Japan crisis

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Divine Bovine
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
South Carolina
Precisely Levitas. None of the other suppliers are having a sale to donate money for Japan. They are all having St. Patty's Day sales, and keeping the profits instead (nothing wrong with that). I think maybe OP has some other issue, either personal or with FSUSA, or both. I doubt if OP marches into KFC when they do thier pink bucket promotion and tells them how terrible they are for benefiting from breast cancer.

Let's not degrade into personal attacks please. No I don't march into KFC, but I don't buy their buckets. Anyone who knows me in real life knows that Breast Cancer is very close to home for me and is the main charity I donate to outside of disaster relief. But I make my donations directly to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Again, please just help with whatever you can afford, and try to make sure your donation goes to a charity that is actually going to do some good.


Vaping Master
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May 24, 2010
Bovinia, I owe you an apology. I was not referring to you. I lost track of who was here. I was referring to Edwv30, who clearly does have some issue other than the one being argued.
I still don't understand why you have a problem with what they are doing, but you haven't made up numbers and slandered anyone either. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. It's when they make up ridiculous lies to try to make a point that I take issue.
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Super Member
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Jun 5, 2010
Saint Augustine, Florida
There were no "made up numbers" or slander involved. The numbers were based on the terms of their sale. If you want to donate through them "great" but other members have the right to know how much of their money is actually going towards the cause. I don't agree with the way they ran this sale and think the money could be put to better use if sent directly to a charity. At least some money, (as others have stated), is being donated.


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Jun 5, 2010
Saint Augustine, Florida
I just noticed that the "charity sale" FSUSA is having to support the people in Japan, was only posted on the FSUSA sub-forum, not on the suppliers forum, so they were obviously not trying to capitalize on the sale. I also noticed that Edwv30 flamed the sale on the FSUSA forum, which they deleted, so this is a personal matter with him. Here is what he posted there:

Quote Originally Posted by Edwv30 View Post
Folks...if you really want to help the cause donate directly to the organization(s). 100% of your donation will go towards it's intended purpose. This 10% up to $500.00 thing really bothers me and feels like others are taking advantage of a tragic situation. FSUSA should donate what they can and not base it on a tiny percentage of customer orders to line their own pockets. You either donate what you can because you care or you don't...no strings attached.

And you would be wrong...they absolutely did post that sale in the suppliers forum. There are no "personal issues" on my end but there certainly appears to be some on yours. My stance hasn't changed from the original, (now deleted), post on the sub-forum.
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Vaping Master
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Jul 25, 2010
Rio Oso, CA
There were no "made up numbers" or slander involved. The numbers were based on the terms of their sale. If you want to donate through them "great" but other members have the right to know how much of their money is actually going towards the cause. I don't agree with the way they ran this sale and think the money could be put to better use if sent directly to a charity. At least some money, (as others have stated), is being donated.

This is my last post on this subject because Edwv30 clearly has no intention of ever backing up the absurd claims that he made in his original and subsequent posts. I didn't participate in FSUSA's sale because I had already donated through the Red Cross, and I didn't need any juices, but I would never consider attacking anyone who tried to do what FSUSA has done with this sale, which, by the way, was really only directed at it's existing customer base, since it was not posted in the Suppliers Forum - it was only posted on the FSUSA sub-forum. And, to those of you who joined the discussion in this thread, none of my comments were directed toward you. My responses were directed only to the clearly biased & distorted posts of Edwv30, who clearly has an ax to grind with FSUSA, and doesn't mind making things up to push his point of view.


Vaping Master
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Oct 7, 2010
NW Arkansas
There were no "made up numbers" or slander involved. The numbers were based on the terms of their sale. If you want to donate through them "great" but other members have the right to know how much of their money is actually going towards the cause. I don't agree with the way they ran this sale and think the money could be put to better use if sent directly to a charity. At least some money, (as others have stated), is being donated.

First of all, I'm disabled and living on a fixed income and can't always afford my juice. It's something that I buy when I can afford it. My heart goes out to the people in Japan and the multiple tragedies that they have suffered and continue to suffer. If I were not in an impossible financial situation myself, I'd definitely make a donation to a reputable charity. What FSUSA will be giving the Japanese on my behalf is just a tiny amount and a reputable charity would have laughed at the amount.

But, I still don't see how FSUSA is making a killing by doing this. I don't know how much "overhead" that they have--office, staff, ingredients, etc. But my order yesterday would have come to $16. But I got 20% off. That's 20% that they did not get from me (that makes $3.20). So that's 20% that comes out of their usual profit. THEN, they give half of that to Japan ($1.60 that they didn't give me.) They are also prepared to give up to $500 out of their own pockets to Japan to be able to match what is put up by their customers. So, they "lost" $3.20 in the sale to me. They are giving $1.60 to Japan, and then they are going to put up another $1.60 of their own money to match it. Maybe you're can make huge donations to "reputable charities" to help Japan (most certainly you will) but my little $3.20 donation would have gotten completely lost in the shuffle.

