Gordon/Vitale Bill Would Ban Sale Of So-Called “E-Cigarettes”

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The only thing that makes any sense to me is that big tobacco is having a fit and riding the fda (possibly bribing them too) to do away with our PV's cause they are in fear of losing money.


As long as we are outside of the grasp of Big tobacco, they will use their lobby for laws like this one.


Ultra Member
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Sep 13, 2009
So. California, USA
the epa has just issued a statement that says co2 is a pollutant and must be regulated. The nannies are winning and it sucks. And the most sad part is they actually believe the lies. I just pray we get the "right" side back in power to try and stop this rediculous chit.

amen brother!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2009
Lemurcat, the antis are in the pocket of Big Pharma, not the tobacco companies. Johnson and Johnson, which makes smoking cessation drugs, is headquartered in New Jersey. The e cig presents a huge threat to the drug companies' profits and, in turn, their very substantial donations to the anti-smoker groups.

It seems to me, if this law passes, they should have to prove in court the harmful properties of e cigs. Just because it "looks like smoke" or produces a vapor does not make it harmful. The whole reasoning behind bans is that CIGARETTE smoke is supposedly "hazardous" to nonsmokers. Since vapor from e cigs dissipates rapidly and only a minute portion of the cartridge's contents are exhaled, there should be no legal or logical reason for this ban. Of course, the antis know most opponents can't afford a lawsuit (unless they can find a lawyer who would do it pro bono).
Lemurcat, the antis are in the pocket of Big Pharma, not the tobacco companies. Johnson and Johnson, which makes smoking cessation drugs, is headquartered in New Jersey. The e cig presents a huge threat to the drug companies' profits and, in turn, their very substantial donations to the anti-smoker groups.

They're in the pocket of both, my friend. Trust me, NJ politicians simply cannot afford to run a state campaign without funding from multiple lobbies. I've worked on enough campaigns in this state to know who's backing what.
And let's not forget tax revenue from cigarettes; the states and Feds get far too much tax money to tolerate some upstart device that is taking a lot of that money away from them.

It is always a case of follow the money. Public health is just their excuse and this ban proves it.

Especially when you read the bill and come to the logical (but probably incorrect) conclusion that it also bans inhaled asthma medication.


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Aug 16, 2009
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Senior Member
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Sep 13, 2009
Alameda County, CA
Yeah. It's a state full of VERY smart people.

Make no mistake, the people trying to pass laws like this are not stupid. They're intellectually dishonest on purpose.

If this passes and NJ is *really* full of smart vapers, they'd sue the State for mandating that a class of non-smokers be forced to breathe 2nd-hand and sidestream smoke due to their stupid law.

This would force the debate that they chose not to have; why are you trying to punish a class of non-smokers because they LOOK DIFFERENT THAN YOU?!?

"Weeelllll...they sure look like smokers!" may not actually cut it in court.

I'm not just "talking Internet smack" here; I would exercise all manner of civil disobedience if such a law comes to my State because I will not comply with a law that puts me in mortal danger...especially by the Majority. It is completely and utterly "un-American" and intolerable.

We might not have a "right to vape" inherently...but bans that regulate non-smoking pv users as smokers definitely violates a right or two here and there.

I mean seriously...when Kristin posted her letter to NJ on another thread I was like "Yeah what the HELL?!?! There is no WAY I would EVER put myself in a little box with a bunch of people SMOKING when I am NOT SMOKING. I *quit smoking* to avoid that!!!"

I read all the time the plea that "if eCigs are banned then (whomever) will be forced back to deadly cigarettes."

I am far from 'ultra-radical' but there is a line you just don't budge from. No one is going to *make* me smoke again...and I damned sure would not stand for being forced to suck of cigarette smoke because I might *offend someone's eyes* by "looking like" I'm smoking.

Forget all the "numbers" and the "proof"...just call them on this simple twisted notion:

"Would you force other non-smokers to breathe second-hand and sidestream cigarette smoke? This is essentially what you are proposing to 1000's of NJ non-smoking voters..."



Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Nov 10, 2009
Rhode Island
I agree MrKai. I can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke anymore, I can't even stand the smell of an ashtray !

Why should I be forced to vape next to smokers, just because it "looks like smoking". The attitude of anti-smokers is "no alternatives, either smoke or quit, period" and the attitude of politicians is "we want money and we aren't getting any from e-cigs". As far as contacting them, you might as well talk to the wall, for all the good it will do.

On another note, the ASHcan has posted today "E-Cigs Targeting Children". He's on the attack again!!!!!


Full Member
Nov 25, 2009
I love how they keep bringing "antifreeze" into it.

"Propylene glycol, which is used in antifreeze, is the liquid that vaporizes when a person exhales and produces a mist that is nearly identical in appearance to tobacco smoke"

So what if it's used in antifreeze? PG is found in alot of products and has been deemed as safe use. And as far as not knowing the effects of inhaling it...It's in my husbands asthma inhaler, so if it's safe for him to inhale, why not me? PG's also in injectable meds as well to dilute and thin out thick IV meds. If it can be injected directly into my blood without incident, then I'm not worried about it. And yeah, it may be an irritant...but so is the air I breathe everyday thanks to cars, factorys, second-hand smoke, yada yada yada.

I don't understand the fda's arguments about the e-cig. the ingredients consist of things that have already been deemed safe (by them) and are used in a myriad of other products. The only thing that makes any sense to me is that big tobacco is having a fit and riding the fda (possibly bribing them too) to do away with our PV's cause they are in fear of losing money.

just found this: The Dangers of Inhaling Propylene Glycol

excellent article very interesting also it puts my fears to rest regarding inhaling PG thanks!!!!!
Based on the text of the legislation, Big Pharma and Big Tobacco money would be better spent on the education system. It seems NJ's law makers may be illiterate as well as truly stupid!

Big Pharma and Big Tobacco are getting them elected, not funding the state. That's primarily done through property taxes, especially since our brilliant electorate shot down an increase in our sales tax. And yes, I do believe a good deal of our elected representatives are actually functioning illiterates.

Does anyone on this forum actually live in New Jersey?

Not only live in NJ, but am the sister of a local politician. Unfortunately for me, she in opposition to our senators.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
38-0 after a flurry of lobbying phone calls from e-cig users?

And the governor is supposed to veto a 38-0 piece of legislation? Governing bodies couldn't get a unanimous vote like that to declare a new federal Day Off to Goof Off.

I'm surprised only by the unanimous vote. E-smoking could not persuade even one legislator to allow this harm reduction tactic in public places. Not one. How overwhelming is that fact?

And if reason won't prevail, where do we go from here?
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