Is there a better atomizer design?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
I wish they'd just go with hte more expensive original idea for sonic the atomizer- Depending on how expensive it is, it might just be worth it havign a product that doesn't burn out every other week

bob- how long did it take for your order to arrive from DEX? Saw some reviews on their site & some said it took a very long time, and others complained that some items were out of stock but not listed as such on the site & they waited a long time before even finding that out- how many itmes have ya ordered from them?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
I've ordered twice and shipments were within a week, as I recall. They are OUT a lot of the time due to the incredible demand at their prices. I only have the automatic cigar model, BTW. I'd like to order the manual switch, but can't justify more e-smoking stuff at the moment. I bought a mini cig from them and it's been pretty much a flop in every way (although I still use it as a kind of placebo).

Vapor from the e-cigar is wimpy, but it's fine for the puffing I do with it. This is NOT a cigarette with clouds of vapor billowing out. Nope. But I do love the feel of it and the perfect draw for puffing. Not recommended for vapor clouds, however. That's been my experience, with just one unit.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
thanks TB- The reviews I read on it a DEX said they htought it had good clouds, but perhaps they just htink it is not having other devices which produce better vapor to compare it to? Or maybe you got a bit of dud model? Have you only tried just one cigar from them? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just a bit nervous bout getting it & not liking it. I'm goign back and forth between gettign either htis or a MyEcig pen


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Bought from DealExtreme back in January, so it's a Health model. The atomizer has never failed, even once, and I'm using the original batteries. I puff it daily -- but there's no real vapor to speak of. It heats up, all is fine, but it's a wimp. I load it up with highly flavored Kahlua coffee extract and sweet vegetable glycerine. Great taste. Tiny little wisp of vapor.

These were hot numbers back in January and knutselpeter ordered four of the manual ones after being impressed. I doubt he's impressed any more. The e-smoking world is evolving rapidly. If I want invisible nicotine, I can get it from a Nicotrol Inhaler offered by Big Pharma. But we've come to appreciate the psychological value of seeing something when we exhale, same as cigarette smoking.


Full Member
Aug 11, 2008
Hi all - First time poster, just ordered an Njoy and my order is pending, I hope to receive (fingers crossed) by Wednesday the 13th.

This thread started with a better atomizer design and then wondered off, but it occured to be that some of the items in the e-cig are in the wrong place. Let me see if I can explain

the air flow <--------------
mouth piece - cartridge - atomizer - battery
the liquid flow ------------>

seems to me that this would be better although I have no idea how it would be realized
the air flow <--------------
mouth piece - atomizer - cartridge - battery
the liquid flow <------------

I think this way the draw wouldn't fight the the liquid from getting to the wick and prevent the atomizer from having problems.

Just wondering what you all think?
Hola, so I have been kind of a forum lurker here for a while, but after an idea I had, I decided that I need the opinion of experienced e-smokers.

It looks to me like the major inefficiency of a normal atomizer is the steel wool-to-fiber e-liquid transfer. As long as there is liquid in the wick, there is no reason it should burn, but the cotton-like stuff in the cartridge doesn't always allow the proper (or adequate) amount of e-liquid to flow into the fiber, thus letting the fiber burn.

My idea is to eliminate the steel wool altogether. Imagine an oil candle...the perfect amount of oil needed to maintain the flame is drawn, through capillary action, to the tip of the wick, and burnt off. It's self-regulating, rarely burns the wick (except occasionally at the tip) and pretty damn stable. Now imagine that, where the flame would normally burn at, is replaced by a ni-chrome heating coil, and the lower reservoir is filled with e-liquid. As long as the thickness of the wick was able to match the exact amount at the exact speed of the coil's vaporizing ability, then there (in theory) would be no burning of the wick...a simple mass/flow equation? Also, because very little fluid is actually required for the e-smoke, a small reservoir the size of a mini's cartridge could last for quite a while!

I have actually drawn out some good diagrams, with some other smaller features not mentioned here, and if I get some time, I'll upload them.

