Boyfriend needs new PV, would love some input...

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Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
Sorry, tried to keep it short and failed. TLDR at bottom!

My boyfriend needs a new device. I've narrowed it down to a few options, but I've only used one of these particular choices myself. We have two very different styles of vaping so it's a little hard for me to get back into the necessary mindset to help him make a logical decision. I love rebuilding and tinkering and subohming and he would rather charge, fill, screw in and go. He does enjoy blowing clouds, though, so I'm half-hoping to get him set-up with something capable of subohming. On the other hand, he's upgrading from an eGo spinner and an evod tank so even a Nautilus Mini would be a massive improvement. He also has access to all of my stuff but just needs something of his own.

I do like the idea of him having an RTA as I can easily build him coils and I always have supplies around but it's not an absolute necessity. We're on a budget so price is a consideration, but I'll chip in so it's not too restrictive. We're hoping for no more than $60-70 for everything. Here's what I've come up with so far after some thinking, review-watching, and calculating:

1. eleaf iStick mini 20w, iStick 30W, OR iStick 40W TC

I figure if he really wants to spend as little as possible, an iStick mini with a GS16S tank isn't a bad choice considering the whole kit and kaboodle is about $30. If he were going to go with an iStick, though, I'd probably try to convince him to get a 30W or go straight for the 40W TC for versatility. In a perfect world I'd recommend he get a Nautilus Mini (especially if he got a mini Istick) or perhaps a Kanger Subtank nano or mini.

2. Innokin Coolfire IV, also with a Nautilus (/mini) or Subtank nano or mini.

3. eGo ONE Kit of indeterminate size.

So yeah, I figure one of those options is likely to be good for him. I know ultimately he is going to have to make his own decision with my guidance and no one here really knows him well enough to make a conclusive recommendation for his style, but of those devices I've only used an iStick 30W. I'd love to hear from anyone who has either used any of these regularly or just knows enough about them. Truthfully I don't think he could really go wrong with almost any of those set-ups, but they certainly have different pros and cons and I may not be thinking of all of them.

Lastly, I really have only used Kanger and Aspire tanks with any frequency. I'd love to hear any suggestions on other tanks I might not be thinking of, subohm or not, especially ones that are reasonably priced. I know of some other options but not well enough to say which are likely better than the others.

Thanks in advance!

TLDR: Boyfriend is upgrading from eGo spinner and evod. What's his best relatively-inexpensive option: iStick (20w mini, 30W, or 40W TC) with Nautilus Mini or Subtank, Innokin Coolfire IV with Nautilus or Subtank, or eGo ONE kit? Or is there another tank not mentioned that would work well for any of those devices?
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ECF Guru
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Jun 22, 2014
Cowtown, USA. Where the West begins.
You've got good options out there already, any would work. Whichever one catches his eye would be my recommendation. The Kanger Subtank or the mini merits your attention for versatility, and you might look at the Subox kit, although this takes a battery and may be more than he wants to futz with. I'd also take a look at the EVIC VT.


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Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
Whoops... took a little bit more time to talk about it and I ended up convincing him to get a Coolfire IV. It came today and so far is just great. I think he made the right decision. He paired it with the GS Air M and he is really enjoying it. I like it so much I'd half consider getting one myself, but may end up going with the iStick 40W TC and then we can share that and the Coolfire. Thanks again everyone for the input!


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Apr 2, 2013
I'll go against the grain and say the Ego One gives a damn good MTL vape with the 1ohm heads (my preference) as well as good subohm performance with the 0.5ohm heads. There are CLR heads available for rewicking/rebuilding (I'm using CLR heads and they work nicely).

I'd suggest the XL kit (2200mah, 2,5ml) if it's to be his primary device, just for the larger tank if nothing else. But if he wants small, buy the 1100mah battery and the 2.5ml tank separately (and a usb charger and cable if you don't already have a dozen)-- they make a nice pairing and last surprisingly long at 1ohm.

