I can't make nothing that sticks..

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Moved On
Jun 20, 2019
Trying to mix something with out knowing what you're mixing is like hoping to win the lottery. Start simple. Make just orange juice. Also, make a bottle of mango... Etc. If you really want to get creative, fill a tank with mango, then drop a few drops of the orange concentrate straight onto the coil, and see how the flavor changes as it fades.

That's not precise. And i don't have a rda. Why's everyone assuming i have one? I never had an RDA. I should get one maybe.


Moved On
Jun 20, 2019
This is your third post about orange flavors.
re: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/search/13830719/
You may benefit by trying these different tweaks and your results:
Atty air flow settings
Wire materials
Proven rated recipe's (how many and which ones?)
RDAs, Tanks
Wick materials (new or other)
What did you clean your pallet with prior to tasting?
Steep times
The above should keep you on your toes for a good month minimum. Be sure to keep us posted.:)

No. Negative. All those settings will not work. Take care.


Vaping Master
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Apr 25, 2014
toledo ohio
That's not precise. And i don't have a RDA. Why's everyone assuming i have one? I never had an RDA. I should get one maybe.

Nobody is assuming you have a dripper. We’re suggesting you try one. It’s the easiest way to know how the juice is coming along.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
No it's one dimensional flavoring not enough of the right types of flavoring to ADD to the fruit and a complete unwillingness to steep.

If I vaped a single "juicy orange" flavor at whatever percentage I would probably taste nothing too.

You need to start with one shots, get the feel of a little success that lets you be patient with the other stuff.

One shots; premade flavoring mixes that can be shaken and vaped although many improve with a bit of steeping.

You gots a lot to learn, get some one shots and thank me later



Moved On
Jun 20, 2019
Complete? Vapers tongue maybe? Dunno.

It's not 100% muted, but i'd say 90%. This is after adding small amounts of other stuff. It is possible that i simply got the crappiest "orange" flavour that there is. I am watching more of the "noted" show now and taking notes from that and others, and the one i got is not even mentioned, so i guess it's beginner's luck. Bad luck that is.
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Moved On
Jun 20, 2019
No it's one dimensional flavoring not enough of the right types of flavoring to ADD to the fruit and a complete unwillingness to steep.

If I vaped a single "juicy orange" flavor at whatever percentage I would probably taste nothing too.

You need to start with one shots, get the feel of a little success that lets you be patient with the other stuff.

One shots; premade flavoring mixes that can be shaken and vaped although many improve with a bit of steeping.

You gots a lot to learn, get some one shots and thank me later


I wanna make my own. So i guess i need more than one orange flavour, to make one. Does this principle apply to other fruits too, say a banana? I would need more than one banana flavour from different companies? What about say a bakery, or a chocolate? One of my ideas is to simply make a chocolate mousse, but i guess that is not as simple as it sounds. This is harder than cooking..


Moved On
Jun 20, 2019
Nobody is assuming you have a dripper. We’re suggesting you try one. It’s the easiest way to know how the juice is coming along.

And which one would be best? I have no experience with drippers. I guess since there's no tank per say, you can make modifications to the existing juice right away, without screwing up the percentages too much..cuz you're only dripping tiny amounts.


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Jan 20, 2013
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It's not 100% muted, but i'd say 90%. This is after adding small amounts of other stuff. It is possible that i simply got the crappiest "orange" flavour that there is. I am watching more of the "noted" show now and taking notes from that and others, and the one i got is not even mentioned, so i guess it's beginner's luck. Bad luck that is.
This sounds like vapers tongue. Not being able to taste many different mixes. It seems more likely that rather than all your flavors being terrible. Sometimes you need to clean the palate to get the flavor back. It’s happened to me with a juice I know is tasty but because I got vapers tongue I barely taste it. I think folks have recommended smelling coffee beans. Mouth wash works also or maybe just vape some base without any flavoring. Start from scratch and slowly add a flavoring to find your threshold when the flavors come in.


