Can you share your Whole Tobacco Alkaloid success stories?

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Sep 27, 2014
You folks are the BEST!! I'm back at the vaping, and I've upped the WTA a little bit. Unlike Scott, I'm just adding it to my other mix. It's a money thing. :p I DO know this about myself. When I get as stressed as I was yesterday and today, I have to by super vigilant about making sure I have enough juice in my tanks so I can vape as much as I need to NOT to go pick up a cigarette. HALT. Oh yeah!! Good thing to remember


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Jan 24, 2014
You folks are the BEST!! I'm back at the vaping, and I've upped the WTA a little bit. Unlike Scott, I'm just adding it to my other mix. It's a money thing. :p I DO know this about myself. When I get as stressed as I was yesterday and today, I have to by super vigilant about making sure I have enough juice in my tanks so I can vape as much as I need to NOT to go pick up a cigarette. HALT. Oh yeah!! Good thing to remember

I mix the unflavored WTA into my regular mix -- blueberry muffin/banana nut bread. I've managed to DIY a very nice banana nut bread, still working on creating my own personal version of "blueberry _____" (whatever sweet kind of pastry I can eventually create -- it doesn't have to be "muffin" per se but something along those lines in flavor) -- but since I have all the concentrated flavorings, I add a couple drops of blueberry, 1 drop of banana nut bread flavoring, and 3 drops of sweetener to the total mix, to make up for the 10% unflavored WTA -- and gawd it's good!

That HALT thing has been worth its weight in gold to me, over the course of both getting sober and staying that way, and getting smoke-free and staying that way -- almost always, when I examine myself for whatever might be causing whatever kind of craving, it's one of those -- Hunger, easy to fix; Angry, well maybe not so easy, but at least if you know you're angry, you can scream, throw something, instead of sabotaging yourSELF; Lonely, sometimes I just go take a nap, and ditto that for Tired. It's sort of like, if you have any kind of addiction, you have this "hole" inside yourself that the addictive substance helps you deal with; if you're hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, the edges of that hole grow teeth, and make themselves felt very sharply sometimes, so it seems like if you fill the "hole" with the addictive substance, it will ease the discomfort. My experience is that if you do give in, far from helping, it just gives you something else to beat yourself with, which just serves to make the edges of that "hole" even sharper.



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Sep 27, 2014
Andria, you make some really GREAT points, and right now I'm at work, and this hitch is going bonkers. I usually handle the stress pretty well, but for some reason, which I figure to be my newly found retirement from cigarettes, the stress is beating the crap out of me. I'm well rested, so that's not it. My stomach is full, so that's not it. Lonely? Eh....I'm at work......too busy to be lonely..........but OH the ANGER!!! I could write a book right about now.


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Jan 24, 2014
Andria, you make some really GREAT points, and right now I'm at work, and this hitch is going bonkers. I usually handle the stress pretty well, but for some reason, which I figure to be my newly found retirement from cigarettes, the stress is beating the crap out of me. I'm well rested, so that's not it. My stomach is full, so that's not it. Lonely? Eh....I'm at work......too busy to be lonely..........but OH the ANGER!!! I could write a book right about now.

I'm not really sure if this applies to cigarette smoking the way it applies to drinking, but another mind-habit I've tried very diligently to cultivate is asking myself, will drinking actually make this situation any better? I haven't yet been able to answer that question with a "yes" -- the answer is always, hell no, drinking will make it WORSE if anything. Not sure if it applies to smoking, because they are such different habits; drinking helps to blur the lines of reality, smoking actually sharpens them; in any case, there might actually be cases where smoking could help -- like with my post-appendectomy cravings -- not only did smoking take the craving away, the minor alkaloids actually helped my very-distressed colon settle down and knock off the ......... But then, apparently WTA did the exact same thing, without having to also partake of all the poisons.

Over the last 22 yrs, not-drinking has become my habit, my everyday, my taken-for-granted, my well-worn groove. I'd like to get to that point with smoking, and I know that if I give in, as I did in the summer, it just bumps me back into that well-worn groove, while interrupting my just-forming non-smoker groove -- and that gives me motivation to carry on, to stay out of the old well-worn groove while I'm making this new one.