As far as them not giving the money to Japan, that statement is libelous and I would be careful if I were you. FSUSA is not a non-profit organization! Don't expect them to act like one. Get a life!


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Jun 5, 2010
Saint Augustine, Florida
Wow Banjo..nice post on the FSUSA sub-forum with a link to this thread and accusing me of slander! You really like to stir the pot. There is also nothing slanderous about my posts. You may not agree with them but they are not slanderous. BTW, you posted a, (now deleted), post of mine. How did you get that?

Chimney55, I never said FSUSA wasn't giving money to Japan.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 7, 2010
NW Arkansas

And you would be wrong...they absolutely did post that sale in the suppliers forum. There are no "personal issues" on my end but there certainly appears to be some on yours. My stance hasn't changed from the original, (now deleted), post on the sub-forum.

That's funny. I'm not finding anything about the sale in the supplier's forum...


Ultra Member
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Aug 18, 2010
Metro Detroit
Here's something far more relevant to the "Japan crisis"... How much money did the government or citizenry of Japan give the USA for Katrina relief?

We had to take care of our own and did a pretty damned lousy job of it. Haiti and Japan are not my problem, I don't care what anyone says.


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Jan 20, 2011
Here's something far more relevant to the "Japan crisis"... How much money did the government or citizenry of Japan give the USA for Katrina relief?

I don't know the exact numbers, but quite a lot. A friend of mine lives in Japan, and she says that there were fundraisers everywhere and people were donating. I also know that Japan officially donated much expertise, equipment, and supplies. There were issues getting the US government to accept them, but that's not Japan's fault.

but, imo, that's beside the point. Some things you do just because they're right and help your fellow man, regardless of whether they would or have extended you help in your time of need.


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Jun 5, 2010
Saint Augustine, Florida

The Japanese Foreign Ministry said that it would provide $200,000 to the American Red Cross to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina. Japan also identified needs in affected regions via the U.S. government and provided up to $1 million in emergency supplies such as tents, blankets and power generators if they receive requests from the U.S. for suc assistance. Private and corporate donations totaled over $13 million.[33] One Japanese individual, Takashi Endo, donated USD $1 million from his personal funds to Katrina relief efforts.


ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
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What ever happen to "help thy fellow man?" Please remember that we all live in this world together whether or not we get along. I don't care how people donate but please don't degrade a company for wanting to help. It's a win win situation. Not only are we getting a sale, but the people of Japan are getting a donation. What is so wrong with that? I fully trust David and Pam at FSUSA to send the money to them. I don't need to question them. I have a great feeling about it.


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Feb 23, 2011
Helena, MT
According to Wikipedia:

"The Japanese Foreign Ministry said that it would provide $200,000 to the American Red Cross to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina. Japan also identified needs in affected regions via the U.S. government and provided up to $1 million in emergency supplies such as tents, blankets and power generators if they receive requests from the U.S. for such assistance. Private and corporate donations totaled over $13 million.[33] One Japanese individual, Takashi Endo, donated USD $1 million from his personal funds to Katrina relief efforts."

I'm sure we'll end up donating more than 13 million to them. But we do have a larger population, and economy. As bad as Katrina was, I bet this ends up being worse when the totals come in.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2011
Helena, MT
Donations to Japan piddly compared to Haiti quake and Hurricane Katrina | Blind Bat News

I don't know if it is xenophobia or not. It's probably a combination of the poor economy and the fact that people assume Japan has the resources to take care of itself... as if the U.S. didn't during Katrina.

At any rate, the total international relief for Japan is about 1/6 at the one week mark that was donated to the effort for Katrina at the one week point. Over a half billion was donated internationally for Katrina. Less than 100 million to Japan.

World's largest economy has a natural disaster and gets a half billion from the rest of the world. The world's third largest economy has an equal or worse disaster and gets less than a 100 million, including donations from the world's largest economy? Let's hope it's just the economy. Of course we donate more to all international causes than all other countries combined, usually, so I think it would be hard to say the USA doesn't do its part.
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ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
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Aw, dang-it hairball! Don't remind them they were supplier bashing after I gave them such a soft target to distract them! :lol:

Sorry Scottitude, I wan't trying to get the bashing going again. I'm just trying to understand why....why does it matter so much about how someone donates to the Japanese. These people are in desperate need.
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