Moved On
Jun 20, 2019
This sounds like vapers tongue. Not being able to taste many different mixes. It seems more likely that rather than all your flavors being terrible. Sometimes you need to clean the palate to get the flavor back. It’s happened to me with a juice I know is tasty but because I got vapers tongue I barely taste it. I think folks have recommended smelling coffee beans. Mouth wash works also or maybe just vape some base without any flavoring. Start from scratch and slowly add a flavoring to find your threshold when the flavors come in.

Lol. Mine was crappy from the start. And i almost never get vapor's tongue. VT feels more like a lessening of the flavour for me, not a complete muting.
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Vaping Master
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Feb 20, 2015
Boise, ID
@DIYNoob, I am confused... :confused:

You say you can not taste anything (in your DIY efforts), yet you posted success here:
My first 2 flavour juice!

Is this an issue of "you can't taste anything?" Or, is it more "it doesn't taste the way you want?"

Atomizers do make a difference... drippers, or tanks.

I get that it is frustrating. One wants what one wants... now. But, the very thing that makes DIY so versatile, also makes it demanding of experience. You have to be willing to spend some time to learn how any given concentrate works with the atomizer you are using.

If you don't want to invest that time/effort, you will be disappointed. Stick to commercial mixes. There is nothing wrong with this. I get that most folks have more... better... things to do with there lives. But, if you want to truly understand the ingredients you are using, you have to experiment with them. And, experimentation includes failure... as well as success.

Experimentation is trying ONE ingredient higher, and lower, than what you think might be "right." Then, once you get that ingredient where you want, figuring out what... and where... the next ingredient should be.

DIY takes time, repetition, and a willingness to fail... and keep on trying to find success. If that sounds like too much effort/time... hang it up for another day. (There is nothing that says you can't revisit DIY another day.)

There is nothing wrong with CAP Juicy Orange. You have to only learn (through experimentation) how best to use it... for the hardware you are using it in. It will not give you a "sour" note.... nothing will, as the acid compounds do not vaporize at the temperatures we vape at. (Yes, we can throw more acids in the mix, and then we will be .....ing about how our coils crud up... that still does not fix the problem).

Maybe (???) another orange might (???) be better. You can't say, until you try. They only thing I can say with any certainty is, if you walk in with the attitude of "this won't work," is you are right. And... none of us can help. You have already acquiesced.

When you adopt the attitude of "I have tried A, B, and C" (and can be specific), followed up by "what else might I try".... then, and only then, might we be able to help. For now, as I am reading your posts, you want to quit.

If I have totally misjudged you (for which I apologize); you will say "I tried (blank) and this was my result." "I tried (that) and that was my result." Replying "no, no, no" simply says (to me) "I am not hearing what I want... try again." That thinking, and response, earns you the same "I don't care," as you have so far showed those who have tried to help.

Before you feel indigent, and defend yourself; reread your posts, from an outsider's viewpoint (not knowing what you are thinking), and how you would respond to them. I get that something that seems so (mostly) obvious, should not be so difficult. But... if that were true, commercial e-liquid manufactures would all be out of business, and everyone would be making there own. That is not the case... and for a reason. Vape commercial... vape your own (DIY)... I will never judge anyone on either side of the fence. Just don't be a tool when you are wanting assistance.

I genuinely hope you find something that works for you...
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Moved On
Jun 20, 2019
@DIYNoob, I am confused... :confused:

You say you can not taste anything (in your DIY efforts), yet you posted success here:
My first 2 flavour juice!

Is this an issue of "you can't taste anything?" Or, is it more "it doesn't taste the way you want?"

Atomizers do make a difference... drippers, or tanks.

I get that it is frustrating. One wants what one wants... now. But, the very thing that makes DIY so versatile, also makes it demanding of experience. You have to be willing to spend some time to learn how any given concentrate works with the atomizer you are using.

If you don't want to invest that time/effort, you will be disappointed. Stick to commercial mixes. There is nothing wrong with this. I get that most folks have more... better... things to do with there lives. But, if you want to truly understand the ingredients you are using, you have to experiment with them. And, experimentation includes failure... as well as success.

