For those who can consume alchohol...

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
Attica, MI
I don't know if this is the correct place for this thread... or even if its appropriate to post but i'm just curious...

What is your favourite flavour to vape with a nice glass of pinot noir? How about something that complements a Jim bean and coke? what goes great with beer? Anyone have a good flavour pairing with vodka??

Personally so far I like viking vapor's chocolate mint with the pinot and backwoods brew espresso with the jim... but haven't tried them all yet and looking for new options. Will be placing an order when I get my next paycheck. I do find when I am consuming alchohol I appreciate a stronger flavour more. What do you think? Opinions? Suggestions??


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2010
I haven't tried it, but I'd imagine a fruity flavor might go well with vodka. Maybe citrus? I've seen beer and brandy flavored liquid around, maybe those would go well with your drinks. Maybe there's a thread with good food/beverage and liquid combos? If not I might start one once I try a few more flavors, or someone else with more experience should.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
Attica, MI
I didn't see it either although may not have searched correctly... I used to LOVE the cig/ liquor combo (and any kind of liquor/ beer/ wine would do) and although its been awhile since i've had a cig, nothing seems to come close to that taste combo for me. I don't have whole closetful of flavors (yet) but would really like to get some ideas.

Tried BWB Malty with beer and tequila the other night... although I love malty that combo was just meh. I was not at home so unable to change flavors at the time..


Full Member
Oct 18, 2010
I drink beer mostly and I really like hoppy beers. I've found that RY5 and to some extent RY4 both go really well with my IPA's. I like the smoky sweet flavor in contrast with the bitter hops. Dogfish Head 60 or 90 minute IPA, Rogue Brutal Bitter or Bell's Hopslam and some RY5 do it for me. When I'm not destroying my taste buds with an IPA I drink a lot of Newcastle which also works with RY5 but as a flavor enhancer rather than a contrast. I even like RY with regular old High Life.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I'm actually surprised that I've not seen this topic posted before. On my homebrew forums, there's a whole FORUM devoted to pairings of beer and food. I don't see why, especially with DIYers being so prevalent, vapers don't factor in the same things.
Ask and ye shall receive...

King_Calculon said:
My all-time favorite is Stone Ruination
That is my wife's favorite beer as well.
She is a HOP-MONSTER!!!

Living here in San Diego, about 20 minutes from Stone Brewery, definitely doesn't suck.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
Cincinnati, Ohio
Yeah, but how is that bacon flavor treating you lately?

It treated me very badly. I flushed that toxic abomination down the drain.

By the way...


Pursuant to the original post, Bacardi Superior, Diet Coke n' Lime and a custom blend of key lime/coconut/mango 50/50 12mg from Vaporbomb is an excellent combination!:toast:
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