Does this seem right to you?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
My God. How many Times have I posted in a Thread about some Crappy Article of Slanted View

"Have you Contacted the Author?"

"Maybe we should send an e-Mail to the Site. Here is the Contact Information"

"If you Don't like the Article, maybe it would be Good to Leave a Comment"

If 3 people out of 100 Actually do something I consider it a Victory. I finally just Gave up.

We do a great Job of "Debating" things INSIDE the ECF. But Very Few take it OUTSIDE the ECF.
I think most of us who are actively in this thread agree. I try to do my part, if I see a junk article, I comment, possibly email the author if an option. I call/write my representatives. I share good articles and information in my social media circles. AND I try to spread correct information among vapers as well.


ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
Not Exactly Sure what you are Say'n?
There's a clear and concise discourse. Follow from the beginning and it should all be clear.
No I haven't seen them. But in a country where alligators are everywhere anyway (FL), that snake doesn't look out of place.

But when the attack is on the foreign monster, making it look as the alpha monster vs the native monster gives the antis the "see... I knew it was too dangerous" and "think of the children" slants immediately.

No need to work it in to every news bulletin.



My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
I think most of us who are actively in this thread agree. I try to do my part, if I see a junk article, I comment, possibly email the author if an option. I call/write my representatives. I share good articles and information in my social media circles. AND I try to spread correct information among vapers as well.

Yes... Yes you Do.

And Even if I do Not Agree with all of your Views, I can Respect you for having them.

And with that, I'm going to call it a night. I have a Big Day tomorrow replacing Vinyl Straps in my Patio Chairs.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
Yes... Yes you Do.

And Even if I do Not Agree with all of your Views, I can Respect you for having them.

And with that, I'm going to call it a night. I have a Big Day tomorrow replacing Vinyl Straps in my Patio Chairs.


Always appreciate the debate, you always bring up views that I know many vapers hold, and it's good that we can discuss them. Have fun tomorrow :)


Vaping Master
Dec 23, 2014
Yes... Yes you Do.

And Even if I do Not Agree with all of your Views, I can Respect you for having them.

And with that, I'm going to call it a night. I have a Big Day tomorrow replacing Vinyl Straps in my Patio Chairs.


Zoid.... after you finish, don't forget to have them inspected by all the relevant govt agencies.... make sure they're safe for the children.... :p


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 6, 2013
My God. How many Times have I posted in a Thread about some Crappy Article of Slanted View

"Have you Contacted the Author?"

"Maybe we should send an e-Mail to the Site. Here is the Contact Information"

"If you Don't like the Article, maybe it would be Good to Leave a Comment"

If 3 people out of 100 Actually do something I consider it a Victory. I finally just Gave up.

We do a great Job of "Debating" things INSIDE the ECF. But Very Few take it OUTSIDE the ECF.
I appreciate you for saying this.
And this right here is my #1 gripe.....
Instead of being OUT there doing something, too many people remain IN here arguing tooth & nail with each other.

IN here I understand the passion but OUT there trying to spread the word often falls on deaf ears cause folks don't have a clue what I'm talking about.

Of the few vapers I know, only 1 vapes for the sake of quitting smoking; the rest do it cause for them, it's the new hotness.

Chief Thunder

Unregistered Supplier
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Apr 30, 2012
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Chief Thunder

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2012
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Chief Thunder

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2012
  • Deleted by Misty
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Chief Thunder

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2012
  • Deleted by Misty
  • Reason: unregistered supplier


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
There are still 8 states that do not prohibit the sale of eliquid to minors

On April 25, 2014, the FDA released proposed regulations for "Deeming Tobacco Products To Be Subject to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as Amended by the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act". These regulations would include electronic cigarettes and other alternative tobacco and nicotine products.

At this stage of the game it is ignorant to believe things like cartoon cookie labels do not matter and won't be used against us along with accidental poisonings and a sharp increase in teen use. Parenting skills or lack of have nothing to do with it, freedom to love cute cartoon bottles, labels and great flavors have nothing to do with it you are only fooling yourself if you believe that. While some are willing to take a tough stand on allowing cookie cartoon labeling here in the forums are you also ready to take that same stand on the senate floor when vaping as you know it now could become restricted back to 2007 technology?