Experimentation is trying ONE ingredient higher, and lower, than what you think might be "right." Then, once you get that ingredient where you want, figuring out what... and where... the next ingredient should be.

DIY takes time, repetition, and a willingness to fail... and keep on trying to find success. If that sounds like too much effort/time... hang it up for another day. (There is nothing that says you can't revisit DIY another day.)

There is nothing wrong with CAP Juicy Orange. You have to only learn (through experimentation) how best to use it... for the hardware you are using it in. It will not give you a "sour" note.... nothing will, as the acid compounds do not vaporize at the temperatures we vape at. (Yes, we can throw more acids in the mix, and then we will be .....ing about how our coils crud up... that still does not fix the problem).

Maybe (???) another orange might (???) be better. You can't say, until you try. They only thing I can say with any certainty is, if you walk in with the attitude of "this won't work," is you are right. And... none of us can help. You have already acquiesced.

When you adopt the attitude of "I have tried A, B, and C" (and can be specific), followed up by "what else might I try".... then, and only then, might we be able to help. For now, as I am reading your posts, you want to quit.

If I have totally misjudged you (for which I apologize); you will say "I tried (blank) and this was my result." "I tried (that) and that was my result." Replying "no, no, no" simply says (to me) "I am not hearing what I want... try again." That thinking, and response, earns you the same "I don't care," as you have so far showed those who have tried to help.

Before you feel indigent, and defend yourself; reread your posts, from an outsider's viewpoint (not knowing what you are thinking), and how you would respond to them. I get that something that seems so (mostly) obvious, should not be so difficult. But... if that were true, commercial e-liquid manufactures would all be out of business, and everyone would be making there own. That is not the case... and for a reason. Vape commercial... vape your own (DIY)... I will never judge anyone on either side of the fence. Just don't be a tool when you are wanting assistance.

I genuinely hope you find something that works for you...

I don't know i think i'm just dissapointed over the fact i can't make a fruit properly, and all the fruit flavours i have seem to cancel each other. So i spent all these money, and now i have to spend more, to get the right ingredients, but what ARE the right ingredients? Noone knows.
If i try to make a bakery with the ingredients i have, i'm being told again, i don't have the arsenal for it, and they will taste like crap, and they do. I got this "Glazed Doughnut" flavour, it tastes like a burnt doughnut dipped in Rum, that's no doughnut i want to taste, like ever. So that was a waste of money, too. I'm learning more now, about what works, and, the truth is, out of 30 or so flavours for each fruit/bakery/cream, maybe 3 or 4 are usable, and the rest are garbage/waste of money.


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
If i try to make a bakery with the ingredients i have, i'm being told again, i don't have the arsenal for it, and they will taste like crap, and they do. I got this "Glazed Doughnut" flavour, it tastes like a burnt doughnut dipped in Rum, that's no doughnut i want to taste, like ever. So that was a waste of money, too. I'm learning more now, about what works, and, the truth is, out of 30 or so flavours for each fruit/bakery/cream, maybe 3 or 4 are usable, and the rest are garbage/waste of money.

If you'll list the exact flavorings you have, people on here can likely recommend a recipe or 2 that you could make with some of them. If you have all primary flavorings though (main ones in a recipe), but no blenders or secondary ones (like creams, custards, etc.) you'll likely get suggestions of some you'd need...to make a complete, good-tasting, finished recipe. Sometimes, an additive or 2 will complete a recipe, too. No one knows right now though...what you have to work with, or could use to help you out.

You need to list each 1 like below though, with the brand and the specific flavor name. There are many different variations of Strawberry flavoring, Orange flavoring, etc. So the exact name is needed.

