard as I could! Loved that initial buzz every day. In fact I would drive from work, usually an hour drive and my mouth would water till I got home and got that initial buzz. Loved it! Then I leveled off and smoked my pipe (normally if you will) till I would go to bed. Every day. I have been vaping for only 3 weeks now, but the first vape I took I knew it was over for my pipe smoking. Havent touched it since that vape. Dont even want to. I can get the same thing from vaping that I got from my pipe smoking without all the bad stuff and I feel better. I'm not looking to quit anything! Just want to do what I like and feel better and live longer. And believe me after only 3 weeks I feel better! And feel better about myself. Vaping has been a godsend for me. And I guess to put this into final perspective I'm 51 yrs old. Do the math 51 - 16 = 35 yrs of smoking.

Bill's Magic Vapor

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Feb 8, 2013
I guess I don't get what all the talk is about on this thread. Nicotine is not bad for you in moderate levels, and actually has many medical benefits. It's in our food, and everyone has nicotine in their systems, though at much lower levels than us vapers. If you're going to pick up a bad habit, this is a pretty good one I think. I think it's a cool one, a great hobby, etc. It's very hard for addicted people to NOT replace one addiction with another, and people with a tendency toward addiction are going to like vaping, and of that I'm certain. Is it better to not vape? Of course, but this is a fairly harmless vice considering all the options out there. Regarding the comment about nicotine being both a stimulant and a relaxant, surely we all know that, and it's used and studied in medicine and medical studies for the treatment of both depression and anxiety, Parkinson's and a host of other beneficial reasons. Even certain juices are good for you. For example, cinnamon oil derived juices is good for the treatment of diabetes. There's all sorts of reasons why my body might want and like nicotine in addition to its highly addictive nature. Ask the American Indians who ritualistically used nicotine about their fondness for the substance, and its importance in their society. Don't get the fuss...but if I am missing something, I do have an open mind and am certainly willing to learn new things. In fact, that's why I come here everyday for the last month. I remember when I got a buzz when I first started smoking some almost 40 years ago. Personally, it worked for me at the time. Did get a buzz when I first started vaping too. I had to chain vape at 24/36 the first few days to power through the cravings. I think I get where the OP is coming from, and if he's like me, he won't be getting a buzz for too long, but will develop a nicotine habit, and that's not the worst thing that can happen to us. Nicotine use is well known to reduce stress, and stress is one of the foundational precursors to the top five leading causes of death in the U.S. I say go for it, but be aware of what you're getting into by carefully reading everything on this forum, and welcome aboard. Vape On!

Bill's Magic Vapor

Vaping Master
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Feb 8, 2013
I saw a new doctor this year and during our talk he brought up smoking. I was honest, haven't smoke in more than a year but I am using an electronic cigarette. He said good. Also said that nicotine is one of the only drugs that acts as both a stimulant and a relaxant - improves focus and relieves anxiety, and sees no problem with continued vaping. He didn't want to see me continuing on the highest nic levels, but reduce as comfort allows.
I like my new doc!

I like your new doc as well and couldn't agree more.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
I smoked for 58 years... before "lights" were invented. Most of that time I smoked one PAD but the last 5 was 2 PAD and I have never experienced what you call a "buzz." I vape as high as 26mgs now and still haven't. So I can't relate. It does help me focus if I'm doing brain work like math as in taxes or bills... but still, no buzz. If I did get one then it would defeat the purpose I would think it quite distracting.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 29, 2012
Oregon, IL
The type of Device your Using can impact the amount of Nicotine intake you get as Well as Your vaping style. Take that 24 and instad of a 300 mah battery with cartomizer put it in a kanger evod t3 or protank, Or rba - and a vv mod or at least a 650 and you'll notice a big difference.
You can also smoke it like a cigar with mouth hold Hits short inhale and let out you nose to increase Nicotine intake.


