Have you ever nailed it on the first try?

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Screamin Eagle

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Aug 15, 2013
Have you ever tried to make a mixed flavored juice, out of the blue, and gotten it right the first time?

I had some chocolate flavoring, and some cherry flavoring lying around so i desided to try to make a Cordial Cherry (chocolate covered cherry) juice, and I think I got it right!! It tastes better then I thought it would.

So has anyone else just thrown something together and had it work out stright away?


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I've made Many Mixes that were Very Good right out of the Gate.

But I go into a Mix with Little Expectation of what the taste Should be. So if it taste Good, but perhaps not the taste I was Shooting for, I am still happy.

I think where Many People get Very Frustrated is when they start a Recipe that they want to taste Exactly like something they have had before. Making a Mix like this can be Very Difficult.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I always nail it on the last try.

Every once in awhile, the last try is also the first try.

That reminds me of a Winston Churchill quote regard the air Battle of Britain.

"This is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Screamin Eagle

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Aug 15, 2013
Wow, you got Chocolate AND Cherry to be good on your first try? Pats you on the back.

Share your tips and tricks please? Pretty please???

Oh, and I'm like Zoidman, as long as it tastes good enough, I'm okay with that. I'm not cloning anything, just trying to make it day by day.

There really isn't any trick to it. Unless you count the fact that I believe that if you open a bottle of flavoring (I use drams of LorAnns), and you can smell it with it sitting on your desk at about two feet away from your face, chances are you need to go a little light with it to start. Plus I had already gotten the cherry flavor pretty much down. All I was doing was adding a little chocolate to it.

Another thing to remember is that some vendors chocolate is bitter. So you will have to sweeten it. But if you want to see the percentages I'm going to post the recipe in this post... http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/e-liquid-recipes/439217-simple-recipes.html . But hey! If you try it, let me know how you like it.
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