Indiana lawmakers take up smoking ban

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Aug 3, 2010
Indiana, USA

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
While its important to continue monitoring this legislation (and other smokefree workplace bills), it is very unlikely that this bill will be amended to also ban e-cigarette usage (as the bill's sponsors have already issued their proposal, and it is likely to only be amended with exemptions that weaken the bill).

Once a bill is introduced, its virtually impossible for the sponsors to amend it to make it even more restrictive.

In contrast, we should be urging the Indianapolis council sponsors (of the bill that was defeated a year ago) to eliminate the e-cigarette usage ban (before they reintroduce the legislation).

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
If the Indiana House exempts casinos from the smokefree workplace legislation (as indicated in the article at)
Indiana House panel plans to exempt casinos from smoking ban bill | | The Courier-Journal
there is almost no chance that the legislation will be amended to also ban the use of e-cigarettes, as the anti-tobacco/smoking groups will likely focus their efforts on:
- fighting among themselves on whether or not to support the casino exempted House bill,
- fending off efforts by taverns and others who also want their facilities to be exempted from the House bill, and
- urging the IN Senate to put casinos back into the bill,

Regardless, if any likely version of the IN smokefree workplace legislation is enacted (as Gov Mitch Daniels said he'd sign it), the campaign to enact local smokefree ordinances in many municipalities will end. And since some/many of the proposed smokefree ordinances are likely to also define "smoking" as using an e-cigarette (as occurred in Indianapolis a year ago), enactment of a statewide smokefree law will greatly reduce the likelihood of e-cigarette usage bans being enacted by municipalities in IN.


My friends call me A.G.
ECF Veteran
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Nov 23, 2010
Vaping Heaven
My son was a Page for State Senator Patricia Miller (R) last week. I can't recall the exact name of the health committee she Chairs, but it is my understanding that she sees the benefits of PV vs Analog & its use as an aid for getting off the analogs. She is an RN & not a blind follower of special interest groups.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
After being amended to exempt casinos and bars, the Indiana House approved HB 1018 (to ban smoking in workplaces).

The good news is that the bill still doesn't apply to e-cigarettes, and probably won't be in the future.

But according to a news article, the bill's sponsor (Rep. Charlie Brown) went up to the House podium, pulled out and sucked on an e-cigarette (as a theatrical stunt), which drew some laughs.
South Bend Tribune: Smoking ban passes Indiana House

Another news article is at
Indiana House passes state smoking ban | POLL » Evansville Courier & Press

Since the bill no longer bans smoking in bars or casinos, the ACS/AHA/ALA/ANR will spend their energy urging the IN Senate to add those exemptions back into the bill (as they won't support the bill otherwise).
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