....the forest for the trees
you would be right except for one thing.
it was the ANTZ who first made a big stink
out of this flavor and cartoon crap.
three years ago no one except us and the ANTZ
even knew e-cigs were an issue.
its ANTZ propaganda that is informing the
general public and more specifically the children
about all the yummy flavors and colorful bottles.
that's how my grand kids found out.
seriously,look at the new video campaign launched
by if you remove the audio
and written warnings and watch the video's
alone one would think they were directly
targeting the children to use e-cigs.
i think they are.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
you would be right except for one thing.
it was the ANTZ who first made a big stink
out of this flavor and cartoon crap.
three years ago no one except us and the ANTZ
even knew e-cigs were an issue.
its ANTZ propaganda that is informing the
general public and more specifically the children
about all the yummy flavors and colorful bottles.
that's how my grand kids found out.
seriously,look at the new video campaign launched
by if you remove the audio
and written warnings and watch the video's
alone one would think they were directly
targeting the children to use e-cigs.
i think they are.
And therein lies the biggest problem. :facepalm: I feel we are fighting a losing battle but fight we must.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Also, the "marketing to children" and "flavors for children" are just tactics being used against us -- they really don't care about the children, and if they had NO ammo in these areas, it would just be something else. So giving in to their demands here does nothing other than strengthen their cause.
The only reason these tactics work is because "we" gave them these tools to use...

We gave them these tools when we did NOT fight the lies when they were about tobacco use.
Now, after 30 years of brainwashing, their agenda has become well-accepted fact.

And that agenda is even more false now, for vaping, than it was then.
But I suspect it's too late to fight it now.

It's ingrained. It's public knowledge.

Anyway, I'm back to liking posts from both sides.
And hating myself for doing it.

I think most of us who are actively in this thread agree. I try to do my part, if I see a junk article, I comment, possibly email the author if an option. I call/write my representatives. I share good articles and information in my social media circles. AND I try to spread correct information among vapers as well.
And yes, here we all are again, at the dying end of a mainstream thread.
I just hope people are still reading, and considering.

And mostly, I hope they are considering that fighting is better than rolling over.

Of the few vapers I know, only 1 vapes for the sake of quitting smoking; the rest do it cause for them, it's the new hotness.
Is this how far we have come?
Or how far we have fallen?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
The only reason these tactics work is because "we" gave them these tools to use...

We gave them these tools when we did NOT fight the lies when they were about tobacco use.
Now, after 30 years of brainwashing, their agenda has become well-accepted fact.

And that agenda is even more false now, for vaping, than it was then.
But I suspect it's too late to fight it now.

It's ingrained. It's public knowledge.

Anyway, I'm back to liking posts from both sides.
And hating myself for doing it.

And yes, here we all are again, at the dying end of a mainstream thread.
I just hope people are still reading, and considering.

And mostly, I hope they are considering that fighting is better than rolling over.

Is this how far we have come?
Or how far we have fallen?

By many of the new posts, I'd be surprised if half of the new vapers on the forum vape to quit smoking...

I've never been of the idea that vaping is only for those who are trying to quit smoking. Yes, that's a great benefit, but I would not deprive someone who is even considering smoking of the option to vape instead.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
Had a cup of coffee, brain is working now.
Remembered I have a Dropbox with everything
I wanted to say thank you for posting, I think we figured out a while back that you had already updated your labeling. I'm not sure where the OP got the initial image from...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
Who wakes up one day and decides whether or not to start smoking? Wow...

I assume the majority of smokers weren't forced to start, so... most of us?

I have known a number of people over the years that were "social smokers" only when out in a group, or when drinking. Some of them stayed that way, others took up smoking full time. Every year, even still hundreds of thousands of teens start smoking, what world do you live in?


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2013
6992 kilometers from home...
I assume the majority of smokers weren't forced to start, so... most of us?

I have known a number of people over the years that were "social smokers" only when out in a group, or when drinking. Some of them stayed that way, others took up smoking full time. Every year, even still hundreds of thousands of teens start smoking, what world do you live in?

Smoking just happens; there's no debate as to whether or not one will start. I certainly didn't wake up one day and say, "well, it's a good day to start smoking"...

I guess them not having e-liquid with cookies or cartoon characters prohibits them from starting to vape...

I live in reality, not a construct where one debates whether or not to take up smoking or drinking or anything else. Some things just happen...
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