Getting totally discouraged...

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Dec 3, 2014
I am not totally nic fittin yet, so don't worry about that...LOL

I am getting discouraged. I tried vaping exclusively about a year ago. It never worked out. I got totally tired of the issues....Dry hits, burnt coils etc. It seemed like it happened more often than not, and I just wanted to VAPE and not worry about something going wrong every single day. I went back to cigs and have smoked until a few days ago.

I decided on my birthday (on the 5th) that I wasn't smoking anymore. I decided that buying cigs wasn't even an option. I was tired of huffing and puffing while carrying my 2 year old up to my second story apartment. I was tired of feeling out of shape when I'm really not...I was tired of smelling like smoke.. (as a FYI, I never smoked or vaped while pregnant, and I don't smoke in my house)

I went to the local brick and mortar and bought a (nother) start up kit. I bought the vivi nova aspire tank and a 650 mah battery. The aspire tank kept giving me dry hit after dry hit. It was nauseating and after the end of a 12 hour work shift, it felt like I was getting a cold. My throat hurt that bad. I talked to my bro and he rebuilt and removed one of the coils. His idea was that the battery couldn't handle the dual coils and it was giving dry hits or something. The set up worked through the night and gave great hits and it has worked all day today.

Tonight while sitting here, my hits have been tasting like plastic almost. Not even burnt plastic, just plastic. They're not dry, but it's just annoying.

I know that maintenance is a big thing on ecigs. But it's ridiculous. I have had this set up for 3 days. I shouldn't have to replace the coils every single day. It's making me so upset that I would rather just smoke cigs because it's easier.

I don't really need advice on my set up. I know it's crappy and I'm expecting a better one to come in the mail soon. the places around here are expensive and I paid $60 for a tank, battery and juice. I would have at least expected it to last AS IS until I get my other stuff in the mail.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2014
IF you are willing to switch to a rebuildable tank atomizer like a kayfunn, with a higher end mod, you will be able to work on every single step of the vaping process. I love that I understand every part of my vape, and when something isn't working I can troubleshoot it myself. It takes a heavier investment on the front end to pick up a nice set up, but it will pay HUGE dividends if you can successfully quit.
Having a setup you can break down and maintain yourself will help you not get ...... off about going back and forth to the shop, and its really pretty easy to learn how to do.
Thats my two cents.


Vaping Master
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Sep 1, 2013
Mount Vernon, Wa
hmm, sounds like wicking issues to me, never tried the vivi nova, but the aspire BDC and Nautilus work quite well. Main thing on any changeable atomizer, is to allow sufficient time for juice to saturate the wick and coil, before taking that first vape.

Decent gear is the key to total vape satisfaction. Understanding what makes vape possible helps one achieve a better consistent vape too. Hopefully your new gear will be an improvement.

Have been vaping for 1.5 years and loving it. Personally, went the way of the rba, mechs, and high amp regulated mods, and no cigarette, cigar or tipperella can compete with me vape.

Vape long and Prosper.!!!!


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Dec 3, 2014

In the mail I have a protank 3 and a spinner 2. I just want a simple set up but at the same time, I don't want to have to fix something every night. I might be picky but doing something as simple as cleaning the battery connections is pissing me off. That could totally be my cig withdrawl kicking in...LOL


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Dec 3, 2014
I have vaped before and I always used a protank. When I went in to ask for a new set up (my husband put my stuff somewhere and I can't find it...) I asked for a BDC. The guy at the shop gave me an aspire vivi nova....My brother said that he doesn't think my battery can handle the double coils. That's why he took it apart and took one out and rebuilt the coil that's in there now.


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Jan 12, 2014
When I started, I had no sense of taste. I didn't think about it because I didn't understand that smoking had killed my taste buds. Everything was plastic tasting, or just a dull taste. I got on here and was reading (a lot) and someone mentioned it and my "light bulb" went off. I figured my sense of smell was in the same category. Someone, at the time, posted that they had just noticed a change in taste at 9 months. I don't know, but, I realized that I had no reason for expecting to have taste.