Oh, and I'm going to school to be an electrical and computer engineer one day, so this may be right up my alley... :cool:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 4, 2008
Sparta, Greece
Loads of problems here. How are going to keep that wick wet when cart is half full? How are you going to connect that wick to cartridge so it can be replaced? Also you need to get air to flow straight through the coil. I've got couple plans ready but unfortunatelly building a proto is pain in the .... I'm sure you can make a quick buck by selling the details to some chinese factory if you can actually show it actually works... I think Ruyan tried that way and ended up with a uber complex design that cost too much build. But hey, you can always try;)
E-cigs have plenty of stupid design flaws but talking about them here isn't going to help anyone. Think about how these devices let you know when battery runs out. Who wants to count how many times led blinks? Stupid idea.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 25, 2008
Texas, USA
...but talking about them here isn't going to help anyone...

I want to disagree with this statement. I think our open discussions and ideas are exactly what is needed. Although many of us lack the technical expertise to execute a design change, many of us have ideas on how to improve the designs. I would be MORE than happy to share all of my ideas, because that may spark somebody's imagination, and the next thing you know, someone else builds one, which improves things for us all.

Admittedly, the "Bathtub Toaster" probably wasn't the greatest idea, but it does show creativity, and I'm positive the best inventions are seldom the creation of only a single individual in a vacuum. :)

Now, I'm going back to my plans for the 55 gallon e-cig cartridge. :D


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 4, 2008
Sparta, Greece
OK, you are right it helps someone, Janty. No other manufacturer reads this forum. I dont feel like helping Janty because they are already getting too good at what they do. If they get too good, they will become a monopoly and prices go high. Healty competition is what keeps prices reasonable. Sailebao(or the company that makes RN series) is the type of company I might help... they aren't too good but good enough to successfully execute a good plan.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Not to get into a furious argument with you, Jigtg, but I strongly believe in "may the best man win." I will not support second-rate items or inventions. I will buy only the best idea, executed as well as possible. If Janty is the best -- and from my experiences it is -- then it has my wholehearted support.

Markets take care of themselves, based on many factors, not just price. May the best man win.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 4, 2008
Sparta, Greece
Not to get into a furious argument with you, Jigtg, but I strongly believe in "may the best man win." I will not support second-rate items or inventions. I will buy only the best idea, executed as well as possible. If Janty is the best -- and from my experiences it is -- then it has my wholehearted support.

Markets take care of themselves, based on many factors, not just price. May the best man win.

Healthy markets take care of themselves. Ruyan is probably going to win USA markets although I dont really like their rip-off strategy. Still would be nice to have Sedansa in the game. Anyway, it takes at least 3 big players to make a heathy market. In time market shares get balanced across the world.

It would be great if half of the crappy e-cigs manufacturers would disappear overnight. Life would be so much easier.
Loads of problems here. How are going to keep that wick wet when cart is half full? How are you going to connect that wick to cartridge so it can be replaced? Also you need to get air to flow straight through the coil. I've got couple plans ready but unfortunatelly building a proto is pain in the ....

A. Capillary action will draw the e-liquid through the wick (the e-liquid isn't in the cotton-like stuff, its liquid in a vial).
B. I got that figured out. The wick is attached to the to actual atomizer, the "cartridge" is a vial which can be refilled.
C. No, you don't. As long as there is a pressure difference, vapor will drawn out. And if you're sucking, there will be air in motion, which exerts lower pressure (Bernoulli's Principle), and the vapor, having standard vapor pressure, will be greater.
D. You really shouldn't build a prototype, let the company do that. Instead focus on a proof-of-concept.

And thanks leaford, if I ever get this working, I'll send you one of my first.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2008
Maryland USA
Not to get into a furious argument with you, Jigtg, but I strongly believe in "may the best man win." I will not support second-rate items or inventions. I will buy only the best idea, executed as well as possible. If Janty is the best -- and from my experiences it is -- then it has my wholehearted support.

Markets take care of themselves, based on many factors, not just price. May the best man win.

unless the govt gets involved...then it doesn't matter...the best man doesn't win...the weak are rescued:evil:
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