I need your help!!!

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Full Member
Apr 6, 2009
I have just been added to the agenda to raise awarness about e-cigarettes with my citys council, i need your help in coming up with a bullet point poresentation of things i should mention.

im not going to be saying they are an aid to quit but a replacement.

my only goal is to get this information to the chief of police who can then tell his officers that they are not drug paraphaneilia or a cigarette.

i was told by a commisioner that i would need to come up with about 8 bullet points i would need to talk about.

what would you guys reccomend i mention.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Chicago, IL
I would say you need to show the e-cig and some juice so people understand what those look like, especially officers. I would also make sure you are on your P's and Q's about the word smoking. Makes sure it is always referred to as vaping.


* E-Cig cartridges and juice contain no tobacco or tar just liquid nicotine, water, PG and flavoring ( you will need to explain what PG is and it's uses in day to day foods, etc)

* Maybe explain how cartridges work and how people refill them with liquid. That way the officers know what they are looking at when they see it or see someone doing it.

* There is no first or second hand smoke. Vapor is produced containing primarily water and is virtually odorless (maybe explain some flavored carts may leave a scent behind for a few seconds and that vapor dissipates in a few seconds- there is no lingering vapor. This is important if you want to vape in close quarters, etc.)

There are quite a few bullet points I can think of but they may not apply to your audience. Since you are doing it for your city council, I don't think they care about costs / flavors / etc but more about how it effects people around them when you use them. Just be careful not to fall into the Smoking Everywhere trap - do not talk about them as healthy alternatives. They are a replacement containing no tar & tobacco.

Just a few ideas! Good luck!
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
You are on the right track. Point out that they are an "alternative to smoking that produces only water vapor similar to a vaporizer used in a bedroom when you have a cold".

I would also point out that they have been independently tested in New Zealand and found to have no adverse effects on users or those near to users. PM Sun Vaporer for the actual report as I think he has it as well as much more information.

If you haven't seen this article and the referrance to Dr. Siegel's comments who is an anti-smoking advocate, it might be helpful:

Jacob Sullum : Where's the Fire? - Townhall.com

Very Important: DO NOT CALL THEM E-CIGARETTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to break the connection. Call them PERSONAL VAPORIZERS OR PV'S.

I also assume you are going to demonstrate yours. Make sure it is fully charged and operating correctly. Use a tobacco flavored liquid and get close to the memebers so they can see they don't have a smell.

Also, you may want to make up 10-20 small cards or pieces of paper with the forum's web site, E-smoking magazine web site, Rite to Vape web site, etc on it to hand out. And you might want to have copies of Dr Seigel's article to hand out.

Here is another good article that you can provide them:

Electronic Smokers Magazine

Good Luck

Closet Toker

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 7, 2009
Trempealeau, WI.
1.) No tobacco.

2.) No "illegal" substances are burn't

3.) It is smokless. When exhaled, the "smoke" is actually water vapor (produced by Proplene Glyco) No toxins are released, therefore no second hand smoke.

4.) Any "odor" is actually essence produced by candy extracts (flavorings)

5.) They are flameless (fireless), do not burn like a norm. tobacco cig. The liquid inside is heated, not burned. They are actually mini-vaporizers.

6.) They are not illegal by law (yet).

7.) Create a poster or smaller diagram (video) showing disection (anatomy) of a e-cigarette. Showcomponents and explain how it works.

8.) Use positive qoutes and literature from Doctors/health organizers (tobacco harm reduction) (Show the positive view points on overall harmreduction)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2009
im not going to be saying they are an aid to quit but a replacement.

my only goal is to get this information to the chief of police who can then tell his officers that they are not drug paraphaneilia or a cigarette.

what would you guys reccomend i mention.

