Do you play WoW?

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ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2009
Spring Hill, Fl
Was just wondering if there were any other Wow (World of Warcraft) players on here. I play Horde on Graymane server, current main is my DK, but that will soon change... again...

Now and then, the magic it once had has long since died out though. I've been playing the game for years, mostly as solo and in pug groups as I never liked the idea of devoting my schedule around a guild. PVP in the battlegrounds is frustrating because gear imbalance as well as class imbalance. Arena provides better gear, but honestly it really comes down to not wanting to build a group with strangers and devote a schedule around arena time.

I used to love PVP in the 59 bracket, before Death Knights. It was one of the easiest to gear up for and there was very little gear imbalance. But, ofcourse DKs utterly destroyed the bracket.

Perhaps Cataclysm will offer a bit more to do, but only having an additional five levels is slightly disappointing. The most enjoyable part of the game for me is to explore new areas and leveling. Hopefully, Cataclysm will come in a two part expansion as only five levels for another year or so does not seem worth it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2009
Homewood, Al
well the great thing about cataclysm is that it's going to bring the chuck norris jokes to the barrens with AVENGANCE. lol. all the 85s hanging out in the barrens. it just seems so weird to me. whenever I wanted a laugh, I could always count on the barrens. ...haha.

(and I know they get old. but after hearing them time after time when leveling a toon, they grew on me, it's like my special little safe place)

God I miss it..


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ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2009
Spring Hill, Fl
Out of curiosity, what is the class you all enjoy the most? The first class/race combo I made back in vanilla was as Night Elf Druid. I used to play EverQuest and enjoyed the playstyle so naturally the first character I made was a Druid. Even though it seemed to be one of the worst classes to play at the time according to others, it was a fun one. Since that time it has been my favorite. It seems that the tables have turned and now the druid class is a decent choice for both PVP and PVE.

The only other class I have made to 80 thus far was a hunter, I also have a gnome warlock at 79 right now. I have since tried a rogue and it is a ton of fun.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2009
South Carolina USA
I messed around on my neices wow acct a few times. I also was a raid tank in eq2 for about 3 years. I closed my eq2 acct and retired all my toons. I do although play a free game called rappelz its not too bad its like the ecig of mmorpg's, it dont quite do it but it will get you there eventually. Its nice to know rappelz is free and you can quit for a year and your acct is still there the pets are kinda cool too.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2009
Denver Colorado
mjones i just want you to know i think watching that cat in y our sig is going to give me a tumor or something. haha.
@jimik I'm am sure i'd pick my mage but that is mostly cause i've raided mostly on him and that he is a GNOME so he is ultra cool!!!!!!!. Althougth I've had many classes that i've enjoyed greatly it almost always came down to if i could top the dps charts with it or heal charts or just have more aggro then the rest of the tanks. Which seems to change class just about every other patch.
@mallie233 i just want to know the few times i rolled horde i realized. Alliance should feel left for not having barrens chat.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2009
Las Cruces, NM
OMG I hate the chuck norris jokes. I put anyone and everyone on ignore who uses them. But now its stupid .... jokes. Those also go on ignore and reported. Some people just have to have attention. /leave 1

My favorite 'memory' is the more dots more dots vent recording. That is friggin awesome.
Hubby would go around and round up the whelps and scream. Along with the constant chanting MORE DOTS!

I'm not sure I'm to thrilled about the next expac. I'm so sick of the 'old world'. After all the toon's I've leveled. I could tell you just about where everything spawns at in the barrens. Including the shrine for the young man who passed away. That was a brother to one of the designers.
Ore locations and herb locations.

I'll still buy the 5 copies of the xpac just to see if flying in vanilla wow makes it any different. And the new landed added will bring some spice back to the boring world. If not then I'm off to find me a new MMO.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2009
Homewood, Al
well, like i said, the chuck norris jokes bothered me quite a lot at first. But, after going through barrens chat 20+ times (yes, I had no life :) ) it made me happy. I could always count on it. ...given, i never partook, but i did have a few good laughs there.


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ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2009
Denver Colorado
I couldn't handle runescape. I don't want to be a punk and bad mouth a free game when it's FREE. But wow there was so little to do in runescape that the 2 months i played while waiting for WOW to come out. I got so obsessed with wood cutting i started hordeing all of it. I would keep switching servers and always had people that would sell it just to me. and i missed up a unbelieveable ammount for like 4 weeks. Then when prices peeked cause there was no more wood. i sold it all for double. my plan in the end was to mass up enough gold to pay enough people for 15 mins of there time and make a single file line across the whole land. you want to know why? cause i could. But i couldn't cause Wow came out before i could get enough gold :(
for my mmorpg fix I play for free, Shaiya, on Aeria Games - Join the Fastest Growing Free-to-Play Gaming Community
The games pretty fun I think, I only have Regnum to compare it to and Regnum is fun when I'm on my Linux kick, but in windows Shaiya is lots of fun. Don't know how much better or fun WoW is because I refuse to pay a monthly fee to play a game online. I'm cheap like that.


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Sep 10, 2009
Michigan's Knobbywristbone
I got an email last week that warned me I needed to upgrade something with one of my accounts if I wanted to continue to be able to play it and it needed to be done by November 11th, so I got that done and decided I actually wanted to play.. so an army of updates later I'm sing (I was at version 3.1 something when I left off (and Who Knows to what its up to now and if I'll be done by New Year's at this rate)

so I'm having this major finger drumming (mostly)internal SnitFitFest
that if I were to put it to music might sound something like this

"I want to play my ogre guy
I want to play my guy
I want to play my ogre guy
I want to play him when I like!"

YouTube - Queen-I Want to Ride My Bicycle


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 10, 2009
Michigan's Knobbywristbone
Only game for me is cs 1.6 :)
heh, well I'm just not much of a first person shooter type (guessing cs stands for 'counterstrike' which I could be wrong, but I think is a fps game)

I'm getting all annoyed with WoW again though (still trying to update, I have the game installed multiple times for backup and multiple login purposes).. and then today they are down for one of their weekly 'down all day' things (yes, once a week WoW just closes for half to a whole day, Tuesdays) and I was able to actually log on once last night.. just long enough to see I'd logged out somewhere really stupid, got my .... kicked as I realized all my addons are out of date (so now there's been that to get done too)

I'm still singing my "I want to play my ogre guy" version of the song above


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2009
Denver Colorado
sorry to hear Whistlrr
I had a bad monday as well. Logged on for the raid to find out yet another guild broke up. Raid leader quit and 3 officers server transfered. I still have 2 other 25 man groups to do that those were the hardcore guys. Server first left and right and now there gone
O well i been thinking of going easy for a bit on wow anyways i might just fall back on just 1 25 man a week that one i lead and the rest of the week play COD modern warfare2 anyone played it yet for the PC? I was really happy with part 1 for Xbox360 except for no co-op camp.
Anyone got some feed back on MW2?
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