Honestly, my Subox (as good as it is) simply isn't getting much use as I favor the One for simplicity and quality of MTL 1ohm vape.
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Jun 13, 2015
Austin, AR
I have the subtank mini with 1 battery and I charge it with a usb cable and cheap wall charger. I love it for the flavor. Can plug it into a computer to charge if you need too. I do not use it all day at work but when home on the deck with a beer it is just what the dr ordered. I use a iStick mini and a nautilus mini for at work, but the longer I vape the more I want to start taking the subox with me :)
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Apr 2, 2013
The ego ONE is a distinct possibility. I keep hearing that it's a great device. Frankly I would love one for myself at some point, especially for on-the-go.

Does the tank have an RBA option? I know it doesn't come with the kit, but does Joyetech make a separate one?

I got mine for "on the go" but it ended up becoming my main device :)

No rebuildable deck -- but two coil types: CL coils are vertical, and would be pretty fiddly but not impossible to rebuild, and CLR coils that are horizontal and with a removeable cap to facilitate rebuilding or just rewicking.
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Vaping Master
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Dec 11, 2014
If you decide to go with an iStick, I would steer clear of the 20w as it has a couple of "issues" (that may or may not be deal breakers, but the 30w isn't much more expensive and has them resolved).

1 - Mean vs. RMS: Both devices use PWM or "pulse-width modulation" to regulate the power output, but the 20w uses the "mean" or "average" voltage to make the calculation, and the 30w uses RMS (root-mean-squared.) Since power (wattage) is a function of voltage squared over resistance, RMS (root-mean-squared) is a more accurate representation of the actual output than the raw average used in "mean" calculations. It's not that one can do anything the other can't, but the vape will be a little different when both are at the same setting. 15 watts "mean" will feel a little "hotter" than 15 watts RMS, and the RMS will be more like what you would experience with a true, flat (non-PWM) signal.

2 - No step down: The battery voltage varies from about 4.2v at full charge, runs around 3.7 for most of the charge cycle, and then dips down to 3.5 or below when it's near-dead. The 20w iStick can not "step down" the voltage to deliver any less than what the battery is charged to. So if, for example, you're using a 1-ohm atomizer and the battery is charged to 4.0 volts, then the 20w can not fire at anything less than 16 watts (4 volts * 4 volts / 1 ohm). You can set it below 16 watts and it will display less than 16 watts, but it will still fire at 16 watts, and no lower. The only way to get less than that, is to use a higher-ohm atomizer, and/or wait until the battery drains below that point. The 30w, on the other hand, has no problem firing down to its minimum 2.0v with any atty it can handle.

2.5 - Ohm limit: If you're considering a subohm tank, note that the 20w can't fire anything below 1.0, while the 30w goes down to .4 ohms.

3 - Fixed/floating 510 pin: The 20w has a fixed 510 pin. Some atomizers might not sit flush, or might not make connection with the pin if the 510 on the atty is too long or too short. The 30w has a spring-loaded "floating" pin that will be more accommodating and allow most attys to sit flush.

4 - Steel threads: The 30w has rugged, steel threads in the 510 connection, while I believe the 20w uses chromed brass. Brass is a softer metal than steel, and most attys are made of steel, so if you cross-thread it, or wrench down to hard when screwing it on, you'll strip the threads right out of the 20w. And once you strip the threads, it's not good for much more than an expensive paperweight.
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Mar 26, 2012
Los Angeles Calif.
I would go with the istick 40 tc there is so much room for trying different tanks the charge last forever and it's super pocket friendly. The subtank mini is great and you can rebuild or use prebuilt coils. The ego one is a great tank too you can use temp control coils or get the clr coils and rebuild them when the go bad. Good luck wish my wife would be willing to rebuild my coils lol it's what I do for her.
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Ultra Member
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Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
@bwh79 the original iStick isn't in the running, I meant the 20W mini that looks relatively new (as opposed to the 10W mini). Or does the 20W mini have the same issues you laid out?? Thanks for the comprehensive post either way! If he gets an istick he will more likely end up with a 30W or 40W TC but the 20W mini is an attractive option for the extremely low price if the problems you spoke of have been addressed. Duly noted that the 20W device cannot subohm, though. The mini 20W is really only to have a back-up cheap-as-possible-while-still-upgrading option as I've heard good things about the GS16s tank as well, which is not subohm... or at least has regular LR options. It would be awesome if you did happen to know whether or not the problems with the original carried over to the mini 20W just so I can nix it if necessary, though I'd definitely prefer him to get something a little better and more versatile regardless.