R. Scott Kennan

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2013
Hartford, CT, United States
I just wanted to post an update regarding how Mother's Milk WTA is treating me.

I haven't been using it for a while; it was too strong and made me feel too doped up. I went back to my leftover Aroma blends. Last night I was feeling a bit stressed, and wanted something stronger, so I went back to the Special Tobacco from Mother's Milk. I only vaped it for half an hour, since I went to bed early. I got plenty of sleep, but woke up feeling really hung over, with a headache.

I've decided that if I continue to use Mother's Milk WTA, I have to do it very sparingly. Aroma, on the other hand, can be easily added to other juices and used as an all day vape.

I think it's sort of like the difference between a high dose medication that you take once or twice a day (Mother's Milk), and an Extended Release pill that keeps your levels right all day (Aroma). When it comes to medications, extended release does tend to be more expensive, but for many people it's worth it.

Of course, I don't know if others have the same experience as me- I do remember one other person reporting similar effects. I just thought I'd report back. I'll be shelving what I have from Mother's Milk for a rainy day, and buying a bit of Wholecig's stuff when my Aroma mixes are gone. Then I'll do my final comparison.


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Jul 2, 2012
Glasford, Il
Isn't it amazing how different we all are. I don't find the Mother's Milk too strong at all, and truth be told, it hasn't seemed to make too much of a difference for me. However, in all fairness, I've been having tank problems, so I'm really not sure if I'm getting all the benefits.

Define tank problems?


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May 9, 2009
S. Indiana
I haven't found much satisfaction at all. I get frustrated with the VG because it doesn't wick as well and clogs my atomizers. I tried a flavored freebie, and I know better. The flavors seem to concentrate in my tanks and it takes forever to get the sweetness out of the atomizer short of a soak, clean and dry burn. Just a PITA since I usually run with unflavored PG and don't have to mess with it much. My dripping atomizer died tonight so I'll have to find another one. I'm not going to mix more than a couple of drops of WTA in my tanks until I find some that is 100% PG.
I do like some of the tobacco flavors, but not full strength for very long.
As for my brain, I'm not feeling it.


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Jul 2, 2012
Glasford, Il
I haven't found much satisfaction at all. I get frustrated with the VG because it doesn't wick as well and clogs my atomizers. I tried a flavored freebie, and I know better. The flavors seem to concentrate in my tanks and it takes forever to get the sweetness out of the atomizer short of a soak, clean and dry burn. Just a PITA since I usually run with unflavored PG and don't have to mess with it much. My dripping atomizer died tonight so I'll have to find another one. I'm not going to mix more than a couple of drops of WTA in my tanks until I find some that is 100% PG.
I do like some of the tobacco flavors, but not full strength for very long.
As for my brain, I'm not feeling it.

Do you have a local B&M, or have you looked on line for sites that pre-wrap coils and wicks? If so, pick up an RDA, and just drip.


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Jun 10, 2012
I just wanted to post an update regarding how Mother's Milk WTA is treating me.

I haven't been using it for a while; it was too strong and made me feel too doped up. I went back to my leftover Aroma blends. Last night I was feeling a bit stressed, and wanted something stronger, so I went back to the Special Tobacco from Mother's Milk. I only vaped it for half an hour, since I went to bed early. I got plenty of sleep, but woke up feeling really hung over, with a headache.

I've decided that if I continue to use Mother's Milk WTA, I have to do it very sparingly. Aroma, on the other hand, can be easily added to other juices and used as an all day vape.

I think it's sort of like the difference between a high dose medication that you take once or twice a day (Mother's Milk), and an Extended Release pill that keeps your levels right all day (Aroma). When it comes to medications, extended release does tend to be more expensive, but for many people it's worth it.

