Blood Oxygen Level %89

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May 9, 2009
S. Indiana
This has been an interesting thread, though getting a meter of my own hasn't fit the budget. Just for what's worth, my readings have been consistently around 92%. After a year of vaping I had a single reading of 95%. I'm happy about that, but don't really feel any different than I remember feeling this time last year. It seems like however I feel, or wherever I hurt quickly becomes my perception of normal.
My Dad's doc ordered an overnight oximetry for him. We picked up the device in the clinic (took an extra hour), I went to his house and reviewed the instructions with him. It was a box the size of a small paperback book, with a 3' wire to the probe. I went home and had to go back to get it first thing in the morning because the clinic wanted it back by 10 AM.
The next time we saw the doctor, he said the results were inconclusive. They billed $300.00 + my 60-70 miles of driving.
When he went in when needed his O2 script renewed, the PA was blowing him off because he didn't wear his O2 into the office. He needed it at night.I handed her copies of the report I had done on him with my Contec and she shut up and wrote the script.
It was money well spent for me. I think I paid $54.00. It also helps me monitor my sleep apnea.
They should just give one to every COPD patient. It would improve care and save money.
Here is another option for a recording oximeter. It isn't wireless, just connects with a mini USB. It uses aaa batteries. There is a 50-H that is rechargeable. Dhgate used to have the best prices but I didn't go through all the listings on their site.
If you have COPD, it might be a good idea to see how low your O2 is going while you sleep. It also has an alarm you can set at whatever level you want. It take a bit to get used to sleeping with it on your finger, but it works.
If you are moving around the readings get flakey so I wouldn't spend the extra money on wireless.

CMS 50D Plus Fingertip Pulse Oximeter with 24 hour flash memory

The wireless capability also simplifies data uploads from the oximeter. In fact the unit I mentioned only does one or the other. If you are using the BT for real-time data transmission it doesn't record data on the device. If you are recording then it won't transmit real-time.

Whenever my wife is at the pulmonologist being titrated they have her moving around while using essentially the same equipment, so moving around must not be that much of a problem. Instabilities in the readings can be taken into account. The trend while engaging in activity is what is important. I can see what is happening to her O2 while she is moving around the apartment.

DJ Colonel Corn

The Vapor Ninja
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    Time flies when you vape, I guess.
    Well, everyone, my blood oxygen levels remain stable at %95, no more dipping down below that as far as I can tell. Life, finances, distraction, and a pursuit towards less stress have led me to not purchase an oximeter yet, so I don't know how I'm doing in my sleep.
    Thank again for all your awesome input, everyone !
    Also, I'd like to add, that after vaping now for about 7 months, I have stopped wheezing when I lay down, I feel I have more energy, and have a deeper breathing ability. I can smell better now and taste better too, sometimes that's not a good thing though ! Ha, ha.
    Seriously though, vaping has probably saved my life.
    More power to the ECF Forum and all its members, long live our freedom to vape ! :vapor:
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    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 19, 2009
    Pittsburgh, Pa
    Thanks for the update. That's really good news. You still should check out your night time pulse ox, though. Simple enough. Have doctor order one, and a health products company will drop one off and you can do the test. You want to make sure you are getting enough oxygen as you sleep.

    Please continue to keep us posted.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 18, 2014
    Cape Coral, Florida.

    I've never had less than 98% being diagnosed with moderate emphysema.
    There must be a correlation with lung function, I agree, but not a warranty.
    I'm willing now, after reading this thread, to get the CPAP test I've being postponing.
    My concern now is my pulse. 45 to 58 at rest. I need to know at night.
    I'm calling to the place tomorrow.
    Thank you for opening my eyes. Carlos.
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