Coughing up gunk

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New Member
Dec 8, 2015
I have a sub tank, basically i was smoking for 5-6 months and decided i had enough, i decided to take up vaping, after a week of vaping i have started to "phlem up" a lot, my phlem sometimes has a pinkish colour to it, i was wondering this may be because my e liquid is coloured pink and my box mod does spit sometimes, i also do direct lung inhales, the juice is 80VG 20PG, in my phlem i also have brown snot looking lumps, is this the tar? Should i be conserned?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Part of it is you gave up smoking and when you do that - yup - all the old tar starts to come up. Some would say at a faster rate due to the vape.

Part of it could well be the MAX VG juice you're lung hitting.

MAX VG sub ohm lung hits, make me phlegm up too, and the inside of my mouth feel like someone's coated it in lip balm. Yick.

With 50/50 or heavier PG than VG ratio, I do not have the problem.

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Ultra Member
Nov 26, 2015
Seattle, WA
If there's any question about what your body is doing, talk to your health care provider, ASAP.

Smoking suppresses the cough reflex, so you may just be hacking out the stuff that you couldn't when smoking, But pinkish tinge could be a Bad Sign that you don't want to take chances with. Switch juices to something on the clear side in the mean time.
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Aug 15, 2013
East Midlands, United Kingdom
As Doug says go see your doctor and make sure, once you stop smoking tobacco your body starts to recover and clear itself out faster for some slower for others it was about four months in that I was coughing up bad stuff. Not everyone can handle high VG if I go over 30% my chest feels heavier and I feel bunged up so I now make my liquid with 25% VG and things are a lot easier. I'm a mouth to lung vaper same as when I smoked so not able to advise on whether you'd be better off not direct lung inhaling but plenty on here with the knowledge.

Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
If you only smoked for 5 - 6 months the amount of goo in your lungs from smoking would be minimal.
IMO, the excess phlegm is most likely a result of vaping high VG. The color could be almost anything from the colorant in your juice to the signs of a serious health issue.

I'll never understand why people vape colored liquids.

Go see a DR.


ECF Guru
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I have a sub tank, basically i was smoking for 5-6 months and decided i had enough, i decided to take up vaping, after a week of vaping i have started to "phlem up" a lot, my phlem sometimes has a pinkish colour to it, i was wondering this may be because my e liquid is coloured pink and my box mod does spit sometimes, i also do direct lung inhales, the juice is 80VG 20PG, in my phlem i also have brown snot looking lumps, is this the tar? Should i be conserned?
If I am reading this correctly, you had only been smoking for 5-6 months. I really don't think that is long enough to have coated your lungs with the tar from smoking that folks have after smoking for many years.

I spend a lot of time here on this forum and read just about every post. I have seen this problem pop up and it seems like I am seeing more of it as the coils go lower and the power goes up. I also see more and more folks going max VG and doing direct to lung inhales.

I personally see it as a recipe for disaster. (that may be to strong a word for it) I really don't think our lungs were designed to have to handle putting that much VG in there thus we have folks coming here wondering if what they are putting in there could possibly be causing their discomfort. I say, yes, it could very well be. JMHO


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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2014
A lot of good advice here. If in doubt, a medical care provider seek out. That is a valid and good axiom to use as rule of thumb.

Also agree with the lot suggesting your body is purging out the tar, nasty chemicals from cigarettes. I too used to cough up phlem bad. I would go around three to six months, then get a bad coughing fit and nearly vomit out a big old glob. This while enjoying thirty some odd years of cigarettes.

Now, I'll not return to cigarettes save perhaps an occasional slip. Eventually, I'll be without cigarettes all in for vaping. No cigarettes today, adding onto a week already cigarette free.

You need a decent frugal tank? Try this on for size. Smok T-Dux 4.0
I am enjoying this tank a lot. It holds around 4 ml, which can get me through two to three days of vaping generally. Seems like I'm guzzling down a new favorite flavor juice recently, though.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
Did your phlegm taste sweet like e-juice, or did it taste like blood? I'd imagine it was blood. My doctors have told me brown means old dried blood, and pink is usually fresh blood. And before that sets off and red flags in your head.. if you're in the northern hemisphere, it's winter.. the air is just starting to dry out in my area when we're used to 80% humidity. It's also a season of post nasal drip, and other illnesses like strep, bronchitis, and sinus infections. I had something similar happen to me last year when I had decided it was time to take up vaping again, and sub-ohm vaping was the new rave. My juice tasted so yummy, I just kept puffing and puffing and puffing and puffing.

The next morning I coughed up bloody mucus.. now I anticipated some brown mucus as what usually happens when I switch from a streak of smoking cigarettes to vaping. But it was red and pink. It freaked me out.. but the reality of it is that I likely dried my sinuses out and I definitely suffer from a post-nasal drip. I don't remember exactly but I may have had a sore throat as well. You bleed sometimes when those things happen, and I'm sure a massive vape session could irritate that. I've not found a juice that will stain a paper towel when I exhale through it. I mean.. my mustasche is getting longer lately and it ends up soaked in vapor condensation especially with this cool air around I wonder what's going on in our lungs from time to time.. but not enough to concern me. My experience has been that vaping has allowed the health issues that smoking caused a chance to clear up and heal, at least somewhat. And the rare times that I do get sick these days, which occurs way less way less frequently than it did while smoking, I don't feel as miserable as I would've on the cigarettes.

You say your throat's sore? I'd imagine there's some post nasal drip. You also don't mention what nicotine strength you juice is but you do mention you went straight to a sub tank.

Me personally, I started vaping on a 510 atomizer with 24mg strength like 80%/20% 70/30 50/50 juices.. If I tried to do that on a low resistance or sub-ohm build that would choke me out faster than a professional mma fighter.

I use 3mg 100% VG juice. 6mg is too harsh for me on a sub ohm build. Sometimes I'll mix a 3mg and a 6mg bottle of the same flavor for around 4.5mg... and being someone who could smoke 2 packs a day after 20 years of smoking, that can give me a nicotine rush like 24mg would before anyone knew what a rebuildable atomizer was.

Now - I'm not saying any one of these things is what caused this to happen to you. But, it's some food for thought. I'd suggest trying not to get carried away on the vaping for a day or two to give whatever's irritated a chance to heal. If it never happens again I'd say you have nothing to worry about. But I'm not a doctor, and even if any doctors do respond to you in this thread, they won't be able to diagnose you over the internet.. I'm sure it'd be difficult even in a skype situation. If you're concerned I'd schedule an appointment for as soon as I could afford to. ;)

Hans Wermhat

Vaping Master
Jun 9, 2015
Some juices have flavorings that contain food coloring (LorAn's is notorious). I always try to avoid colored liquids. A light honey to tea color is normal when nicotine oxidizes, but red, blue, purple, etc is not. Some of the dyes used in food coloring are as bad for you as cigs. That could be the issue with the pink stuff. But I would go see a Dr if you are worried. You know your body better than any of us. If something ain't right, you will know.
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