California -- SB 648 would ban the use of e-cigarettes wherever smoking is banned

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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
but see there in lies the rub, because whagt about gum patches, etc.
Gums and patches are considered pharmaceutical products and are regulated differently than tobacco products.
The FDA tried to declare electronic cigarettes to be pharmaceutical products but a court decision told them that they can not do that.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 4, 2010
Since the other vapers have claimed victory, it would be nice if e-cig vapers did so as well.

Activists Defeat CA Vaporizer Ban
Smell the Truth » Activists Defeat CA. Vaporizer Ban
This is too cute, all of us fighting for the right to brag. Hopefully enough people will sign up and congratulate everybody who was involved. We're all hero's today.

In another article I read, it sounded like they are still a little bit swung by the demoralizing propaganda that smothered smokers for decades. I do hope they lift the blanket of deception and continue helping us to fight for our rights, even if they never have to fight for theirs ever again. (which we all know won't happen.. give Corbett an inch, she'll be back for the mile).

It's late, I'm probably not making much sense. But I hope we all learn to accept each other's fight for safer, healthier alternatives.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
My point was/is that we need to generate some news stories (at least one article) revealing that Corbett's bill was defeated by vapers.

News coverage of this week's demise of SB 648 will help defeat the bill if/when Corbett brings it back in 2014, and will help us defeat anti e-cigarette legislation in New York, DC, Massachusetts and other jurisdictions.

Uma wrote:

In another article I read

Please post any news articles about this legislation.


Ultra Member
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Dec 12, 2011
The OC
My point was/is that we need to generate some news stories (at least one article) revealing that Corbett's bill was defeated by vapers.

News coverage of this week's demise of SB 648 will help defeat the bill if/when Corbett brings it back in 2014, and will help us defeat anti e-cigarette legislation in New York, DC, Massachusetts and other jurisdictions.

Uma wrote:

Please post any news articles about this legislation.

I've been going through Google news for SB648 articles and emailing all authors of previous articles asking if they have plans for a follow up in light of the bill's defeat.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 4, 2010
Right on Clip!! and yes, thanking the Laguna Beach journalists would be a grand gesture. I, for one, gladly give you the honors.

I'm still in zinger land with an Opinion writer for a local-ish paper...
(screenshot before it's deleted lol)



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 27, 2013
Van Nuys Ca., USA
Right on Clip!! and yes, thanking the Laguna Beach journalists would be a grand gesture. I, for one, gladly give you the honors.

I'm still in zinger land with an Opinion writer for a local-ish paper...
(screenshot before it's deleted lol)

View attachment 242581

Nice job....
i agree on that Laguna Beach one.....

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
I've sent e-mails to CA legislative reporters at LA Times, SF Chronicle, SF Examiner, San Jose Mercury and Center for Investigative Reporting giving them the details of SB 648's demise, and urging them to write a story. But so far, no replies (most are probably on vacation).

The news media writes lots of news stories whenever e-cigarette sales and usage bans are introduced, and whenever they're approved by a legislative committee, the House, Senate, and when enacted.

But very few news stories have been written or broadcast about our dozens of victories defeating bills to ban e-cig sales and/or use.

And when the FDA conceded its loss in the NJOY lawsuit on April 25, 2011, all the news headlines read "FDA to regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco" or "FDA to crack down on e-cigarettes"


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
I've sent e-mails to CA legislative reporters at LA Times, SF Chronicle, SF Examiner, San Jose Mercury and Center for Investigative Reporting giving them the details of SB 648's demise, and urging them to write a story. But so far, no replies (most are probably on vacation).

The news media writes lots of news stories whenever e-cigarette sales and usage bans are introduced, and whenever they're approved by a legislative committee, the House, Senate, and when enacted.

But very few news stories have been written or broadcast about our dozens of victories defeating bills to ban e-cig sales and/or use.

And when the FDA conceded its loss in the NJOY lawsuit on April 25, 2011, all the news headlines read "FDA to regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco" or "FDA to crack down on e-cigarettes"

It does seem that we are Constantly Fight an Uphill Media Battle.

Maybe the Sacramento Bee would consider doing a piece on SB-648?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
It does seem that we are Constantly Fight an Uphill Media Battle.

the average person is "burnt out" on media stories.

They are also burnt out on reading stuff on the internet, flyers that arrive in their purchases and mailboxes, etc.

Localized regional interest and advocacy groups i.e. people reaching out to people on an up close and personal basis is what works.

Many of us live in communities where there aren't vape stores, and people have never seen, or even held, an ecig. They don't even know anyone who has one. There are also a ton of people who don't use computers. At all. All they've seen is a Blu cig commercial on TV and received the above-noted literature and flyers (which is often unwelcome).

When you form localized advocacy groups you are able to reach out, network, make contacts and get mentors. For instnace, a vaper gets pulled over by law enforcement and asked to empty their stuff, how much better to have a local attorney who vapes or is pro vaping, willing to do some pro bono work, and is even perhaps on a first name basis with the LEO? :)

How about I bring my doctor who fully supports my vaping, and has all my medical profiles to show why, and I invite him to the advocacy group's meeting to speak? He's delivered every baby from here to the next 4 counties, everyone loves the guy (rides horses, works in cowboy boots, runs cattle, just like a lot of my neighbors in this region do).

I could go on but ya'll get where i"m going. Large centralized bases simply cannot accomplish these things ( and that does not take away from what they do WELL. )

I bring my vapes to the potluck dinners at the firehouse, I have converted several people, even the woman who fits my eye glasses.

Everything works better from grassroots (small) on up, IMHO.

(And if only vapers would quit clouding the issues with illogical statement and reasonings like "even water is dangerous if you drink too much" or "obesity has more health problems than vaping" or "its my Constitutional right to vape" we would be better off. It makes us look like folks who can't use logic, or even stay on topic, and hurts us a great deal IMHO. )

Knowing your adversaries is always important, and when I look at Dr. Margaret Hamburg's resume, I know what were' up against. Doesnt' matter if you like her or not, there is no denying she has a good education and an impressive list of accomplishments:
Meet Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., Commissioner of Food and Drugs

If anyone thinks they can toss comments (or any other SOUND BYTES) contrasting obesity and water with regard to ecigs safety to her in an actual courtroom or conference, think again! Just sayin'......:)

And by the way, forming small advocacy groups teaches you a whole lot about networking, and getting results, and also gives you access to making valuable contacts and connections......with people who can help you. It also teaches your "group" how to pursue results driven outcomes and what works and what doesn't. You can't possibly know these things unless you've done it, hands on. Experience trumps reading any day of the week.
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