That was about 60 days in. I was pretty focused on not smoking, so I just kept doing it and I was getting my nic. I never really had many dry hits with an MVP2 and Protank2s. I just thought that vaping wasn't perfect.

Anyway, keep plugging. It has got a whole lot more flavorful.
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Full Member
Nov 5, 2014
Hi, just trying to get my 5 posts haha. But I will reply to the OP. I'm very new to vaping myself and I went on a straight up buying spree in like 1 month! I have it all from VV/VW to mechanical and just recently picked up a hybrid. I recently fell in love with my praxis hybrid but would not recommend it to you because it looks you want something like a set and forget type setup. I do have something in my stable that you might like though. On my birthday a few weeks ago my boss picked me up an eleaf istick.

The eleaf istick is my GOTO mod when going out! It is tiny and has lots of vape time to last me a few days with the way I vape. I have attached a kayfun clone onto it and I haven't had to do anything to it in terms of maintenance since I got it. It doesn't look like it will need anything for a while either. Hopefully you have a shop around you that you buy juices from and they can rebuild it for you maybe once a month when you're buying juice. It's not completely a set and forget type deal but it may be your best option based on what you described.

Eleaf istick + kayfun lite clone is my suggestion to you. The combo could be had for around $60 - $80 I'd say but you will love it's vape/maintenance ratio.

Hope that helps.


Vaping Mistress
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Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Happy (belated) Birthday Pinkie. Sorry to hear of your troubles. My first question - what juice (flavor, PG/VG, nic level?) The other thing that you might be getting to now is a little bit of vapor's tongue. I found (and sometimes still do) that my tongue gets "tired" of a flavor. Some tricks I've read include drinking lots (more) water. You can also sniff coffee beans (whole or ground). You might want to consider a "sharp" flavor like an intense menthol or cinnamon.

I have to have a lot of different flavors (mostly because I have "flavor ADD") to shake things up a bit. I do have some menthol (not tobacco-flavored) that I use when I'm needing to rejuvinate. That, and I like how it clears my sinuses a little more. I think I have some allergies, so I get stuffy a few times a year (this is one of them) If I can keep my head clear, my juices taste a lot better.

Hopefully your new gear will help. I'm not familiar with the vivi nova tanks, but I think they're top coils. I've used a couple of the iClear tanks (the 16 and the 30), and I personally don't care for the top coil tanks. I've used a lot of EVOD tanks, and now pretty much use Protank 2s with airflow controllers.

Good luck (and feel free to rant) Hopefully you find something that works for you (and your little one!)

ETA: just saw one of your responses - the Protank 3 is also a dual (but bottom) coil. Your Spinner should be able to handle the dual coils. If you can find your PT2, that might be good, too.
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Super Member
Oct 26, 2014
Berks, Pennsy, 'Murrica
Are you sure you got a genuine Aspire unit and coils? That sounds like a similar complaint people have when they get knock-off coils from shady ebay dealers. My first step would be going to the dealer you bought it from, and have them give you some new coils, and verify that what they're selling you is genuine. Also find out what VG/PG ratio your juice is at, as dry hits can come from high VG juices in clearomizers.

As far as a no-fiddle setup...they havent made it yet, lol. Everything is gonna take a little maintenance and tweaking, but a PT and Spinner are about as no-fuss as it gets right now.
I was just talking about this with someone today. There is a lot more "fiddling" with stuff involved in vaping VS smoking. With smoking, you either have cigarettes or you don't, you either have fluid in your lighter or you don't, and both of those situations can be resolved with a trip to the store that takes maybe 5 minutes. With vaping, there is more stuff to keep track of, and a learning curve. I think that it's worth it, both because I feel better not smoking, and because the taste is much better than cigarettes, but everyone is different.

