How would (or do) you explain a P.V. mod to the police???

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2011
Just tell them that it's a nicotine device and that it's a version of an e-cig. If they want to be dicks about it, don't provoke them, just tell them to use one of their fancy field tests for drugs if they think it's something illegal. You are kinda more likely to get pulled over if a cop sees you puffing on a box mod with a clearomizer, not inconspicuous at all.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2010
LoL Our cops (we have several in my place of business almost daily)... just thought I was chewing on a pen (was eGo with Boge 2ohm carto)! So observant! It wasn't until I asked him if he'd seen them around and blew a puff of vapor in the board room that it really caught his eye.

Perhaps it would have been different if he passed me while driving ;)


Senior Member
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Mar 12, 2011
Sherwood, AR
With all due respect (and I sincerely mean that I do have respect for LEOs), it's not your place to have to explain to them what something is. Inhaling nicotine is not illegal, whether you're doing it out of a pipe, a cigarette, from half a coconut filled with egg whites, or from some funky apparatus that looks like it was made by a glassblower with a bad case of the hiccups.

Instead, just tell them the truth, being kind and patient. Like many adults, you enjoy inhaling nicotine and find vaping to be more enjoyable than smoking, and this device is used for that purpose. If they are still suspicious, chances are you'll have some juice in it and that's a perfect opportunity to negate the officer's suspicion. As many officers carry kits to test for known narcotics, you might ask if they'd be comfortable with testing a sample of the juice that's in it. That should be enough to assure them that while your tastes in nicotine absorption might be unorthodox, you certainly have nothing to hide. And if they DO actually test it, it'll just back up your story.


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Mar 3, 2011
You dont show the police anything.. or tell them anything. You let them ask questions FIRST. Do not reveal any information beyond the basics of their questions. Yes or no answers are good enough for almost anything a public servant can think up on their own.

Dont brag, dont indulge, dont chit-chat, dont reveal, dont do anything with police because they will just make your life miserable and frankly, they dont deserve your time. Let them get on with real work investigating crimes.

And never give them the satisfaction because thats what they're looking for.. remember, these people are either bullies from high school or suffering PTSD from some foreign conflict... they're seeking what you aren't.

Most of all.. dont think you can trust them for a split second, because you cant.


Retired ECF Forum Manager
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Dec 17, 2010
Lurking in the shadows
if you are really that worried about you ability to express yourself in a coherent manner to a LEO then you could always print some of the info flyers from casaa.

Taking an aggressive, evasive or confrontational stance as suggested by some people in this thread is just stupid. Be polite and give information and your encounter is more likely to end with a positive outcome.


Senior Member
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Mar 3, 2011
I dont care if the police respect me... that's irrelevant. What they need is a damned good reason to even speak to me in the first place. I'm a free individual and you are too. They have as much right to interrupt your pursuit of happiness as I do, and how much respect would you afford me if I just happen to pull you over to make my monthly quota?


Vaping Master
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Aug 7, 2009
jp(APO)Camp Z us
I dont care if the police respect me... that's irrelevant. What they need is a damned good reason to even speak to me in the first place. I'm a free individual and you are too. They have as much right to interrupt your pursuit of happiness as I do, and how much respect would you afford me if I just happen to pull you over to make my monthly quota?

paranoid much?


Senior Member
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Mar 3, 2011
Wondered myself about that situation so I put a couple of vendor's cards in my wallet!

You don't need to explain yourself to them. They're just public servants, no more worthy than a dog catcher or garbage collector, but if you start talking and give them a reason... thats your fault.

Dont say anything to them.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
Most all the stories I've read about cop encounters on this forum have resulted in the police taking a business card or jotting down the ECF website in their little book. Many, it seems, either want to quit smoking or know someone who does. I believe they must pass some sort of intelligence test unlike the majority of us.


Full Member
Mar 18, 2011
And never give them the satisfaction because thats what they're looking for.. remember, these people are either bullies from high school or suffering PTSD from some foreign conflict... they're seeking what you aren't.

Most of all.. dont think you can trust them for a split second, because you cant.
:facepalm: Geeze, a cop isn't this horrible, evil person out to screw you over for their own pleasure.
No need to put down cops and soldiers. I have two brothers, ones a cop and one is going to a military college, bound for the navy.
Neither where high school bullies, and while there are some cops who are just AH, most do not get any pleasure out of messing up random people's days. My brother tells stories all the time, and the only people he screws over are people who lie, or act agressive/rude/above the law. Remember that they're people too. As my brother says, it's easy to see why AH cops are the way they are, with all the AH they have to deal with. Just remember they're a person, and maybe they'll keep in mind that you're one too.

And yeah, if you just say "it's a nicotine inhaler" they'll most likely just get curious and want to know more, take it as a good opportunity to spread a positive word about e-cigs instead of getting defensive or going on the offense. Worst case scenario, they'll test your juice.

Most cops can tell when you're lying anyway, by your body language/eye movements. They learn about it in the police academy.
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