These are the points I think the police should know
in case someone is reported for "smoking" or having a "drug" kit
1. Personal Vaporizers are being used as a substitute for cigarettes
2. Although not legally classified as a smoking cessation aid or an NRT (yet), there are many personal testimonials that it has helped smokers quit or cut back
3. The e-liquid used may or may not contain nicotine
4. The vapor is not a carcinogen or pollutant (compare to 2nd/3rd hand smoke)
5. The vapor is generally considered odorless
6. Those that use PVs will most likely have a vial of e-liquid on them
Demo of a PV and accessory kits (vials of e-liquid, batts, tweezers, etc)

Best of luck to you revdrlon, this is a great opportunity!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Here is another point that you may want to research or add which was posted on here today:

For instance, David Sweanor, who has worked with many health regulators including the WHO, said in a recent interview, “If there is anyone who believes cigarettes are no more hazardous than e-cigarettes I'd recommend a remedial course in basic sciences.”

And then there’s Dr. Joel Nitzkin. He is the Chair of the Tobacco Control Task Force for the American Association of Public Health Physicians, recently sent a letter to Senator Lautenberg. In it Nitzkin states, “As best we can tell, on the basis of currently available research data, these products [including but not limited to electronic cigarettes] promise a risk of illness and death well under 1% of the risk posed by cigarettes.”

Full article:

Just off the top of my head, in no particular order, you might want to know:

  • In Washington State, our Attorney General has explicitly stated that PV's do not violate any smoking ban.
  • In South Dakota (I think -- might want to do a search), PV's were specifically mentioned as not being included in a recent ban on products that emulate cigarettes.
  • Many people will revert to traditional cigarettes if deprived of PV's. Advantages, for the community, include:
    • No cigarette .... litter in parks, on streets & sidewalks, etc.
    • No fire hazard.
    • No second-hand smoke.
    • Increased worker productivity -- no longer any need to get up and go outside to catch a smoke.
    • Healthier people! I, among others, have noticed how much clearer my lungs are, how much better I sleep for not coughing through the night, etc.
  • "Nicotine is an alkaloid found in certain plants, predominantly tobacco, and in lower quantities tomato, potato, eggplant, cauliflower, green peppers and some teas" (apologies to RefillMyNJOY.com -- this is taken straight from their FAQ. Thanks Al!)
  • "NJOY emits what appears to be smoke but is actually a virtually odorless mist that evaporates into the air within seconds, similar to the functioning of a humidifier. NJOY leaves no visual residue in the air or lingering smell in clothes, home or car, whereas traditional smoking can leave an unsightly, acrid cloud known to irritate eyes and bother people's senses." (Ibid.)
I hope this helps. Good luck -- the more places we can get official acceptance, the stronger leg we have to stand on. I am telling every smoker I know about these, even though I'm not a distributor. But if smokers and non-smokers alike can come to view PV's positively, they'll be that much harder to ban.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2008
near Akron, OH, USA
For a Police audience they need/want to know:

*What do these things look like? What are the different variations? (cigar, pipe, penstyle, modifications might be mentioned as well like modified battery packs since so many are working on these)
*How do I tell the difference between these and regular cigarettes?
*What is the deal with the syringe and the little plastic bottle of liquid? (those look like drug paraphernalia)
*What are the different parts of a PV and how do they function? (battery with switch and led light, atomizer heating element, cart to hold liquid and deliver it to atomizer)
*What might I find in someone's PV kit?
*What are the health risks I might encounter if I walked into a crowded place where everyone is using one?
*How do I know that the contents of that little bottle of liquid are indeed nicotine and not some other drug like morphine, THC, etc.?

For a city council audience they need/want to know:
*What is wrong with the status quo?
*What are the risks to the individual, the family, the community?
*What are the benefits to the above mentioned people?
*What will it cost to implement your proposal?
*Where do we recupe the cost (taxes)?
*What exactly would change?


Full Member
Mar 21, 2009
Actually it's rather outrageous that we can't mention health because at the end of Smokey's petition I posted the following comment, and I stand by it:

"Since starting the e-cig I have quit tobacco consumption and feel much healthier and happier. Please don't ban a device that I know has saved my life. I agree that a regulated test of the device is in order but an outright ban is deadly to those of us who would go back to burning tobacco products."