I think you will like your Protank 3, and the variable voltage batteries like the spinner let you customize how hot your vape is which is more satisfying especially when you've just stopped smoking. Personally, I know everyone and their mama and their dog loves the stupid Aspire BVC coils…but I am not a fan. They have a bad taste to me no matter what that has nothing to do with wicking or dry hits and I believe everything to do with what the wicking material is made of. When I started vaping, I said I wasn't going to fool with rebuildable coils but I've been using a RTA now for three days and I'm a believer. The taste and satisfying vapor are better, and I can make my own coils myself instead of either having a coil stockpile or having to run across town to buy a new coil if mine unexpectedly poops out.

Good luck. I hope your new setup works better for you, and that you can figure out a way to make vaping enjoyable.

ETA: I agree with the poster above…you most likely have a shop near you where someone is capable of rebuilding coils for you, so if you decide to go with a rebuildable tank it is possible to have them do the coils for you and then you just have to change out the cotton every few days which is easy peasy.
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Full Member
Nov 5, 2014
Yeah my shop does my coils for me for free when I buy juice there! But yeah the more I vape the less I smoke. I used to be a half pack a day guy but now I smoke 2 cigarettes a day and when I light up I don't even finish because it taste like doo doo!

As far as the vape tongue, the guy at the shop told my boss to chew mint leaves haha. I have not experienced this yet but we had some mojitos and he said it actually helped haha!


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Dec 3, 2014
This tank was supposedly a bottom coil. I asked for it specifically...if it's not, that's going to make me ....... I paid A LOT of money (IMO) for a set up that doesn't even work. he told me it was an aspire BDC brother had to rebuild it.
I do agree that maybe I'm experiencing a new change in taste buds...but it tastes like plastic.
I bought vanilla homemade ice cream from SS vape. I have new stuff coming in the mail. I'm weird about changing fluids because I don't know how to change them I guess. I mean how do you get ALL the juice out without a hassle?
This tank was supposedly a bottom coil. I asked for it specifically...if it's not, that's going to make me ....... I paid A LOT of money (IMO) for a set up that doesn't even work. he told me it was an aspire BDC brother had to rebuild it.
I do agree that maybe I'm experiencing a new change in taste buds...but it tastes like plastic.
I bought vanilla homemade ice cream from SS vape. I have new stuff coming in the mail. I'm weird about changing fluids because I don't know how to change them I guess. I mean how do you get ALL the juice out without a hassle?

You can unscrew the bottom (which probably has the coil in it, you'll be able to see it sticking out if the tank unscrews from the bottom) and run the tank…not the coil/bottom part, just the tank…under the tap and wash it out. You can dry the inside out with a q-tip or a rolled up paper towel piece. Then, just fill it up and screw the bottom part back on. I doubt you have a tank with the coil at the top…if you did, you would be able to see the long white wick hanging down inside the tank.

I would take it back where you got it, tell them the problems you are having, and they will probably help you fix it. Maybe I'm lucky, but so far all the vape shops around here are really super helpful to new vapers. Hopefully yours will be too. It is in their best interest for you to be satisfied with your equipment, since that means you will become a loyal regular customer. :)


ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
I went to the local brick and mortar and bought a (nother) start up kit. I bought the vivi nova aspire tank and a 650 mah battery. The aspire tank kept giving me dry hit after dry hit. It was nauseating and after the end of a 12 hour work shift, it felt like I was getting a cold. My throat hurt that bad. I talked to my bro and he rebuilt and removed one of the coils. His idea was that the battery couldn't handle the dual coils and it was giving dry hits or something. The set up worked through the night and gave great hits and it has worked all day today.

Tonight while sitting here, my hits have been tasting like plastic almost. Not even burnt plastic, just plastic. They're not dry, but it's just annoying.

AFAIK, the Aspire Vivi Nova is a plastic tank, and is bottom dual coil. If so, the juice you're vaping may be eating away at it, hence the plastic taste. There are numerous similar juices, called tank crackers, that will do that. Some do it in literally minutes, some a day or so. Your vape mail Protanks are pyrex, so won't be affected by the juice.

Empty the tank and wash / rinse well in hot running water, then dry it. If it looks etched, that's what's going on, and the tank is shot, unless you like inhaling plastic. And just dump the juice that's in it, since it's already contaminated... :(
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