Issue with Police? Thinking of going back to analogs @ party/club/drinknights

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Dec 15, 2010
South Florida & NYC The Village
jail people who aren't doing anything illegal.
Happens here all the time, are you sure you live in America? are you one of those sheep, the only difference is people in this country dont have a lot to fear from police, we know they are curupt, not all mind you, but be realistic it is a government agency that runs off funding, think about it, so people for the most part only respect a cop because he has a gun and can get away with shooting we comply but once we get our lawyer on the phone we have all the rights..doesn't look this way for Sweden but i might be wrong....


Unregistered Supplier
Feb 5, 2011
It could happen here just as easily in Sweden, at least being taken into custody and held until the equipment and juice was tested for drugs. Of course here you'd be released, MAYBE even get an apology, once test were done and the LEOs had their fun hassling you and questioning you about every item in your possession and in general being total a$$es to you.

How long would you guys think this would take? :(

Edit: Thanks for all answers!

Forgot to tell - I asked if it helped to have some papers on me, said that I had my order receipt from Totally Wicked, he said that it would probably not make a diffrence.

I will call food and drug administration tomorrow and ask a few more cops, to see if the answers vary!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2011
Helena, MT
I couldn't even say for the U.S., let alone Sweden. Here in the U.S. it depends on the state, the law enforcement agency, the specific officer... Maybe a few minutes, maybe days, maybe weeks? I have a friend arrested for breaking into people's cars, granted he was guilty (but also underage at the time), they used his shoes to identify him by shoeprint. He admitted it, paid restitution, paid fines, went to alcohol counseling, did community service... but it took him a year to get his shoes back from the police station. So if they confiscate your ecig, test it, let you go, find nothing illegal, don't expect to get your equipment back anytime soon, if ever.

I also had a friend get a ticket for drug paraphernalia for a roach clip. There wasn't even any illegal residue on it to test, and owning one itself isn't illegal, but it didn't stop them from writing the ticket, and he didn't know enough about his rights to contest it.

Never trust a cop. I've had them freak out on me for a number of totally innocent items in my car after being pulled over for stupid stuff like a plate light that is too dim or whatever. They've hassled me for having an air compressor in my back seat, for having speaker wires in my car with no speakers attached, for having pages torn out of a phone book on my dash. They've searched my car and even gone through the trash on the floor of my car only to find nothing, and then be ...... about finding nothing.

I've been hassled so much by cops, I wouldn't give using my ecig in public a second thought. If they hassle me for it, they hassle me, in the end the can suck my ....

But that's just me, and that's just here in the U.S.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2011
Helena, MT
Happens here all the time, are you sure you live in America? are you one of those sheep, the only difference is people in this country dont have a lot to fear from police, we know they are curupt, not all mind you, but be realistic it is a government agency that runs off funding, think about it, so people for the most part only respect a cop because he has a gun and can get away with shooting we comply but once we get our lawyer on the phone we have all the rights..doesn't look this way for Sweden but i might be wrong....

Well, maybe Montana is better than Florida when it comes to cops. I've lived in three U.S. states, been hassled by cops over a number of B.S. things, but in the end I was never arrested or ticketed for anything unless I was actually guilty, with the exception of one "reckless behavior" ticket that the judge laughed at and dismissed.

It's getting treated like a criminal even when you aren't doing anything illegal that pisses me off. But never been arrested for anything I wasn't guilty of, and I've had so many run-ins with the police I couldn't count them all.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 28, 2011
+1 on having a little 510 for going out. A 510 manual battery is like 10 bucks... get 2 if the party night is long, and some cartos.

EDIT: maybe a regular 510 atty with cartridge would serve better as you can open it and show the popo the iner workings of the tech. I would also carry a 5ml bottle of 100% VG spiced up with some menthol crystals... You wanna test for drugs? sure, here you go.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2011
Helena, MT
+1 on having a little 510 for going out. A 510 manual battery is like 10 bucks... get 2 if the party night is long, and some cartos.

EDIT: maybe a regular 510 atty with cartridge would serve better as you can open it and show the popo the iner workings of the tech. I would also carry a 5ml bottle of 100% VG spiced up with some menthol crystals... You wanna test for drugs? sure, here you go.

Just make sure you spike your juice with Menthol crystals... and not crystal .......
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