Bizarre, just bizarre

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Dec 12, 2013
Ft. Campbell, KY
It's the head and how hard you tightened it down. I have found times when my PT2 would simply not have any draw at all, like it was blocked. Other times it was gurgling to no end. I found there's a sweet spot with the head. You have to tighten it down till it cant go any further, and then back it out about 1/8 of a turn, and it's perfect.
Just my two cents.


ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013
Some troubles vary by individual ProTank too!
When I was gettin' ready to pull the trigger on my (first) ProVari, I was using Protanks mostly, and emailed ProVape about the airflow issues, and the "gap". They said the problem was inconsistency - SOME ProTanks have airflow trouble, and some don't.
I think ProTanks VARY a bit in the length of the 510 thread, and I've SEEN that they vary in the location of the airhole.
So you may or may not have airflow trouble, and you may or may not be able to tighten your ProTank down all the way on your ProVari.
I usually tighten the COIL "finger tight" - snug but not TIGHT - and mine work pretty darned well.

I still mostly switched to cartotanks though.

It's the head and how hard you tightened it down. I have found times when my PT2 would simply not have any draw at all, like it was blocked. Other times it was gurgling to no end. I found there's a sweet spot with the head. You have to tighten it down till it cant go any further, and then back it out about 1/8 of a turn, and it's perfect.
Just my two cents.


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Sep 6, 2013
Evil ZoZo!


I traded my Mini PT2 to a friend for her discontinued Kanger T2. That's how fed up I got with it. You want my PT2?
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Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2009
I too am experiencing problems with my Pro tanks... I've been getting a film from the juice on my mouth... I'm so tired of this and so frustrated! I've been looking into Carto tanks and RDA tanks... I'm so confused on both of these tanks, especially the costs, I'm a miser.

Would it be better to start with a cheaper plastic Carto tank? I've never had one. I don't like the taste of plastic tanks, but if Carto tanks aren't for me and RDA's are to hard to get right, then where do I turn...

I'm so sorry to divert this thread, but I've searched everywhere for an answer, short of posting in the ask the veterans threads... I just haven't found any answers :-(

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Vaping Master
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May 5, 2013
Grayson, Georgia
It's funny, since I bought my KFLs and my mini, I think I am set (temporarily) on hardware. Until I see a significant innovation, I am sated.

For now...

Roaring via Tapatalk

I resemble this remark. Those two put together are just pure bliss......but I miss having to buy, buy, buy new stuff trying to chase the perfect vape.......its like.......Im Done Now.


Vaping Master
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May 5, 2013
Grayson, Georgia
I too am experiencing problems with my Pro Tanks... I've been getting a film from the juice on my mouth... I'm so tired of this and so frustrated! I've been looking into Carto tanks and RDA tanks... I'm so confused on both of these tanks, especially the costs, I'm a miser.

Would it be better to start with a cheaper plastic Carto tank? I've never had one. I don't like the taste of plastic tanks, but if Carto tanks aren't for me and RDA's are to hard to get right, then where do I turn...

I'm so sorry to divert this thread, but I've searched everywhere for an answer, short of posting in the ask the veterans threads... I just haven't found any answers :-(

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Pssst.... (get someone local to let you vape any type of kayfun or copy (a 13.00 Rocket vapes as good as the original 175.00 kayfun) you how to wrap the will be in "miser heaven" with a bit of vaping bliss on the side )


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2009
Pssst.... (get someone local to let you vape any type of kayfun or copy (a 13.00 Rocket vapes as good as the original 175.00 kayfun) you how to wrap the will be in "miser heaven" with a bit of vaping bliss on the side )

Planning on doing this on Sunday... I've been trying to ask them at the B&M, we have a great shop here with awesome staff! I even went on Thursday for that very reason. Ended up bringing a Zombie & an E-Roll (love the cute e-roll) home instead!

I have pre-wrapped coils already! Whoop!

Thanks very much Thunderball!

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Signature Guru
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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
As you guys know, I was expecting a Hammer clone and a Kayfun Lite clone this week. Got them yesterday. The Hammer is interesting...and nice for a backup *puts it back in it's box and tosses it in the vape drawer.*

Kayfun's are fun! Funny little Kayfuns! :p :D :)

I've only had it for a day and I'm already plotting on how to add about 5 more to the herd. I don't know if I can ever bring myself to purchase another atty without adjustable airflow (and this is coming from a Hippo owner). No leaks, and the build quality is amazing, considering it's Chinese origin.

I'm in happy land. :D


Full Member
Oct 9, 2013
Dallas, TX, USA
I'm with ya there POM, I love my Kayfun, I only have the KFL, not the plus or original 3.1, so no airflow control, the draw on the KFL though has been perfect. That being said, I would like to have a couple more of them, and if I do, certainly wanna pick up one of the models with airflow control, just to mess about with it. Maybe I'll try a cheaper clone just to get a feel for it. Anyway. welcome to Kayfun land...great little atty's simple as hell to build, great flavor, and decent vapor for sure. :)

Bimini Twist

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Dec 27, 2012
Redneck Riviera
Yea, those Kayfuns are pure genius. I got tired of waiting for the KFL to become available, so I got in on one of the early Russian 91% pre-orders. Then I managed to get a KFL waaaaay before the R91 ever showed up. I've since added a KFL+ to the collection.

I find I like the airflow on the KFL just fine, and have set the R91 and KFL+ to the same place (all the way out, but screw still there). I think I need to do something with the R91 AFC screw - it keeps working its way tighter throughout the day. Maybe some plumbers tape - or glue.

My gennies are all collecting dust now.


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Oct 20, 2013
Pssst.... (get someone local to let you vape any type of kayfun or copy (a 13.00 Rocket vapes as good as the original 175.00 kayfun) you how to wrap the will be in "miser heaven" with a bit of vaping bliss on the side )


Zoe-- I was using PT2/PT3 tanks for a few months and had no issues at all-- especially the PT3. Literally, not one issue. They are great, well built tanks if you ask me. I dont know why ppl bash them so much or have so many issues!

But, as Thunderball says-- the KFL and the Provari are a match made in heaven. I thought the PT3 was it for me. But I just sold all my PT's (well except one as a backup)... Ive ventured into the RBA/RDA realm and i had no idea vaping could have gotten this much better. Dead serious. Using a Russian 91% "clone" on one Provari, and a Helios dripper on the other. I friggin LOVE vaping!!


The Philosopher Who Rides
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Jun 13, 2012
Richmond, Va
Glad you're back Zoe! Hope there's nothing but bright days ahead for you! You can't disappear again, I've been nothing but trouble in your absence. Seems it was directly connected to your absence. You want to tell the mods or should I?

And...get a kayfun. Edd is right!


Roaring via Tapatalk


Signature Guru
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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
MAN, you people just love to spend my money.
After much poking and shopping and thinking over the numerous options, I've ordered an EHPro Kayfun 3.1 clone.
I sure hope it's "just ok" so all that work I've done compiling a list of carto-tanks to lust after doesn't go to waste.
Having just received both an order of a Kayfun Lite clone and a gift of glass tanklets, I've started compiling a list of carto-tanks to display the aforementioned tanklets, as nothing I have displays them properly unless the tank is turned sideways and that leads to dry hits and tilting my PV back and forth like an idiot.

Now I just need to get a Diver or a Killer 705...and more Kayfuns.
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