@Vapenstein thank you! I'm sort of pushing him towards that, or have been so far anyway. I agree it looks really nice and well built for the price. It certainly has more than enough features for him.

@matcas thanks a lot! I agree; I quite like my iStick 30w for its pocket-friendliness and the 40W TC looks like a great step up. I have a feeling it might come down to that vs. the Coolfire IV, and to be honest I have a sneaking suspicion I'll end up with a 40W TC myself eventually so that may be reason enough for him to go with something else as he can always use mine.

I'm heartened to hear that it really sounds like he can't go wrong with almost any of these (pending some questions about the iStick 20W mini) and I'm glad that I wasn't totally off with what I was thinking. I've been vaping for more than 5 years now and it is absolutely incredible what you can get for barely any more than $50 these days. Outstanding!

A big thank you again to all who have given input so far.
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Vaping Master
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Dec 11, 2014
@bwh79 the original iStick isn't in the running, I meant the 20W mini that looks relatively new (as opposed to the 10W mini). Or does the 20W mini have the same issues you laid out??
Oh, I didn't even know there was a new one except the temp control. Guess I'm out of the loop! I don't imagine it has the same problems as the original but I can't be sure.
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Ultra Member
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Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
Thanks for the suggestions so far! Keep 'em coming, please! :)

I thought about the Subbox kit, too. My reservation with that is that it will also cost money to get him batteries and a charger, and I think maybe we can get a little more bang for our buck going with one of the other options. But... definitely not ruling it out. I know people have really enjoyed the Subbox and I certainly love the Subtanks.

Thanks again!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
You've got good options out there already, any would work. Whichever one catches his eye would be my recommendation. The Kanger Subtank or the mini merits your attention for versatility, and you might look at the Subox kit, although this takes a battery and may be more than he wants to futz with. I'd also take a look at the EVIC VT.

I agree with this sentiment. He hasn't really looked at any of them too closely yet, so he may feel very strongly about which he likes the best aesthetically.

I don't think a separate battery and charger is necessarily more than he wants to futz with, but it does add cost and the $55 Subbox linked through VapingCheap is the least I've seen it for outside of wholesale. The built-in battery packs aren't necessarily my favorite for a variety of reasons, but I've had decent luck with mine and it does save cost.

I'll go against the grain and say the Ego One gives a damn good MTL vape with the 1ohm heads (my preference) as well as good subohm performance with the 0.5ohm heads..

The ego ONE is a distinct possibility. I keep hearing that it's a great device. Frankly I would love one for myself at some point, especially for on-the-go.

Does the tank have an RBA option? I know it doesn't come with the kit, but does Joyetech make a separate one?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
I have the subtank mini with 1 battery and I charge it with a usb cable and cheap wall charger. I love it for the flavor. Can plug it into a computer to charge if you need too. I do not use it all day at work but when home on the deck with a beer it is just what the dr ordered. I use a iStick mini and a nautilus mini for at work, but the longer I vape the more I want to start taking the subox with me :)

That's right! I totally forgot you can charge the Subbox via USB. That's good and definitely helps with the price. Does it work as a passthrough? I think that would be a plus for him, but I've just never had a device with a removable battery and USB charging, only one or the other.

No rebuildable deck -- but two coil types: CL coils are vertical, and would be pretty fiddly but not impossible to rebuild, and CLR coils that are horizontal and with a removeable cap to facilitate rebuilding or just rewicking.

OK, thanks! Like I said the lack of a rebuildable deck is not at all a dealbreaker, though having one would be nice. Definitely not ruling it out, and of course it's not my decision in the end! I appreciate the information. It is definitely the most unique of his options compared to what I already have laying around here, which might appeal to him.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2011
Portland, ME
So he really loves the look of the "special edition" wooden-looking iStick 30W; I think that's what we're going to do. I also think for the sake of keeping the price down he's going to try out one of the Eleaf GS air tanks, which are all right around $10. Thanks everyone for all the help and advice! I have a strong suspicion that I will end up with a 40W TC but frankly I want to wait a little bit to make sure they don't appear to have the same problems as the 50Ws....
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