TFA Strawberry Ripe (that's The Flavor Apprentice brand)
CAP Juicy Orange (we'll know that's Capella brand)

Some other brand abbreviations, so you won't need to write the whole brand name out:
FW = Flavor West
FA - Flavor Art
INW = Inawera
RF = Real Flavors
WF = Wonder Flavors

There are others, but those seem to be the main ones. If you have a different one, just write it out.
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Citrus Junkie
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Apr 2, 2017
West Frankfort, IL
To make an orange pop you have to keep tha additive flavor low 0.2-0.5. Best oranges for me are:
FW blood orange
FA blood orange
CAP sweet tangerine or WF (SC) tangerine, very similar, FW tangerine isn't bad either but I prefer the other two
FLV tangerine is useful but keep it low 0.5, not really necessary but does add a little punch
TFA orange mandarin
FA tanger (mandarin) and INW shisha orange are both good but do fade quite a bit
My must haves to use with orange mixes:
INW cactus, juiciness 0.5 or below
TFA dragon fruit or FA kiwi, juicy/tart 0.5 or below. if you over did the orange DF at 1 can help
HS cream and TFA vanilla swirl are my preferred cream with citrus
Apricot, peach, or mango, adds pop, start at 0.2 and go from there
If you like florals TFA honeysuckle, INW purple rain (violet vanilla) or FA violet , FA jasmine, FLV elderflower
These are the ones that appeal to me, several really shine with a longer steep but most are okay at 2 weeks.


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Dec 24, 2013
High Desert, CA
I don't know i think i'm just dissapointed over the fact i can't make a fruit properly, and all the fruit flavours i have seem to cancel each other. So i spent all these money, and now i have to spend more, to get the right ingredients, but what ARE the right ingredients? Noone knows.

This is patently false. I know exactly what the right ingredients are for my juices that are pleasing to me. Does that mean it will be the right ingredients for you? Not necessarily... it's up to you to discover that. If you make a 10Ml sample of 5% Juicy Orange and can't taste the Orange at all, then you have something quite different in your taste buds than most folks. Even if you decide you aren't a fan of that particular orange, you should be able to taste it. Here is where an RDA is very valuable, you can at least immediately taste the results of a quick test without going through the trouble of filling a tank after changing the wicking and cleaning so your not mixing the flavor with the last juice. I can't imagine the frustration that would involve testing juices at various percentages with any type of tank. Get an RDA... even a cheap one to test with and start getting to know your flavors by themselves before trying a multi-flavor mix. This is most important with your primary flavors of a juice, in this case orange, but really applies to all flavors when you get serious about mixing.

Until you get a grip on your primary flavor characteristics, you really don't stand much of a chance of getting a good juice, much less an ADV that you will be vaping for years down the road. Ultimately, it's up to you if you have the patience and resolve to do the work to create new palatable juices. No one said it's easy because it's not. But, if I can do it, and many others here can do it, then with the right focus and patience you can also do it. It will require a completely different approach from what you're doing now... and a much better attitude. Every failure is your mix talking to you and should be a learning experience you can build on. Right now you're sounding like you're not willing to put in the work or change your method that many are recommending. And most of the advice you are getting is really solid advice.

This post is not meant to discourage you, it is meant to get you to change your direction so you can be successful in mixing. Oh... and BTW, never buy just 1 primary flavoring, buy at least three (and preferably more than that) so you can properly test not only single flavors but flavor profile mixes. This save a lot of time and lets you dial in flavors to your preference without having to hope you got the right orange the first time since you probably won't.

Feel free to ignore everything I said though.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
It is kind of a shame.

After every mixing session I think to myself, as I finish, dang MIXING is WORK. I also happen to love it, but it's very possibly more work than RTAs especially in the beginning.

I find it more satisfying but not everyone does. Some people are not cut out to mix.

OP, unless you begin heeding suggestions, I might say: cut your losses. You may be sad in the end of times when you don't have it DOWN but it is WORK.

I am TIRED by the time I've done 8 or so mixes very tired, actually. And I started with one flavor testers and I still do.

Unless you want one shots (which I do not even believe you have inquired what they ARE though I mentioned them) expect failure before success.

Whining will not change failure before success. I do not believe you have the ingredients you need to make a successful mix at the moment, your percentages are a mess, and you aren't ASKING questions or heeding advice.

You should. Your life will be easier.

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