New Member
Jun 25, 2013
Marietta, OK, USA
18 and can't stop? I feel your pain, dude.
I'm 3-4 weeks off analogs, one cigar after about a week as a newbie. This works, it's my latest science fair project/blend: Vaped today at work as usual...with something like 50 or maybe a bit more. Was able to take about 8-10 drags and set it aside for a bit to actually get some work done. Kinda like smoking my old Bugler hand-rolls, no filter, at a quarter of a cig at a time then chill. Still a bit wanting however but tolerable. Nothing like the 36 or whatever kid stuff I've been getting. Almost nice. Came home just now, dumped the 36 except for about .1 cc. Topped it off with 1.5 ccs of 100, making something like 90-95. Took about 4 drags, last 3 prolly richer than first...clearing stuff from the wick with a hot batt at 3.7 with a 1.2 or so dual element burner. Bit of a headache, tightness in chest. Like a Bugler when it's near the end. Rich! Or was that ''roach''? Getting the hang of this vaping thing, finally. Looks at this point that 75 or so might be the right number. Harsh TH. Very little fog. Whoa. One drag every 15-30 secs. with a half hour break seems to do it right now but it's 90-95 I think. Goodbye burning.
Wanna buy a Zippo? And an emergency Bic?
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Full Member
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Mar 31, 2013
San Diego, CA
Well, someone finally able to relate fully or almost fully to what I said. And I wouldn't have revisited the thread had it not been for your likes. Since then, I've dropped to 12mg nic, no buzz - I guess the buzz was impressionable at first, though I'm no longer chasing it. I do like to vape - I've stopped a couple of times, nothing major happened other than feeling a bit less stimulated. If this is what a nicotine habit looks like, then I am fine with it as I am certain I can bear the cost of it. I can't -stand- cigarette smoke, never could and never will - but this vaping business is "magical"..these flavors, from DeKang's RY4, to Plume room's cavendish to mountain oak vapor's applewood to Halo's turkish -are just magnificent!

My doc (psychiatrist, a Harvard educated MD w/over 20+ years of experience and his own practice in San Diego) said for the sleeping issue, to quit at 1pm - so I started experimenting, and it seems 2-4 hours prior to bedtime is a sweet spot, which is about 2 half life cycles and drags down the potency to < 25% of the original dose at the first minute. Half life of nic is approx 2 hours.

The other thing that blew my mind - and most here won't know this unless you've medical/psychiatric backgrounds - there are many cases where ECT - electro-convulsive therapy, the more or less 'Cadillac' treatment for severe depression - did -NOT- work for many people, according to the annals of psychiatry and this guy is well read into them in addition to his personal experience .... but guess what worked? Yep - nicotine! :)

The other thing many may or may not know - getting a 'regular' (whatever that is for you) nicotine dose once in the morning and once in the afternoon, has the same effect on the brain/nervous system as your "chain vaping" or vaping more frequently during the day - in terms of dopamine released - what gives the stimulant/relaxant effect for us all.... and it's practically useless from a physiological standpoint to vape more than coupe of times a day, about 6-8 hours apart which is sufficient for the nicotine to fully go through 4-6 half lives and be fully out of your system.

So why do people chain vape or vape more often than necessary?As Bill here pointed out - thank the human being's natural tendency and propensity for addiction.

The deal with nicotine addiction is - it's not guilt inducing and as far as vaping, it's not even that dangerous -RELATIVE- to burning tobacco, just from a pragmatic/wisdom point of view, despite it being only several years on the market and beginning to explode just now. Unlike porn/.........ion, alcohol, fornication, adultery, gambling, workaholism, travelaholism, shopaholism, exerciseaholism (i.e. Crossfit) cleptomania, anger/being right all the time, isolationism, etc - one doesn't feel the need to hide his or her vaping/smoking - in fact, people like 'pbusardo' make a show of themselves w/their vaping "prowess/knowledge" what have you.... :)

See, we're all -HOOKED- on something - some of it is utterly self-destructive, some of it looks like it's beneficial but ultimately ends up being self-destructive (i.e. excessive amounts of philandering :), and some of it is useful, i.e. exercising a lot, yet it may mask other underlying conditions that do not appear unless we remove the payoff/benefit of said activity.... I'll let you figure out which my favorite vice was prior to nicotine and Zoloft ;), that was self-destructive and near-suicide inducing..... coupled with lifetime depression that seems to be running in my entire family, that I wasn't even aware I had until a few years ago in my mid 30's, or at least that's when it started to get really ugly (panic attacks in the middle of the night, thinking I'll die, etc).