What's the point if the truth isn't told??
"Since starting the e-cig I have quit tobacco consumption and feel much healthier and happier. Please don't ban a device that I know has saved my life. I agree that a regulated test of the device is in order but an outright ban is deadly to those of us who would go back to burning tobacco products."
Ditto. I said pretty much the same in a letter to both my senators and my representative. Haven't heard back from any of them yet, which is highly unusual. Maybe they're actually reading and thinking about it?

I can see why manufacturers and sellers cannot legally make any health claims, since testing isn't complete. But the First Amendment protects individual rights to describe our personal experience and opinions.

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Senior Member
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Dec 13, 2008
United Kingdom
When strangers (specifically ones who might ask or tell me not to use it where I am) ask me what mine is, I have started saying "What, this? Oh, it's really just a nicotine inhaler, but it also makes little puffs of steam so it's more effective than the old-fashioned ones." Which is true, and although I haven't made any specific claims about it being some sort of NRT or stop-smoking-aid they immediately see me as someone trying to give up smoking (and thus should be encouraged and supported) instead of an unrepentant smoker exploiting a loophole to get around a smoking-ban.

The very first words you use will quickly cement in their minds which way to view e-cigs and their users. I'd probably lead of with something like "You might have heard about these things, or seen them on TV. They're called electronic cigarettes, or [X] or [Y]. If you've never seen one in action, here it is. [puff puff] If you're like me when I first saw it, you're wondering what the hell is going on here? Well, I like to think of it as [what I said above]. I bought one [X months ago] and I haven't smoked any real cigarettes since then." Right there, you haven't made any specific legal or health claims. You've used simple, everyday, personable language to relate an anecdote so that their first-impression of e-cigs and their users is a favorable one. Everyone likes a successful kicking-addiction-story, so they're going to be favorably presdisposed to whatever you say next.

As for the drug-paraphenalia angle....
"The atomizer with its small wire heating element is basically a slightly more robust version of a common lightbulb--and burns out almost as easily. You can't simply throw some tobacco in it--it wouldn't work, and would probably cause the device to burn itself out. Similarly, a person simply can't put marijuana, ......., or any other street drug into it. They not only wouldn't get high, they'd ruin both their drugs and their e-cig."


Moved On
Feb 12, 2009
You should initially refer to the device as an electronic cigarette, but also introduce a term like 'personal vaporizer' and use that term throughout the remainder of your presentation. This product is known as an e-cig. We would all like to keep it under the radar by calling it something more palatable to the masses.

I do not think it is unwise to anecdotally mention that many people using these devices are giving up tobacco products. It is true so no reason not to share that with the council. If you have quit smoking analog cigarettes, use your own story to emphasize the point. As you said, you will not promote it as an approved smoking cessation device.

Do not make any claim you cannot back up. Mainly, we do not know the long term effects of vaping on ourselves, nor do we know if there is any problem with second-hand vapors. In fact, it is mostly the PG that provides the look of smoke, not water. PG is the same stuff used in fog machines, for example. I would avoid that subject.

Lastly, give the Council what it needs to know in short, succinct commentary. If they approached you to make the presentation, find out why and address those specific concerns. If you shose to be proactive, give it your best shot.
Why not change the whole E-Cig name and call it an E-Vap or E-Vapper.I think this might be a better route because It really is not a cigarette
I've been calling it a "personal vaporizer." When pressed for further explanation, I use something I found here: "It's like a nicotine inhaler, but with a puff of steam added for greater effectiveness."



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2008
near Akron, OH, USA
Why not change the whole E-Cig name and call it an E-Vap or E-Vapper.I think this might be a better route because It really is not a cigarette

Many on this forum are working on just that. They are calling it a personal vaporizer, or PV for short. We had a long thread and poll, etc. to come up with that, so please please pretty please don't make us go down that road again.
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