Of course, I don't know if others have the same experience as me- I do remember one other person reporting similar effects. I just thought I'd report back. I'll be shelving what I have from Mother's Milk for a rainy day, and buying a bit of Wholecig's stuff when my Aroma mixes are gone. Then I'll do my final comparison.

Just wondering are you saying MMWTA can't be mixed in with other liquids? Also what mg are you using? I have some on the way and was thinking I could just put a few drops in my tank with my other liquids.

R. Scott Kennan

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2013
Hartford, CT, United States

Just wondering are you saying MMWTA can't be mixed in with other liquids? Also what mg are you using? I have some on the way and was thinking I could just put a few drops in my tank with my other liquids.

Yes, you can mix it with other juices. I've just been vaping a premixed flavor from the company. I could mix it with other juices, but I haven't wanted to ruin the flavor. It's a 12 mg, and I find the minor alkaloids too strong for me (I typically vape 24 mg nic). The overall feel of the juice is different for me than Aroma's, which is why I wasn't feeling prone to experimenting with it.

I don't know if this is true, but I wonder whether Aroma uses 10% WTA with plain nicotine to get to their nic level in the mixed juices, and if Mother's Milk just uses WTA. In other words, I wonder if Aroma's 24 mg WTA is 10% WTA with Nicotine to bring it up to 24 by volume, while Mother's Milk is simply a 24 mg WTA with no added nicotine. That might explain some of it.

Another explanation might be that they use different extraction methods (they do), and MMWTA's process might be more effective at retaining or isolating the minor alkaloids. I'm not a chemist, so I can't say.

While I was feeling hungover, I was in an "I'll never drink again" state of mind. I wanted to put it away and get something else. I plan to experiment a bit with it. I think it's just a matter of getting the dose right.

I'll still be getting some WholeCig WTA ASAP. I want to be able to start figuring out which provider works best for me, by price, and effect.

I do want to acknowledge that I recognize that this is all my own subjective experience, and that I'm not trying to promote it as fact. I just don't know what else to report on but my own experience. Whenever I post one of my "statements", I'm hoping that others with different experience will also post their own take. The more opinions and experiences there are here, the more useful the thread might be to someone who comes across it in the future.
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Senior Member
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Mar 3, 2014
As far as I know, Aroma's "infused with WTA" line of flavored liquid is not a 1:1 WTA/nic extraction. A certain amount of WTA(which, of course includes nic) is added to the liquid and nic only is added to bring the total nic to 12 or 24. The "infused with WTA" line is designed to be used as an all day vape. Wholecig and MMWTA use a 1:1 WTA/nic extraction in all their liquids. No nic added. The only 1:1 WTA/nic extraction from Aroma is their VS DIY 24mg(and p-51 at times)

24mg MMWTA or Wholecig 25mg liquid is a different makeup than Aroma's 24mg "infused with WTA" liquid. Aroma's 24mg VS DIY would be comparable.

I've tried all three. And I would urge anyone who is thinking about WTA liquid to do the same. For what its worth, IMO(and that is all it is) Aroma's VS DIY is wonderful. Crisp, clean, effective and tastes great. MMWTA is effective, cloudy and has a very prominent taste(like it or not its there). Wholecig is available.

Without WTA, I probably wouldn't vape, I would probably be snusing. I don't think I'd ever smoke again.


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Jun 10, 2012
Township, that clarifies a lot. So my hunch was about right. I probably wouldn't have needed a hunch if I had read things more closely. :D

Good job!! So it would be better to put this in some other liquids. But the only thing is I'm a little scared to use it now. I knew I should have started with Aroma first. Oh well live and learn.

R. Scott Kennan

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2013
Hartford, CT, United States
Good job!! So it would be better to put this in some other liquids. But the only thing is I'm a little scared to use it now. I knew I should have started with Aroma first. Oh well live and learn.

Don't be scared. Rotowoman is diluting her unflavored, and she's fine. I think I just made the mistake of thinking that just because it was flavored, I wouldn't have to dilute what I've been vaping. That's the case with Aroma's WTA infused juices, but apparently not with Mother's Milk WTA. Different companies, different rules.
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