Thank God I've found reprieve, rebirth in modern medicine, now vaping, and ultimately of course, God.... with whom anything's possible if we choose to surrender, regardless of the immense suffering on the way to freedom from our sins.

I guess I don't get what all the talk is about on this thread. Nicotine is not bad for you in moderate levels, and actually has many medical benefits. It's in our food, and everyone has nicotine in their systems, though at much lower levels than us vapers. If you're going to pick up a bad habit, this is a pretty good one I think. I think it's a cool one, a great hobby, etc. It's very hard for addicted people to NOT replace one addiction with another, and people with a tendency toward addiction are going to like vaping, and of that I'm certain. Is it better to not vape? Of course, but this is a fairly harmless vice considering all the options out there. Regarding the comment about nicotine being both a stimulant and a relaxant, surely we all know that, and it's used and studied in medicine and medical studies for the treatment of both depression and anxiety, Parkinson's and a host of other beneficial reasons. Even certain juices are good for you. For example, cinnamon oil derived juices is good for the treatment of diabetes. There's all sorts of reasons why my body might want and like nicotine in addition to its highly addictive nature. Ask the American Indians who ritualistically used nicotine about their fondness for the substance, and its importance in their society. Don't get the fuss...but if I am missing something, I do have an open mind and am certainly willing to learn new things. In fact, that's why I come here everyday for the last month. I remember when I got a buzz when I first started smoking some almost 40 years ago. Personally, it worked for me at the time. Did get a buzz when I first started vaping too. I had to chain vape at 24/36 the first few days to power through the cravings. I think I get where the OP is coming from, and if he's like me, he won't be getting a buzz for too long, but will develop a nicotine habit, and that's not the worst thing that can happen to us. Nicotine use is well known to reduce stress, and stress is one of the foundational precursors to the top five leading causes of death in the U.S. I say go for it, but be aware of what you're getting into by carefully reading everything on this forum, and welcome aboard. Vape On!
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I know I am late to this thread but this does seem to happen to me too. Although my situation is different than yours and I am only newly off of analog cigarettes so that may contribute. It almost seems to vary day to day. I am using a very simple ego battery with a vivi nova tank and 50/50 vg/pg juices. I keep mostly the 24mg in my tanks and then it seems can only take a couple hits but then the 18 mg just doesnt quite get me there. I suppose with more time it will level out. ALSO I did want to mention that I drink energy drinks and I read once that drinking caffeine can effect how your body absorbs or reacts to nicotine so I wonder if this has an effect with me. I don't have a cite on that and I am not sure about your caffeine consumption, but it could be something to consider.

Rokin Randy

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Mar 20, 2011
My house
If you were an ex smoker I would say halo at 24 mg is awesome and vape your lungs out as much as fast as possible to stay away from cigarettes. Even at you won't get the same nic that's contained in smoking cigarettes...I had to vape 36 mg of diy when I craved real bad,especially when I first started..But damn,I smoked 3 packs a day..I'm finally down to 12 mg a day...

But I ask Why do you need nicotine If you don't have a habbit?
Well If you want to have a monkey on your back and be controlled by a habbit that you may never shake. Then keep on vaping nicotine, Good luck when that monkey latches on..Be a slave and controlled by habbit if that's what you want,Be hard headed like we all have been lighting coffin nails in the past..Go ahead and don't learn from our mistakes..

But There are better ways to catch a buzz. Why a nic buzz,That's not much of a buzz really.
If you never vaped or smoked and want to try vaping then why not with zero mg juice.. If you want a buzz drink a few shots and just vape zero nic if you must...
I didn't smoke cigarettes to catch a buzz, but I did smoke weed back in the day.. Hmmm Vaping Halo to catch a buzz??? what a waste..With the money you spent buying Halo juice you could've easily bought you a gram of medical grade bud?????And there are ways to vape Bud if you google it.. Your thread makes me wonder if you are really bored and just want to get a kick out of whatever answers we might give you..


Full Member
Jun 26, 2013
northern california
i remember back in school smoking hookah at parties for a buzz ....i was the kind of person to only smoke while drinking/partying...i was everyones favorite cigarette bummer or giveraway, couldnt stand smelling em sober or waking up in the morning with a pack of ciggs but after some drinks....especially being surround by smokers....bliss

i actually quit drinking after spending too many years in liquorland and then started ecig shortly after...maybe some sort of subconcious nic addiction...i didnt trust eciggs for many years but now they seem to be well tested and relatively safe so i started the journey

i would def say I am a recreational vaper. I love chain vapping clouds and blowin o's and all that, especialy without wreacking my lungs and stinking. I did experiment with 24mg juice and it reminded me of the days of smoking hookah to catch a buzz. While chain vaping 18mg def loses its affect after a few minutes, the first minute or so is rather effective in catching a buzz..but not one that will make me pass out. Just gotta remember to put it down for a while if it is expected to get that buzz again.

I like tinkering with stuff and this world is perfect for that. I do find that ~a lot~ of times i am chain vaping just because how cool the atomizer system works. I recently got some 6mg juice and it works almost the same as the 18 for me. I suppose I should stick to the 0mg for hobby vaping, in between any attempt at seeking a noticeable effect.

i really liked your biology / psychology lesson. I also remembering hearing that nicotine acts as an MMAOI or something like that. Another thing i found on the web that is a little relevant

" Different people metabolize nicotine at different rates. Some people even have a genetic defect in the enzymes in their liver that break down nicotine, whereby the mutant enzyme is much less effective at metabolizing nicotine than the normal variant. If a person has this gene, their blood and brain nicotine levels stay higher for longer after smoking a cigarette. Normally, people keep smoking cigarettes throughout the day to maintain a steady level of nicotine in their bodies. Smokers with this gene usually end up smoking many fewer cigarettes, because they don't constantly need more nicotine. "
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Ha. I get that. Bigtime. Finally talked my local guy into selling me 36 with a bottle of 100 after like 5 visits. An old dope dealer. (The more things change, the more they stay the same--right?) 36 was a horrible tease. Vaped constantly and got almost there once or twice after a week or two of the kid stuff but no analogs. Life was hell. Made my 36 into 48 or so after the guy was ok with me. Gave me the usual, expected crap about legal limits, blah, blah, blah. Using a knock-off ego C. Clearomizer. Filled clearomizer 3/4 with 36, topped off with works. Five hits and I set 'er down for a few. Nice. 10 give me a little ear ringing. No analogs for 3 weeks with the 36 but near-constant use except when I'm with my girlfriend--but am way preoccupied with the NDS. Couldn't concentrate on the task at hand with her or at work. So experimenting now with this and that. Doing good. I can beat this death-causing burning tobacco habit of 48 years. Started on Pall Mall straights and Kools at 9. Smoked hand-rolls (Bugler) for the last 20-25 years. I'm 57. Guy charged me $10 for 15 ml of 100 and $15 for 30 ml of 36. I'm good. Been into vaping for a month or a bit under...smoked a cigar after a week and hated it. Used to smoke cigars on Sundays. I'm lookin' at 9 on my desk, no allure at all. What is all this crap about calling vaping ''smokeless tobacco'' and insane taxes, crazy laws and all that terrifying stuff? Reminds me of what life was prolly like prior to the Harrison Act.

18 and can't stop? I feel your pain, dude.
I'm 3-4 weeks off analogs, one cigar after about a week as a newbie. This works, it's my latest science fair project/blend: Vaped today at work as usual...with something like 50 or maybe a bit more. Was able to take about 8-10 drags and set it aside for a bit to actually get some work done. Kinda like smoking my old Bugler hand-rolls, no filter, at a quarter of a cig at a time then chill. Still a bit wanting however but tolerable. Nothing like the 36 or whatever kid stuff I've been getting. Almost nice. Came home just now, dumped the 36 except for about .1 cc. Topped it off with 1.5 ccs of 100, making something like 90-95. Took about 4 drags, last 3 prolly richer than first...clearing stuff from the wick with a hot batt at 3.7 with a 1.2 or so dual element burner. Bit of a headache, tightness in chest. Like a Bugler when it's near the end. Rich! Or was that ''roach''? Getting the hang of this vaping thing, finally. Looks at this point that 75 or so might be the right number. Harsh TH. Very little fog. Whoa. One drag every 15-30 secs. with a half hour break seems to do it right now but it's 90-95 I think. Goodbye burning.
Wanna buy a Zippo? And an emergency Bic?

What did I just read?
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